Chapter 237 I Don't Have a Girlfriend, But I Have a Fiancee

If there is a competition for the best husband, I am afraid that the winner of the grand prize will definitely be him, Lu Nanchen.

Yu Sinuan smiled, approached the sink, reached out and turned on the tap, and began to wash.

After putting on light makeup and changing clothes, after breakfast, Yu Sinuan picked up the car keys on the dining table and went out.


Chengdong, CBD Lu's Group.

A black Bentley came from afar and stopped at the gate of the office building.

Dozens of reporters flocked to the event holding microphones and cameras with logos of various magazines and satellite TV.

In an instant, the Bentley car [Peng A: 88888], which symbolizes the richest man in Pengcheng and whose license plate number is worth nearly ten million, was surrounded layer by layer.

At the same time, more than a dozen security guards came from all directions to intercept.

Impatient, just a drop in the bucket.

Through the front windshield, Secretary Yan Shu looked at the layers of reporters surrounded by layers of reporters outside the car window, his brows furrowed.

He held the steering wheel in his hand, turned his head to look at the man sitting in the back seat, and asked tentatively, "Mr. Lu, do you need to drive the car to the underground garage?"

"Now drive to the underground garage, Yan Shu... Don't you think it's a bit late?"

Lu Nanchen meaningfully turned aside the apologetic secretary sitting in front of him with his head stretched out, and casually handed the document on his lap to Xu Zhen, the female secretary next to him, and said coldly, "Xu Zhen, open the car door, I'll Let’s see what tricks these reporters are going to play today.”

"Yes, Mr. Lu." Secretary Xu Zhen replied respectfully, then opened the door with the briefcase in his hand and got out of the car.

When the reporters surrounded by the car door saw Lu Nanchen coming down, they stepped back appropriately.

The moment Lu Nanchen got off the car, countless flashlights frantically shot at him.

Lu Nanchen was unable to open his eyes due to the dazzling and dazzling light.

Secretary Xu Zhen hurriedly picked up the briefcase in his hand, and blocked the glare of light for Lu Nanchen.

Followed by all kinds of sharp and tricky questions.

"Dr. Lu, half a month ago when Yu's Pharmaceutical held a press conference, the crystal chandelier crashed unexpectedly. According to our financial reporter at the scene, you were the one who rushed to the stage desperately to protect President Yu in your arms. He was seriously injured and was treated in the hospital for dozens of days, why did you go to rescue Mr. Yu?"

"Dong Lu, the reason why you are a hero to save the beauty is because you fell in love with President Yu of Yu's Pharmaceutical? Do you want to pursue her?"

"Mr. Lu, you invest in Yu's Pharmaceuticals first, and save Mr. Yu later. Can I understand that Mr. Yu is your girlfriend? What about the person you like? Otherwise, why would you spend billions of yuan to invest in a company that is on the verge of Bankrupt company?"

Lu Nanchen glanced diagonally at the several reporters who kept asking these questions one after another, frowned, and said in a cold tone: "I am a businessman, and the reason why I invested in Yu's Pharmaceuticals is entirely because of the future of Yu's Pharmaceuticals. As for the prospect of development, as for saving Mr. Yu, I think this is what a gentlemanly and successful man should do. I can’t watch the chandelier about to fall on Mr. Yu and ignore it, right?”

Accompanied by Lu Nanchen's answer, higher and higher questioning voices sounded around him.

However, what attracted Lu Nanchen was the sentence, "Director Lu, one of our colleagues photographed you driving to a movie theater near the university town with a mysterious girlfriend last night. Musical fountain, kissing each other in the colorful fountain, may I ask if the mysterious girlfriend in the photo is Yu Sinuan, the president of the Yu Corporation that you risked your life to save some time ago? May I ask Mr. Lu, is Mr. Yu your girlfriend?"

(End of this chapter)

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