Chapter 486 The King's Reward

Tang You returned him with an indifferent smile, opened his mouth and told him in a silent tone: "Yes, I am taking revenge on you, who dared you to provoke a woman who holds a grudge like me!"

General Iverson understood her lips, and his face was livid with anger. Before he was taken away, he turned his head and said loudly to the aloof King Ankura III: "Your Majesty, don't be fooled by this vicious Charlotte." The woman has been cheated, she will do all kinds of harm to our country K!"

Duke Brown frowned in displeasure, while the other nobles shrugged their shoulders and whispered, "It seems that General Iverson is hard-pressed and still stubborn..."

"That's right, I think he is so proud of himself that he has lost his composure. His Majesty the King hasn't convicted him of kidnapping the Duke's daughter!"

"Who made him dare to ask his son to manage military supplies? His son is simply a prodigal son..."

Seeing that the nobles were all discussing the absurd things about General Iverson and his son Will, King Ankura III was not in a good mood, he waved his hands and said in a low voice: "I hope that what happened today can also be given to everyone present. Just a reminder, no matter whether you are nobles or not, if you take money and break the law, and deceive your superiors and inferiors, I will punish you severely!"

The nobles quickly fell silent and did not dare to say anything, but they kept resenting the General Iverson who was under investigation. After this incident, His Majesty the King might send someone to investigate the property of many of their nobles!

After warning all the nobles present, King Ankura III said to Tang You with a pleasant face: "Charlotte, you are so frightened that you are rarely reunited with Brown. Hold a comeback ball, and at the ball, you will officially announce that you have become a member of the royal family of country K!"

When King Ankura III said this, he smiled at Duke Brown and asked, "Brown, what do you think?"

Duke Brown hurriedly cupped his hands to thank his brother: "Thank you, Your Majesty the King!"

Tang You also followed Duke Brown to express his gratitude to King Ankura III for his arrangement.

When the ups and downs of the royal meeting ended, the nobles left one after another, and Tang You and Duke Brown were left behind by King Ankura III.

When Tang You and Duke Brown were brought to King Ankura III's study, and turned away the attendants around him, King Ankura III's expression became a little more serious than before, and asked in a deep voice: "Charlotte, I heard from your father that the man you rescued from the bunker had his voice hoarse?"

"Back to His Majesty, there is indeed something wrong with his throat. I have diagnosed it with experts from my hospital, and there is hope of recovery!" Tang You replied meticulously.

King Ankura III nodded, frowned and said: "He has a lot of secret information and is also an important member of our royal family in charge of external investigations. I didn't expect it to fall into Iverson's hands all the time!"

"I only heard that he offended that Will. When I rescued him, I found out that he could know the Morse code, but I never thought about his identity!" Tang You stuck out his tongue and honestly told King Ankura III explain.

"His identity, I believe your father has told you, Charlotte, you have made great contributions to our royal family this time, and I will reward you well!" King Ankura III patted Tang You on the shoulder, his eyes Full of thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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