Chapter 590 Prosecutor's Inquiry

After being severely reprimanded by prosecutor Lu Rong, the guard hurriedly trotted away, went to the door and respectfully invited Tang You and Gu Lingtian into the embassy.

When Tang You and Gu Lingtian came to the embassy, ​​they saw a tall and straight man wearing a police badge, sitting on the sofa in the living room, while the ambassador's wife, Mrs. Duval, looked tired and dressed in casual clothes. There are two big dark circles hanging on the face, and the eyelids are also a little swollen. It looks like he didn't sleep well all night.

As soon as she saw Tang You and Gu Lingtian, Liv Duval stood up and went forward to meet them, showing a bitter and sad smile to them, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Your Highness, Mr. Gu, you are here..."

Tang You and Gu Lingtian nodded, Tang You walked up to Mrs. Duval, took her hand to comfort her and said, "I heard the news of Ambassador Duval's disappearance early in the morning, so I wanted to come to the embassy to see the situation, but Duval The disappearance of Ambassador Val is a serious matter, so I went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs first, only to learn that the police found Ambassador Duval's burnt car..."

"Your Highness, I am already very grateful for you and Mr. Gu to come here!" Liv Duval said this, tears streaming down her face.

"Who would have thought that my husband was still talking and laughing with everyone last night, and something like this happened today. If I had known this, I would not have let him go out last night even if I was desperate!"

Because she was distraught, her body was also crumbling, Tang You hurriedly supported her, took her to the sofa together, and sat down with her.

And the tall and straight man wearing the police badge probably knew Gu Lingtian, first saluted Gu Lingtian, and then politely said to Tang You: "You are Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte, right?"

Tang You nodded, and asked politely and politely, "I don't know who you are?"

"Oh, I am Prosecutor Lu Rong, and I was sent to investigate the disappearance of His Excellency Ambassador Duval!" At this point, Prosecutor Lu Rong asked respectfully: "I just learned from Mrs. Duval that yesterday Her Royal Highness the Princess also attended the dinner held at the embassy in the evening, and left at night, right?"

"Sit down and talk!" Tang You pointed to the sofa to signal the prosecutor to sit down, and then slowly said: "Yes, my fiancé Gu Lingtian and I, we are here to attend the dinner hosted by Ambassador Duval and his wife, There are several other businessmen who came to the dinner with us!"

Prosecutor Lu Rong nodded, picked up his notebook and pen, and asked Liv Duval next to Tang You: "Mrs. Duval, do you still have the guest list for last night's dinner? Can you show me? "

"Of course, I'll give it to you right now..." Liv Duval nodded, hurriedly got up to get a guest list, and handed it to prosecutor Lu Rong.

Prosecutor Lu Rong took the list and looked at it, and found that the number of guests was not too many, and asked carefully: "Mrs. Duval, do you still remember the order in which these guests left?"

Mrs. Duval thought for a while, and replied in a hesitant tone: "Everyone doesn't remember exactly when they left, but I just remember that everyone played the last round of cards, which ended at about ten o'clock, and then they all took their leave. The last ones to say goodbye are Her Royal Highness the Princess and this Mr. Du!"

"So what about the one who left first?" Prosecutor Lu Rong asked again in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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