Chapter 199 Yingchun Pavilion

The women in the backyard of Yuqing Palace were even more restless, and each of them was quietly excited, wondering what position His Highness the Crown Prince would give them.

After going back and forth, there was a lively scene in the palace, but the tomb of the late Emperor Jing Yuan was already desolate.

Every day, only a bunch of monks and priests are meditating and singing scriptures for salvation.

According to the ancestral system of the Great Xia Dynasty, the emperor had to guard the spirit for seven days after his death, and then he would be buried in the imperial mausoleum for ninety-nine and eighty-one days.

The vigil is over, and the water and land dojo has just begun. If you can't remember it now, you won't be able to remember it in the future. Isn't it ironic that the desolate and grand events behind it are?
Three days later, that is, February [-]th.

The crown prince Xia Houjue was enthroned, and his reign name was Heqing, implying Haiyan and Heqing, and the heart of the world.

The enthronement ceremony was presided over by the Ministry of Rites, and it was very grand. Once the emperor and the courtiers were replaced, the whole court atmosphere was renewed once the new emperor was replaced.

Everyone was beaming, even the maids and eunuchs in the palace were beaming with joy.

"The emperor's house is kind-hearted and cares about the world, and I will have a good life in the future!"

"Exactly, the emperor is young and promising, handsome and kind-hearted, and we court ladies have a way out."

Whether it's being favored by the emperor and becoming a master, or being released from the palace at the age of age, which one is not better than committing oneself to an old man?

After Xia Houjue came to the throne, the first imperial decree was to respect the queen as the empress dowager and move to Ning'an Palace. After that, Tang Wanning was formally canonized as queen and moved into Fengyang Palace.

As for the other concubines, Xia Houjue said that the positions are determined by the empress, and he doesn't care.

"The emperor respects the empress so much, it seems that the empress is not usually favored!"

"I heard that the emperor doted on the empress before, but we didn't know it!"

"I hope this empress will stop being like the empress dowager, controlling the harem and forcing people to die!"

"No, the empress is open-minded, kind and forthright, generous and benevolent, and will definitely manage the harem in an orderly manner!"

After the court ladies and eunuchs inquired about each other, they felt relieved. For a while, inside and outside the palace, and in the capital, everything seemed to have changed.

If it wasn't for the fact that the first emperor passed away and hadn't been buried in the imperial mausoleum, I'm afraid there would be celebrations with gongs and drums now.

Looking at the world, the only person who is so angry that he wants to vomit blood is probably the queen, oh no, the queen dowager.

"Ning'an Palace, Ning'an Palace? This is the residence of the concubine. The empress dowager should live in Ningshou Palace. He is trying to humiliate me!" The empress dowager gritted her teeth, wishing she could tear the handkerchief into pieces.

"Empress Dowager, calm down!" Qiao Yuan brought over a bowl of tea.

The queen mother just took a sip before throwing up: "What is this so bad? What about the top-grade Longjing that I usually drink? What about the top-quality Pu'er? Where did you get it?"

"No more! The little eunuch who moved to the palace said that the emperor ordered us to take nothing with us!"

Empress Dowager: "..."

When he was speechless, there were waves of footsteps outside, as well as the voices of women talking in low voices.

"Who is outside? Is anyone here?"

"Empress Dowager, this Ning'an Palace is so big, with so many palaces and pavilions, there are naturally others living here!"

"And... those spacious palaces facing the sun have already been assigned to others. We can only live in the Yingchun Pavilion in the northwest corner"

The Yingchun Pavilion is small and dilapidated. There are several towering old trees planted in the palm-sized yard. The roof will be crooked by the big trees. It is crumbling and will collapse at any time.

Moreover, because of these towering ancient trees, the palm-sized yard does not see sunlight all year round. In summer, there are countless snakes, insects, rats and ants, and it is not even as good as the place where the servants live.

When the Empress Dowager Qin Yunzhi and Qiao Yuan stood at the door of the Yingchun Pavilion, she was stunned for a long time, wanting to cry but not crying, her hands hidden in her sleeves were tightly clenched together, her nails were deeply embedded in her flesh and she didn't feel any pain.

"Xia Houjue! Xia Houjue, you are so heartless!"

Before the words fell, a voice came from behind.

"See the Queen Mother!"

Qin Yunzhi turned his head and saw Xia Houjue behind him at a glance. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, surrounded by court ladies and eunuchs, standing there sunny, looking down on her.

" dare to come!" Qin Yunzhi gritted his teeth and rushed forward like crazy.

Xia Houjue gently raised his hand and twisted her arm.


"Are you dissatisfied with this palace? You must tell your son, he will definitely change you to a worse palace!"

There was a smile on his lips, his attitude was calm and breezy, but what he said made people shudder.

"You are despicable, you are shameless!"

"Where did this really come from? When it comes to meanness and shamelessness, it should be the queen mother, right? Since you were young, you have done a lot of meanness and shamelessness. Do you want to tell you one by one?"

"Or, do you think I'm a fool, don't you know?"

Qin Yunzhi was so angry that he vomited blood, he couldn't explain it, he could only stare at the Yingchun Pavilion in front of him.

"Even if I'm sorry for you, you shouldn't throw me to such a ghostly place, right? I treat you well!" The queen mother was not convinced.

"Beautiful clothing and fine food? My son also wants to, but unfortunately, there is no place!" Xia Houjue spread his hands to express his regret, "Ningshou Palace will house Empress Dowager Jingmin's coffin, so you can only squeeze together with the concubines."

"Then what about the Great Hall Pavilion in front? Since I am the Empress Dowager, I should naturally live in the best one!" Qin Yunzhi was aggressive.

"That's not a coincidence. Concubine Hui is getting old and can't stand the cold. She needs to live in a sunny place."

"Concubine Chen Gui wants to manage the affairs of all the concubines. The place should be larger. Concubine Yi likes poetry, calligraphy and painting, so naturally she wants a quiet environment. Li Guiren is weak and needs a sunny courtyard. Concubine Jing and Concubine An are still there. They are all young, so naturally they have to live in a more glamorous way."

"Only you, in good health and not too old, I can only wrong you to live here!" Xiahou Jueyun looked at her calmly, with clear reasons.

Qin Yunzhi was so angry that his nose was smoking: "You! You did it on purpose!"

"This palace is the Empress Dowager, so she should live in Ningshou Palace. Your own mother has been dead for so many years. Why is she standing in Ningshou Palace? She should go to the imperial tomb, the imperial tomb!" Qin Yunzhi was like a mad dog.

Xia Houjue's face darkened, and he drew out the long sword of the Imperial Forest Army guard beside him, and pressed it against Qin Yunzhi's throat.

"I said before, if you dare to disrespect my mother, I will kill you!"

"Now it seems that you asked for it!"

"" Qin Yunzhi was frightened by the cold light on the sword, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Xia Houjue withdrew his long sword unwillingly, glanced at the old woman on the ground in disgust, and waved his hand.

"Back to the palace!"


Whether he likes it or not, Qin Yunzhi can only live in such a crappy place.

Qiaoyuan dragged her back with two rough envoys and eunuchs, fed her some food and waited for her to sleep on the dilapidated bed before she quietly left Yingchun Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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