Chapter 549 Use her to wash white?
Xin'an Hospital.

In Tang You's office, assistant Ripura was reporting to her some work progress after the establishment of the charity foundation.

"Ripura, you've done a great job, I knew you would be able to arrange these arrangements in every detail!" Tang You nodded and praised this powerful female assistant with a smile.

Facing Tang You's praise, the female assistant Ripura did not show any joy, but said in a deep voice: "Although I have already communicated with several famous media and websites, they have indeed transferred our charity fund The opening ceremony of the meeting and the reception made headlines to help us publicize the Children's Charity Foundation, but the attention of our foundation was suppressed by the farce at the reception, and more netizens were Discuss the fight between Ruan Siqi and Gu Mingzhu..."

When Ripra said this, she frowned and blamed herself a bit: "I was too careless to notice that someone would forge the invitation and let Ruan Siqi in, ruining our well-prepared reception!"

Seeing her tone of self-blame, Tang You comforted her with a light smile: "It can't be said that this matter has no effect on us, at least the number of hits on news about our foundation has been increasing, the farce between Ruan Siqi and Gu Mingzhu It also helped us gain attention, didn't it?"

When she said this, she paused, then pointed to those netizens who left messages on the computer screen and said with a smile: "What's more, there is no negative news about our charity foundation, and Ruan Siqi helped us once by making a fool of himself. It’s a blessing in disguise for us!”

Think about that Ruan Siqi who always pays attention to her image and reputation, seeing those netizens scolding her and pursuing her, I am afraid that she is going crazy, and she must be trying her best to get the website to delete those netizens' comments!
Sure enough, Tang You opened several posts mocking Ruan Siqi in a row, and found that they had all been blocked. He couldn't help shaking his head and smiling. Unexpectedly, Ruan Siqi's actions to deal with these negative news were still as fast as ever!

"By the way, Miss Charlotte, I found something about the rich businessman surnamed Chen that you asked me to investigate..." The female assistant Ripura suddenly remembered this matter, and immediately reported it to Tang You.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Tang You knew that she must have found out something important: "Then, is there any problem with Mr. Chen's source of funds?"

"His assets are very strong, and he started from scratch back then, but some assets have strange origins. He has participated in many investments, including the entertainment industry, real estate industry, and some foreign entertainment and casinos, etc..." Ripra said here, Added in a low voice: "But the flow of his funds is not very clear, I suspect that he is involved in some money laundering!"

"Money laundering?" Tang You frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said thoughtfully: "He told me at the beginning that he wanted to participate in my charity foundation, and a large amount of money could arrive at any time. You said, would he Will you want to use our charitable foundation to launder his unknown funds?"

The female assistant Ripla's expression also became more dignified, she nodded and replied: "This is very likely, after all, the Children's Charity Foundation hosted by Miss Charlotte is different from other charitable organizations, and belongs to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. With an important project and the endorsement of the royal family of country K, it is not surprising that he is eyeing Miss Charlotte's foundation, and it is difficult to be found out!"

(End of this chapter)

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