Chapter 847
Nan Surou ran all the way in the rose garden.

Unsurprisingly, this place was the same as before, with no trace of popularity, and no one was seen.

But October once said that there are many people in this house.

That sentence has always been Nan Surou's mind, she doesn't think October is joking.

Coupled with Xiahou Lingche's "it's just a dead person" just now, Nan Surou's whole body is cold now.

If the silver-haired body carrying the souls of Qu Lanyi and Yun Ai is a dead person, then, as Shi Yue mentioned, there are many people in this mansion, will it be said that they are all dead people?

When she had such a guess, Nan Surou suddenly shook her head, what was she thinking, how could it be possible?

However, when I asked myself in my heart, another voice sounded in my mind: How is it impossible?
Even rebirth, reincarnation, and property seizure can happen. It is normal for there to be walking dead in this mansion, right?

The mansion has always been filled with the intoxicating fragrance of roses.

But Nan Surou knew that Xiahou Lingche was not a greasy guy, why did he plant such a thing, and planted so many, so that its smell was so strong that it spread around the mansion.

Constantly thinking about the answer in her mind, Nan Surou unknowingly came to an empty rose garden.

The night was blooming, and Nan Surou suddenly felt that the mansion at night looked much brighter than usual, the moonlight like daytime, coupled with the cold night wind, had an extremely weird feeling.

Looking up, Nan Surou realized that a full moon was hanging in the sky, swaying pale moonlight generously, illuminating the palpitatingly quiet Prime Minister's Mansion.

what a bright moon...

full moon...

Today is a very cloudy day in November.

Full moon?

Nan Surou frowned suddenly, recalling that in her previous life, Xiahou Lingche dressed up as Xingxiu, often engaged in tomb robbery, and naturally dabbled in some strange stories about gods and ghosts. At that time, Nan Surou only regarded it as a ghost story. listen.

Now this memory seems to have touched a tense nerve in Nan Surou, and she turned pale with fright.

If today is an extremely cloudy day, and there are many people in the mansion that Shi Yue said, if she guessed correctly, they are dead people, on such a day, there will definitely be changes in this mansion!
The more she thought about it, the more likely Nan Surou felt.

In the morning, Xiahou Lingche also said that if you put the food box on the ground, someone will come to collect it.

At that time, Nan Surou didn't care about this sentence, she just thought it was strange that there was no one in this mansion, and someone would clean up those things...

A mansion without a shadow;
The scent of roses so strong that it can overwhelm the smell of corpses;
weird witch october;
very cloudy day;

Nan Surou's spirit tensed up.

next second...

"Ah—" Nan Surou screamed.

A hand with blurred beard and flesh, with sharp nails, suddenly protruded from the rose bush next to Nan Surou, and climbed onto her shoulder. The face, like a ghost, rushed towards Nan Surou.

The thing had a big mouth, a half-smile, and its sharp, eerie teeth chattered, as if mocking.

After the scream just now, Nan Surou's face was livid, but she didn't continue to scream. She was afraid that the sound would attract more such things. She was afraid in her heart, but she knew that fear was useless. She was struck by it, and saw The rotten arm clinging to her shoulder fell to the ground.

Nan Surou suddenly stretched out her hands, quickly grabbed the dead man's head with the broken arm, and twisted it suddenly.

With a "click" sound, the head was twisted off by her.

Before Nan Surou could take a breath.

From the mansion on the edge of the garden, there were countless "bang! bang! bang!" door opening sounds, which echoed one after another in the cold night.

Accompanied by that voice, there were bursts of low roars of beasts.

There were countless terrifying existences hidden under the shadow of the eaves. The stench mixed with the aroma of roses was brought by the night wind, making the stench even more obvious.

Nan Surou said in her heart: what are these things?Could it be that Xiahou Lingche has lived in this kind of place since he was a child?
It's not about pretending to be next to flowers, but actually being with the dead.

No wonder he can see life and death so indifferently, he has become numb at all.

Nan Surou turned around and ran towards a path, avoiding the mansion and escaping to the roof of the fragrance. This place has high visibility, and there are no twists and turns like the corridor of the mansion, just find the way out from the top.

The front road must have been blocked, and another way out must be found.

But the way out...

After getting on the roof, under the bright moonlight, Nan Surou realized that there was no way out here.

Because, she clearly saw a bunch of black shadows gathering on the roof at some point.

Through the moonlight, Nan Surou could clearly see the carrion and protruding cloudy eyeballs on those human figures.

no?Is she going to be trapped here to death?
She is not yet full in this life!
That's right, she's not full yet, October won't kill her so quickly.


"No..." Nan Surou whispered to herself, "That old ghost has a changeable personality, maybe he will kill me directly. The previous life is the previous life, and this life is the present life. In the previous life, Mrs. Wei led the Nan family to the top. Poor and down, fate is different..."

Get out from the side wall over the wall...

The wall was not far from here, Nan Surou didn't have time to think about it, and ran all the way, a group of strange things gathered behind her howling.

Running all the way, there is water under the wall, even if these "ghosts" chase after them, they will slow down their speed if they cross the water.

Seeing that the way out was in front of her eyes, Nan Surou's strength surged into her body, she pulled herself together and quickened her pace.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared on the wall.

"Smelly girl, do you want to leave?"

The voice was bewitching and mocking.

Nan Surou was so frightened that cold sweat broke out all over her body, and she completely forgot about the escape.

No, the only way out was blocked.

Nan Surou made a decisive decision, turned her head, and jumped off the roof of the mansion. The "ghosts" were all attracted to the roof, and the intricate terrain underground was the only place to hide.

After she jumped to the ground, she started to run away.

Nan Surou ran all the way, she didn't think she could go out directly now, the way out must be blocked, she is exhausted now, she must find a place to rest before finding a way out.

So, Nan Surou involuntarily ran to Xiahou Lingche's room, and as soon as she entered the door, she immediately inserted the wooden bar.

This place was scary and quiet, but Nan Surou couldn't help it so much, so she ran directly to the bed and just lay there.

Nan Surou was frightened and exhausted, she really wanted to just sleep like this, she had to keep her spirits up.


"Pfft... I never thought you were so cute, you're still in the mood to sleep after you've reached this point?"

A man's laughter came from outside the bed curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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