Chapter 874 Help Me Get Rid Of That Yun Ranran

"Second uncle, that Yun Ranran seems to have been infected by a kind of Gu, and seems to need a special herb to get rid of that kind of Gu. It seems that they will look for Second Uncle at that time, and will ask you, Second Uncle... about the kind of Gu. About the herb. Uncle, you should pretend that you don’t know that kind of herb. Just tell them that you don’t know where that herb is. Besides, I hope that my second uncle will help me get rid of that cloud. I’m afraid of the cloud. If Ranran is here, Mr. Rong's thoughts will not be able to move to me."

"That Yun Ranran is the daughter of the Second Young Master Cheng, and he killed the second Young Master Cheng's daughter. If the Second Young Master Cheng knows about this, I'm afraid we will all be overwhelmed and walk around."

Ouyang Jin's eyebrows were solemn, and he did not immediately agree to Ouyang Hui's request.

Ouyang Hui frowned, "Second Uncle, you just need to be careful. Yun Ranran has been hit by a Gu worm anyway, and I heard that that kind of Gu worm will kill her. I just hope she can die soon, I just hope that the Gu worms in her body can eat her life sooner."

It's all for this sake, if Ouyang Jin still doesn't understand, then Ouyang Jin is a fool.

Ouyang Jin sighed, looked at Ouyang Hui and said: "Okay, then I will find a way to stimulate the activity of the Gu in Yun Ranran's body, so that the Gu can let Yun Ranran return to the west as soon as possible." .”

A sweet smile appeared on Ouyang Hui's face, "Then thank you, Second Uncle."

Ouyang Jin shook his head slightly and sighed inwardly.

He glanced at Ouyang Hui again, then turned his head and continued to write the prescription in his hand...

And two days later.

Cheng Yin left Ouyang Mansion because he wanted to investigate what happened back then.

And Rong Che was going to find medicinal herbs for Yun Ranran, so he also left Ouyang Mansion.

Now in Ouyang Mansion, there are only Yun Ranran, Cuiping, and Situ Yuxue.

Yun Ranran was sitting at the table in the wing room, she suddenly looked at the sky outside the door, and sighed: "I should have brought the guardian spirit beast, the little black cat, and Lan'er. If they are here, they can also protect me, and I don't have to worry about being afraid like I am now, worrying that someone will come to harm me, and I can't protect myself."

Cuiping listened to Yun Ranran's words, Cuiping nodded, and said in agreement: "Miss should bring them. With them by your side, your safety will always be more secure."

"Hey, hey." Sighed twice again, Yun Ranran pouted, propped his chin with his palm and said: "It seems that when my father comes back, I want to talk to my father, let me Dad went to the ordinary human world to pick up the guardian spirit beasts."

And Yun Ranran just said something.

She frowned suddenly, and a look of pain and discomfort suddenly appeared on her face.

Yun Ranran raised her hand to hold her head, and the voice in her mouth changed suddenly: " head hurts..."

Both Cuiping and Situ Yuxue were shocked.

Cuiping looked at the lady in front of her in shock, and then looked at her head nervously: "Miss, do you have a headache? Why do you have a headache? What's going on here?"

And Situ Yuxue looked at Yun Ranran's pain, she frowned fiercely, and said to Cuiping: "Cuiping, hurry up and find Ouyang Erye, hurry up and call Ouyang Erye, come and save Ranran dye."

Yun Ranran held her head in her hands, she frowned tightly, and wanted to say not to call Ouyang Jin, she didn't want Ouyang Jin to come over.

But the pain in her head suddenly intensified, the pain in her head made her unable to speak a word...

(End of this chapter)

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