Chapter 455

General's House.

It was already night at this time, General Iverson took a bath, he had already changed into his pajamas, and was about to drink a glass of red wine before going to bed earlier, Lieutenant Luther came to report in a panic: "General, it's not good, our No one could stop Tang You, let her run away!"

"What did you say?" General Iverson widened his eyes, put down the wine glass in his hand, thinking that he had heard wrongly, and stared fiercely at the lieutenant Luther who came to report the news: "Tang You is just a woman, even if you If you really escaped from the bunker, it is impossible to escape from the huge military base!"

"I thought so too, but who would have thought that someone would come to meet her!" Lieutenant Luther sighed, and explained helplessly: "General, it was already late, but I didn't expect someone to break into the military base suddenly." A military helicopter directly picked up Tang You and the others, and it was too late by the time we were about to stop it!"

"A military helicopter?" General Iverson frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "How could a military helicopter break into our military base? Are you sure you made no mistake?"

"It's true, it's just that at night, I can't see the model of the military helicopter, and I have no way of knowing who sent this helicopter..." Lieutenant Luther paused and added: "But before that, an armored vehicle broke in directly, rampaging in the military base. Of course, many soldiers were unprepared, so..."

"Bastard!" General Iverson slammed the table, stood up excitedly, pointed at Lieutenant Luther's nose and shouted angrily: "You are a dry person, and you didn't report such a big thing to me. You only told me now." Me, don't you take me seriously as an officer?!"

"I dare not!" Lieutenant Luther's legs trembled in fright, and he almost knelt down in front of General Iverson: "I just thought that it was impossible for Tang You to escape from the military base, and I didn't want to add trouble to you, General. So take it upon yourself and let our soldiers fight back..."

"The result?" General Iverson asked coldly.

"The armored vehicle is the latest weaponry, and it was not afraid of our artillery fire at all. In the end, we lost...the loss was a bit heavy!" Lieutenant Luther said here, his voice became lower and lower.

When General Iverson heard this answer from his subordinate, his face was livid with anger, his body kept shaking, he put a gun to Lieutenant Luther's forehead, and angrily scolded: "It's just a woman who escaped. If you don't catch it, let us go." My own soldiers were seriously injured and the losses were miserable, what use would I need you for, I think you might as well shoot yourself in front of me!"

Lieutenant Luther turned pale with fright, knelt down without hesitation, and begged General Iverson for mercy: "General, we really can't blame us completely this time, who would have thought that Tang You, a woman, not only a few people in the bunker she abducted, I personally helped her escape together, and there is such a powerful background to take her away, I think it must be Duke Brown's tricks!"

"The old man Brown has publicly told everyone in the royal family that his daughter is missing. It's hard to guarantee that there are other people who covet his right to inherit the title, and want to take Tang You over there, and take the opportunity to show goodwill to the old man Brown... "When General Iverson said this, he felt that the possibility was extremely great. He narrowed his eyes and said viciously: "If I find out who is so bold and dares to break into my military base in Iverson, I will definitely Make him look good!"

(End of this chapter)

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