Chapter 533 Big News

"Tang—you—" Ruan Siqi gritted her teeth and looked at Tang You's smiling interview photo on the screen, a venomous and cold light flashed quickly in her eyes.

She turned off the computer webpage, opened her drawer, and a reception invitation letter was in front of her eyes.

She picked up the invitation letter, gently stroked the frosted lines on it, a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips, she must not be absent from the charity reception held by Tang You tonight!

As night fell, all kinds of luxury cars were parked in front of the Wanguo Commercial Hotel, because the hotel here was going to hold a lively reception tonight.

The reporters also heard the news, and stood guard near the entrance of the hotel. Whenever a big person appeared, they would take pictures for a while. Some wanted to go forward for an interview, but were stopped by the heavily guarded bodyguards.

Except for a few big journalists with the most prestigious statements in the journalism industry, who went in dignifiedly with the invitation letter of the reception, the other reporters could only stand enviously outside the door to take a few photos.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed reporter discovered that there was Ruan Siqi among the guests attending the reception. Before she walked in with the invitation letter, she was shocked. They all remembered the turmoil that Ruan Siqi and Tang You had caused before, but now Ruan Siqi I don't know whether I came to the reception held by Tang You, whether I came to participate or to spoil the scene, but no matter what, this is big news!

The reporters rushed forward one after another, and excitedly handed over the microphones and asked, "Miss Ruan, what do you think about Miss Tang organizing this children's charity foundation?"

"Miss Ruan, I heard that you had a quarrel with Miss Tang who held the reception. Now that you are here to attend the reception, can we understand that you have already shaken hands and made peace?"

"Miss Ruan, you are here to attend the reception of this charity foundation, do you also plan to participate in the project of this charity foundation?"

One question after another came one after another, Ruan Siqi didn't answer any of them, but smiled slightly at the reporters and media surrounded, raised the invitation letter in her hand, raised her eyebrows and asked back: "I am very grateful for everyone's concern, now I am here After attending this reception, isn't the answer already clear?"

Before the reporters could react, Ruan Siqi had already passed the security check by the bodyguards at the door with the invitation letter, and walked into the crowd at the reception.

At the reception at the moment, Tang You was holding champagne and Gu Lingtian to greet the guests together, without even noticing Ruan Siqi's arrival.

"Mrs. Duval, Ling Tian and I will definitely go to the banquet you held at the embassy..." Tang You was still smiling and chatting with the ambassador's wife. Ruan Siqi actually appeared at the reception, hurried to Tang You's side, and said in a low voice, "Cousin, why is Ruan Siqi here? She's here to make trouble, right?"

"Ruan Siqi?" Tang You frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked in the direction Bai Weiwei was pointing at. Sure enough, she saw Ruan Siqi, and said in a deep voice, "I don't remember inviting her!"

"Maybe she got in here, cousin, I'll help you find out..." Bai Weiwei didn't want Tang You to waste time chatting with the ambassador's wife because of Ruan Siqi, she whispered something, and turned to Ruan Siqi walked in the direction.

Tang You didn't even have time to stop her, so she could only shrug her shoulders and watch Bai Weiwei leave. It is expected that Ruan Siqi would not dare to do anything unfavorable to Bai Weiwei on this occasion.

(End of this chapter)

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