Chapter 323 What kind of expression is this

Cough, realizing her own thoughts, Concubine Liang quickly got off the soft couch as if nothing had happened, and moved a few steps to the side, and then, she felt that the aura that oppressed her disappeared.

Concubine Liang couldn't help but patted herself on the face, it was indeed so.

Unexpectedly, the cruel cousin would fall in love with someone else one day.

But she looked, the empress seemed to dislike her cousin.

Concubine Liang suddenly raised the corners of her lips, gloating about her misfortune, her cousin also has today, let him keep threatening her with his eyes!snort!
Huang Jiuqi looked quietly at Concubine De, "I heard that Concubine De's dancing posture is also very beautiful, I wonder if you would like to dance one? Let Bengong learn from it?"

Jumping, it is impossible for her to jump, but this does not prevent her from letting others jump.

Concubine De's expression froze for a moment before recovering, she replied with a smile, "Of course."

Soon, Concubine De also danced a dance. Compared with Concubine Xian, it was even worse.

When Concubine Xian saw Concubine De who couldn't wait to show herself and steal her limelight, she also blamed her in her heart. His Majesty's eyes were always on Concubine De!
In fact, Concubine De was dancing at Huang Jiuqi's side, and Di Siqi kept looking at Huang Jiuqi intentionally or unintentionally. From the perspective of Concubine Xian, it was easy to see that Concubine De was dancing.

Shang Yang in the dark felt bored. He couldn't figure out why His Majesty, who never let the concubines get close, would take the initiative to approach these concubines this time. Dancing or something is not as good as his sword dancing.

Huang Jiuxi clapped her hands, "As expected of Concubine De, she's amazing, I admire you very much."

Concubine De saluted, "My concubine, I would like to thank the empress for her praise."

Huang Jiuqi glanced at Hua, who was not too far away from her, and then at Di Siqi, frowning.

If he didn't leave, these concubines would definitely not leave either, so she left first.

So, Huang Jiuqi stood up slowly, expressionless, "Your Majesty, the concubines will leave first, and you slowly appreciate the dancing postures of the concubines."

After waiting for a while, but did not hear Di Siqi's answer, Huang Jiuqi shifted his gaze to his face, and found that his jaw was tense, his eyes were full of indifference, and he froze for a while.

What is this expression?
Huang Jiuxi blinked, and after a while, he realized that he had already been forced to pull a wave of hatred, and it didn't matter if he pulled another wave, so he walked to Di Siqi's side, leaned over, and affirmed in his ear Said: "You are angry."

The faint scent of medicine spread to the tip of his nose, Di Siqi pursed his lips and did not speak.

Seeing that Huang Jiuqi dared to seduce His Majesty, the other concubines were so angry that their heads were about to smoke.

Only Concubine Liang is still eating melon seeds.

Huang Jiuqi straightened up, casually patted Di Siqi on the shoulder, "Getting angry is bad for your health, I'll leave now, and I promise I won't hook up with your concubine."

She felt that Di Siqi must have been angry when he saw her talking and laughing with his concubines, especially when he saw her lying on the ground with Concubine Liang just now.

This can explain why he put a bad face on her today.

Huang Jiuxi quickly picked a few flowers, and then hurriedly left this place of right and wrong. It's scary for a man to be jealous.

Di Siqi kept his eyes on Huang Jiuxi, seeing her leave after picking the flowers, frowned, and stood up too.

Concubine Xian was very happy to see Huang Jiuxi leave, and said shyly, "Your Majesty..."

Di Siqi raised his hand and interrupted what she hadn't said, "Keep dancing."

(End of this chapter)

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