Chapter 319 Take what you need
Huang Zijun raised his eyebrows, and sat down at the desk in front of Ye Chengrui.

"That doesn't seem right. No matter how smart Ding Xiaofeng is, if no one pushes him behind his back, he probably won't make such a big fuss."

Huang Zijun's eyes never left Ye Chengrui, wanting to see the slightest expression on his face other than his expressionless face.

But after watching for a long time, Huang Zijun also had a look of disappointment on his face.

It seems that apart from the matter about An Youchen, nothing else is enough to change Ye Chengrui's expression.

Ye Chengrui closed the documents in his hands, threw the pen into the pen holder, and laughed.

"The driving force behind this scene also has your credit, and you don't have to be humble."

Huang Zijun choked when he heard the words, rolled his eyes at Ye Chengrui, and protested, "It's not kind of you to say that, the person behind this scene doesn't have a good reputation."

"Now let's see how Xingyuan International is doing?"

"Since the previous time, the public has already known that Chen Xinyi is behind Xingyuan International, this time she was accused of a polygamy scandal, and Xingyuan International is not feeling well. Half an hour ago, the stock price fell again!"

Ye Chengrui tapped his fingers on the table lightly, stood up slowly, walked to the French window and didn't know what he was thinking.

Huang Zijun stood up and followed silently, keeping a close distance from Ye Chengrui.

When it comes to work matters, the seriousness of a scripture has also been restored.

Ye Chengrui didn't speak, so he just stood quietly behind Ye Chengrui, ready to watch.

After a long time, Ye Chengrui looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows and let out a slow breath, "The stock has fallen by the limit twice in a row, Ren Xingyuan's international capital accumulation is so thick, it should be a pain."

"However, Chen Xinyi's two scandals have dealt a severe blow to Xingyuan International. This time, I heard that Baihong Fund and Zhurong Group are preparing to withdraw their capital. These two giants are the God of Wealth of Xingyuan International. Once the capital is withdrawn, the crisis of Xingyuan International is not small."

Speaking of the current situation of Xingyuan International, Huang Zijun also sighed.

This Chen Xinyi had only been rumored for a few days, and the impact was so bad that Huang Zijun wiped off his sweat.

Fortunately, when Ye Chengrui came to power in the early years, he took the lead in holding all the media resources of city A in his hands.

If not, according to the current development of the situation, no matter which rumor Ye Chengrui once had, it could affect the sea and the sky.

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, Xingyuan International should have a plan, pay attention to monitoring." The stern expression on Ye Chengrui's face did not relax because of the current situation.

On the contrary, the handsome brows frowned even deeper, and his eyes fell to the distance, exhorting.

Huang Zijun wrote down Ye Chengrui's words, and seemed to think of something again, and joked, "But there is another piece of good news that I forgot to tell you. As another victim involved in this scandal, Mr. Ye, you can be regarded as free of charge. The company did a publicity campaign."

"Propaganda?" Ye Chengrui's voice was deep and powerful, full of doubts.

"Yes, the performance of jewelry and cosmetics has continued to rise since the scandal between you and Chen Xinyi was heard, especially today, the order for a newly launched couple ring is [-] times higher than expected."

Huang Zijun opened his notebook and reported to Ye Chengrui the statistics from the sales department today, with a cheerful voice.

Hearing such a change, Ye Chengrui was not too surprised, and lightly ordered, "Well, this is a blessing in disguise. However, these data can only be reported as confidential, and the performance announced this month needs to be reserved."

At this juncture, according to Chen Tiannian's character as an old fox, he will never relax the monitoring of Haitian Group.

Xingyuan International was hurt, and Haitian, who had a stake in it, was the first to be suspected by him. At this time, he should not be too revealing, and avoid his edge.

After speaking, Ye Chengrui walked back to his seat, took the phone and car keys that were on the table, and went out.

"If Chen Tiannian comes to me in the past few days, he will say that I am on a business trip. Go and say hello to Xiangyuan, and then continue to pay attention to Xingyuan International's movements."

What Chen Xinyi didn't expect was that she was trapped in the hotel for just one day, and the world outside had turned upside down.

After being hyped by professional promoters, his own reputation has not been left in the slightest.

Ding Xiaofeng has also taken advantage of Chen Xinyi's enthusiasm for stepping on two boats, and once again topped the hot search list, and the fans on Weibo are extremely popular.

Sitting on the sofa in the company with his arms hanging, Ding Xiaofeng's face, known as the girl killer, showed a gratified smile.

The manager swiped Weibo with the tablet in his hand, speechless with excitement.

"Look, Xiaofeng, the fans are complaining about you now, condemning that bitch Chen Xinyi!" The manager had forgotten his words in the excitement, and Ding Xiaofeng gave him a sharp stare.

"What bitch, be careful what you say. That's the daughter of Xingyuan International!"

Although he hated Chen Xinyi's use of him and his ruthlessness, Ding Xiaofeng was still unwilling to use the word "slut" to describe her.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong. I was also excited for a while, and I was also pissed off by her actions!" The agent nodded and said yes. According to this momentum, the turmoil of Ding Xiaofeng's replacement and the black fan incident will soon be overwhelmed by this. The Chen Xinyi cheating incident was covered up.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. When a scandal comes out, don't try to explain it, it will only get darker and darker.

It only needs a bigger scandal to break out in a short period of time to cover up one's own scandal and get away smoothly.

This time, Chen Xinyi cheated on the polyamorous relationship. Ding Xiaofeng and Ye Shengrui, who were still in conflict a few days ago, became the object of sympathy for the majority of netizens at the same time.

"How about the hotel, did you say hello?" Ding Xiaofeng briefly glanced at the latest Weibo news, looking a little bored.

He was a little hasty in preparing for this matter, especially at the hotel, if any mistakes made Chen Xinyi escape, then today's work would be in vain.

"Don't worry, my buddy is the manager of that hotel, and he has already said hello. No one else can go in, let alone know which room Chen Xinyi is in!" The manager immediately assured, patted his chest.

After finishing speaking, he stared tentatively at Ding Xiaofeng and asked, "Xiaofeng, I have an idea. You see the momentum is so good now, why don't I contact you for activities and performances?"

Because of Ding Xiaofeng, who was deeply involved in the scandal, this time happened to be a good time to come back.

Ding Xiaofeng propped his chin with one hand, thought for a while before shaking his head and vetoing it.

"No, if I come back now, I can't achieve the effect I want at all. How much attention is there now?"

"It's already more than 900 million, waiting, it's estimated that it can break through a thousand followers!" The manager held the tablet and kept swiping for a while.

"Very well, we will proceed as planned." Ding Xiaofeng slowly raised the corners of his lips, stood up and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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