Chapter 518 Recovering Shenyang
"You deserve it too!"

Mao Jukui chopped off the head of the former traitor Li Jiuyuan with one knife, Li Jiuyuan opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe that he was killed so quickly.

At this time, Ye Keshu, the general manager of Shengjing, also saw this scene, and shouted in a hurry: "You have all seen it, the Ming army will never tolerate you Han Chinese who have taken refuge in my Qing Dynasty, and you are still thinking about it at this time?" Abandon this official and go, I will fight hard to resist this place, Shuo Zhan, go and arrest the Han people from other places! This official wants to guard my Qing Palace to the death, and guard at this gate!"

Ahani led the Qing army all the way and killed Mao Jukui and other guard cavalry, and they all opened fire at Mao Jukui and other guard cavalry with their firearms.

Mao Jukui and others immediately threw Zhentianlei out, disrupting the formation of the Qing Army's firearms battalion in front, but the cavalry of the Guards did not rush over. The siege of the Qing army.

The regiment directly under the cavalry battalion of the Guards Artillery and Chief Officer Qin Zuoming came.But at this time, Qin Zuoming, Mao Jukui and others discovered that Ye Keshu had repeated his old tricks. Together with a group of Manchu armored generals, they put more than a hundred Han people in front and put their knives on the necks of these Han people.

Moreover, Ye Keshu and other Qing troops wiped the necks of these Han people in front of Qin Zuoming and other guards, and immediately more than a hundred Han people fell to the ground and bled to death.

"Ming dogs in front, listen, if you dare to take a step forward today, I will behead your compatriots in front of the Qing Palace to sacrifice the spirit of our great ancestor Taizong!"

Ye Keshu yelled, and laughed when he saw that the guards had stopped their offensive, and then looked at the guards coldly.

"Deputy Marshal, what should we do now? The artillery is all in place. As long as you give an order, all the Qing troops in front of you can be wiped out, but these civilians will also die." Zhang Yuan, the artillery commander, came over and asked.

Mao Jukui and the others also looked at Qin Zuoming. Qin Zuoming, who is a general and bears the title of Duke of Zhongguo, has always been known for his strict discipline in the People's Army. Now it is not difficult for him to make such a choice.

At this time, Qin Zuoming looked at the dying Han people who were lying on the ground, and he was so angry that the iron fist was about to be crushed, and finally had to grit his teeth and say a word: "Let go!"

"Deputy Commander! What are you talking about?" Zhang Yuan couldn't believe what he heard, so he had to confirm it again.

"I told you to let go, didn't you hear, let me go, rush in and kill all the bannermen here!"

It was the first time in Qin Zuoming's life that he uttered foul language and roared loudly, even Ye Keshu heard it clearly, his face showed shock and horror, and at this time Zhang Yuan had also issued an order, hundreds of shells were all dropped When they came over, countless Qing troops were blown to pieces in an instant, and even the Qing troops and Han people in front of and behind Ye Keshu were also killed and injured.


The Guards infantry took advantage of this and all rushed over, stabbing and slashing at a Qing soldier when they caught it.

The remaining Qing troops lost their fighting spirit and hurriedly dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

Qin Zuoming came over to Ye Keshu, the general manager of Shengjing, and stared at Ye Keshu with blood red eyes. Ye Keshu was so lucky that his cheek was scratched, and he just sat on the ground and sneered: "You won! You won! "


Qin Zuoming suddenly dragged Ye Keshu, the general manager of Shengjing, to the ground, and punched Ye Keshu on the knee. The pain caused Ye Keshu to yell on the spot: "Hero! You can kill a man and you can't be humiliated. You won today. I will punish you!" That is, why humiliate!"

Qin Zuoming didn't speak, just pulled out the dagger and stabbed Ye Keshu's Achilles tendon and pulled it down. Immediately, Ye Keshu cried out in pain: "Ah! Why is this so, why is this so!"

At this time, Qin Zuoming had lost all reason. He was so stimulated by the scene just now that he didn't want to say anything. He just wanted to severely punish Ye Keshu and punish these inhuman prisoners. The taste of human punishment.

Qin Zuoming cut off a large piece of meat from Ye Keshu's leg again, causing Ye Keshu to scream again in pain.

At this time, Qin Zuoming pointed the bloody knife at Ye Keshu's lifeblood. Ye Keshu was frightened, and quickly backed away: "Don't, don't do this, I was wrong, I was wrong! I plead guilty, please, please Don't be like this, I'll be your slave, I'll be your slave, okay, woohoo, the slave knows it's wrong! Master! You are my master! Woohoo!"


Ye Keshu, the general manager of Shengjing, let out a hoarse scream. Seeing his blood-stained skirt and robe between his legs, he could only cry helplessly. He never thought that he would have today and be punished like this.

But what Ye Keshu didn't expect was that Qin Zuoming, who was completely insane, began to dismember his upper body again before his punishment was over.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Qin Zuoming stood up, and Ye Keshu, the general manager of Shengjing in Manchuria, under him had already turned into a pile of blurred flesh and blood. The surrounding Qing soldiers were terrified and did not dare to approach Qin Zuoming.

Qin Zuoming entered the palace of the Qing Dynasty under the guard of the guards.

This palace once lived in three generations of emperors of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, but now he, Qin Zuoming, can approach here.

Qin Zuoming walked up to Danxi, entered the main hall, and sat on the throne where Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, and Shunzhi once sat.

He seemed to recall the scene of his father and uncle dying at the hands of the Qing army on the battlefield, and he seemed to have seen and thought of Han Jiaerlang who had died at the hands of the Qing army. At this time, he will represent Daming to express that this place has been recovered by Daming , and here will also be changed back to his original name - Shenyang!
"It's time for an artist to paint the portrait of the deputy commander sitting here. What a bastard dares to call the emperor here, it's really shameless!"

At this time, Mao Jukui said something, and then said: "There are still 530 Qing army bannermen who surrendered, more than [-] bannermen outside, and [-] officials and gentry who have defected to Jianlu. Please send them to the deputy commander!"

"Gather all the Han people here outside the Imperial Temple of Jianlu, where Aixinjueluo, the Jianlu, enshrined his ancestors. This commander is going to make Huang Taiji ( Huang Taiji) and Nurhachi (Nurhachi) saw with their own eyes how I executed their Jianlu, and I want my Han people to know that I am back, and they will no longer be oppressed by Jianlu!"

Qin Zuoming stood up and said, "Except for some important classics and information records, all of them will be burned!"

"Follow the order! But what should we do with those Han people who died?" Mao Jukui asked.

"This commander-in-chief suggested that the martyrs should be treated as pensions, and at the same time pass on this matter, so that the defenders of the Qing army everywhere know that there is no way to take the people as hostages to stop the pace of our guards. It is okay if the people are not held hostage. , My guards are definitely ten times more ruthless than him, so go ask Futai and see his opinion."

Soon, the governor of the First Corps of the Second Army of the Guards had no objection to this.

So far, it has no meaning for the Qing army to stop the Guards by holding the people hostage.

And in the afternoon of this day, all the people of the Han family were summoned to the Taimiao of the Aixinjueluo family of the Manchurian royal family.

At the same time, a large number of captives and bannermen of the Qing army's flag soldiers, as well as Han officials and gentry who had defected to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, were also escorted.

(End of this chapter)

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