Chapter 141 It's Just a Flesh Injury
Tang You didn't dare to let go of Bai Weiwei's hand, even though her arm was worn out by the flower stand, she finally pulled her up with all her strength.

However, the flower stand couldn't bear the weight of the two people at all, and it began to shake from side to side. If you were not careful, both of them might fall together with the precarious flower stand.

Gu Lingtian, who had already arrived under the flower stand, raised his head and said to Tang You in a deep voice: "Xiaoyou, you and Weiwei will follow me!"

"You can't bear the weight of two people alone!" Tang You shook his head, decided to make a quick decision, lowered his head and said to Gu Lingtian who was standing below: "You catch Bai Weiwei, I will come down by myself!"

When she said this, she pushed Bai Weiwei to Gu Lingtian who was below. Gu Lingtian stretched out his arms and caught her steadily, and the flower stand collapsed because of Tang You's force.

Tang You turned over, caught the last support of the flower stand, and landed on the ground smoothly, but because of too much inertia, she couldn't stabilize her figure.

She could only roll down on the ground in a circle, with one hand firmly on the ground, and then stabilized her figure. The whole movement was done in one go, and the old housekeeper and guards who came over were stunned.

This is the first time they have seen Tang You have such beautiful skills, as if she is not a doctor at all, but...

The old butler didn't know how to describe it for a while, Gu Lingtian had already let go of Bai Weiwei, and rushed over to support Tang You, his usual calm face was full of worry: "Xiao You, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine..." Tang You shook his head and smiled lightly, but Gu Lingtian had lifted his arm. He saw her arm with a layer of skin scratched, her palm pierced by stones because she pressed it on the ground, and her thick black eyebrows Unknowingly twisted: "Such a serious injury, but still say it's okay!"

When he said this, he said to the old housekeeper in a deep voice: "Steward Chen, quickly bring the medicine box!"

"Yes, yes!" The old butler hurriedly returned to the living room to get the medicine box. Gu Lingtian glanced at the scattered flower stands, ordered the guards to clear the place, and then brought Tang You and the delirious Bai Weiwei to the side hall.

When the old housekeeper brought the medicine box, Tang You was planning to treat the wound by himself, but Gu Lingtian brought disinfectant alcohol and gauze first.

Tang You looked at Gu Lingtian carefully treating the wound for himself, his brows were frowned with worry, his heart was warm, and he joked with a smile: "You are so professional in handling wounds, you can come to be my assistant if you don't do business in the future! "

Gu Lingtian treated the wound for her and wrapped it with gauze, then he frowned and said displeasedly: "Don't be so brave in the future, it won't be too late to save her!"

"Your cousin's condition can't wait!" Tang You shrugged, and smiled indifferently: "Besides, this is just a minor injury, it's nothing..."

Seeing that she didn't care about his injuries, Gu Lingtian said coldly, "You don't care, but I do. I don't want to see even a single wound on your body!"

Tang You didn't want Gu Lingtian to keep educating himself about such a trivial matter, so he raised his eyes and looked at Bai Weiwei, who was stared at by the old housekeeper, and quickly changed the subject: "Let's take a look at your cousin Bai Weiwei first, she drank half a glass of red wine, and the medicine took effect , I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up for a while!"

Sure enough, after Tang You's voice fell, Bai Weiwei, who had been sluggish before, broke away from the old housekeeper again, and wanted to go outside, but she was still muttering: "I want to go home and find my dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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