Chapter 262 Defeated

Princess Anseya was defeated.

It was half a month later when the Great Xia Dynasty received the news. After several fierce battles by the Tubo tribe, the infantry led by Ansaiya was finally defeated and defeated outside the Bhikkhu city.

Except for a small number of generals who broke through and fled, none of them survived. Princess Ansaiya's whereabouts are unknown, and her life and death are unknown.

The Great Xia Dynasty was in a peaceful and prosperous age, and the common people spread some gossips when they had nothing to do. This news was also spread by word of mouth along with most of the gossip in the capital.

It's just that no one knows what the word of mouth turned out to be in the end, but no matter what, the news of Princess Ansai's defeat is always true.

The first time Xia Houjue got the news, he sent people to help, but the first time Xia Houjing heard the news, he didn't believe it.


He clenched his fist tightly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Although Ansaiya is young, she has been traveling with King Khan since she was a child, and she has learned a lot of military training methods. She cannot be easily defeated.

What's more, there are the troops, forces, and hidden guards that I left for her. All of them add up to almost five times the strength of Anlu Kaqi's troops. How could she lose?

It can be said that as long as Ansaiya is a normal person, she has no possibility of losing at all.

If not, how could I leave with peace of mind, but the fact is... She was indeed defeated, and her life and death are still uncertain?
What the hell is going on here?

Xia Houjing couldn't understand it.

He had no choice but to throw away his paintbrush, poetry, wine, calligraphy and painting, and all his sad things, put on his armor and mount his horse again, and headed for Tubo.

He wanted to see what the hell that woman was doing, why did he lose after he had already arranged everything?

Could it be that she is lying to herself?Will it?No way?Hope she's lying to herself, hope!Ansaiya, you must live well, definitely!

It was already mid-November when Xia Houjing rushed to the Tibetan Ministry after all the hard work.

The Tubo tribe is located in the northern country, and it snows continuously in winter, and the whole country seems to be shrouded in a vast expanse of snow.

Xia Houjing rode a war horse and stood on a hill ten miles outside the Bhikkhu City.

The piercing north wind swept the snow particles, and even the most well-trained war horse was unwilling to go one step further north. He stood in place in a snow-white fox fur, like a snow wolf looking at the north.

"Your Highness!"

"My subordinates have inquired about it. The bhikkhu city is full of people from the new king. The old king's party has been defeated. I don't know where they are!"

Before the soldier could finish his sentence, Xia Houjing's face lost all color.

"Impossible, even if they have that ability, they must also have that appetite. These tens of thousands of people will be gone if they don't want to. It's hard to be able to go to heaven!"

He couldn't believe that he could still defeat the enemy with five times the strength of the enemy. What a coward, Ansaiah was definitely not that kind of person.

"Your Highness doesn't know. According to the people in the Bhikkhu City, it was An Lutqi who captured Princess Anseya alive!"

"People from the old king's party saw that the princess was taken away by the enemy. They felt that there was no hope and surrendered one after another. The troops sent by the emperor to support them saw that the other party still surrendered and reconciled. They had no choice but to intervene. They all returned the same way!"

Xia Houjing: "..."

The cold wind disturbed his thoughts, and it took him half an hour to digest and understand these words.

He smiled bitterly: "So, it's not a defeat, but a surrender without a fight?"

"It didn't come down without a fight. It's said that there were a few fights. The princess's old royal party had the upper hand, but somehow the princess was suddenly captured alive. That's when she was completely defeated!"

There was a buzzing in Xia Houjing's head, and without thinking about it, he rode his horse and galloped towards the Bhikkhu city.

The shouts of the soldiers, the howling of the north wind, and the rustling of snow particles were all left behind by him. Now he has only one thought in his mind, and that is... to kill Xia Houyan.

He was almost 100% sure that it was him who did it, it must be him!Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Ansaiya to lose, let alone disappear.


The gates of the Bhikkhu City were closed tightly, and the people inside did not come out, and the outside did not think about entering. In the vast snow, it looked like a city of death.

Without hesitation, Xia Houjing stepped forward and knocked vigorously on the city gate.

Maybe some people had planned it long ago, so the city gate opened smoothly, and he even met the evil person smoothly.

At the State Teacher's Mansion, Xia Houyan was wearing a mink coat, and was eating roast mutton over a charcoal fire. There were several beauties around him, and the fire in the brazier made his face dark and red.

Seeing Xia Houjing coming in with the wind and snow and a fierce look, he drove everyone out with a big hand, and stood up to greet him with a smile.

"Sixth brother, don't come here unharmed!"

"Where is Ansaiya?" Xia Houjing was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and glared at him.

"Hey, why did the sixth brother ask the teacher for the crime as soon as he came up? How would I know where your sweetheart is? You will hurt the fourth brother if you say that!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let Ansai go, what do you mean by talking about a weak woman!" Xia Houjing showed contempt.

Xia Houyan suddenly laughed.

"Weak girl? Hahaha... Weak girl? Sixth brother, are you kidding me!"

"She is not a weak woman. She is a subjugated princess and the leader of the old king's party. She intends to rebel, and she has been arrested by the wisest new master of our Tubo department!"

"Why... the sixth brother is not close to women, why is he suddenly concerned about a princess of subjugation?"

"You!" Xia Houjing grabbed his collar angrily.

"I'll ask you one last time, where is she?"

"She is an important prisoner of our Tibetan Ministry, I'm afraid it's not your turn to be in charge of an outsider!"

Even though he was being pulled by the collar, Xia Houyan still spoke calmly, as if he was sure that the other party would not dare to do anything to him.

Xia Houjing is really going to be fine, he still relies on him to find someone, so naturally he won't kill him, just sneered.

"I didn't expect the majestic fourth prince of the Great Xia Dynasty to show off tricks and tricks in such a shameful place. It's really pitiful!"

This sentence obviously hit the opponent's weakness, and Xia Houyan's eyes turned red instantly.

"Hahaha! Do you think I think so? Sixth brother? Do you think I'm happy? If it wasn't for your good third brother who pushed me to this point, why would I live like a ghost in this ghost place!"

His eyes were red, and he grabbed his collar like crazy.

"Are you doing well? Are you miserable? How much better are you than me? Concubine Li died, she died of illness, hahaha, are you sorry? Are you sad? How does it feel? It's good." Not feeling well?"

"Xia Houjing, I have another news to tell you!"

He suddenly let go of the opponent's collar, took a few steps back, and made a vicious and foolish look.

(End of this chapter)

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