Chapter 198 Return to Weize Pass

Seasick Mantou, on the return trip, miraculously did not get seasick!
When I boarded the boat on the first day, I was still a little sleepy. After the boat went for an hour, there seemed to be no discomfort. Mantou tried to move around on the boat, and there was no such annoying feeling anymore.

Mantou let out a cry of excitement, ran into Xue Lang's cabin, rushed towards Xue Lang's startled face, and desperately licked his master's face.

It is rare for Mantou to be this excited. After being surprised, Xue Lang laughed happily. While pressing Mantou's frantic head vigorously, he shouted happily: "Okay, okay! Why is this so? happy?"

Mantou naturally wouldn't answer, but Xue Lang, who has been paying attention to whether Mantou is uncomfortable, can naturally see that Mantou is no longer seasick!It actually adapted to life on board.

This is really good news!Is this a harbinger of a smooth return journey?
I don't know if it's due to psychological factors, but I always feel that the journey is extremely long when I go, but when I wait for the return journey, I feel that the return journey is short and I go faster.

When I came here, I went up against the Wei River, and on the return trip, I went down the Wei River. Naturally, the speed of the boat was faster than when I came here.The distance to Fenshui is short, and although it goes upstream, it has little effect.

After walking the waterway, the light car and fast horse are naturally much faster than the slow travel that was afraid of damaging the sweet potatoes when we came.When the sun was not strong in the morning and evening, Xue Lang rode his bicycle to follow, and the guards could naturally jog on their horses. They had traveled overland for many days when they came, but they finished the run in three days.

After driving for a short distance on the road, it happened to be dark when they arrived at the first post station in Weize County.Sun Chang arrived first on his fast horse, and had already asked Yi Cheng to prepare hot water.Let's rest at the post station for one night today, and we can return to Weize Pass tomorrow.


As soon as Xue Lang entered, two people came out of the door, a man and a woman, Wanfu and Lamei.Wanfu smiled naively, with an excited expression, there were tears in Lamei's eyes, obviously excited to see the long-lost master.

Xue Lang was also very surprised. He stood consciously and asked Lamei to dust him, and asked, "Why are you here? Why are you here?"

While dusting off the dust, Lamei replied: "Back to Dalang, His Highness asked us to come. His Highness said that Dalang is now only accompanied by Changjian. Dalang is tired from the journey, so let the slaves come and wait, and let Dalang have a good night's rest." .”

"Your Highness has a heart."

I am used to being taken care of by others, and when I go there, there is a lotus fragrance, but I don't think so.When he came back, there was only Chang Jian, Chang Jian was a man, he was careful and careful in his work, but he was not as good as He Xiang and Wintersweet in some personal service work.

After dusting Xue Lang, Lamei quickly helped Jiang Lin, and then arranged for the two of them to take a bath and change clothes——

I didn't feel it when I was on the way, but after taking a hot bath to relax my muscles, I realized the soreness and exhaustion all over my body.

"Da Lang, maybe the servant has come in?"

There was a knock on the door, and Lamei's voice asked for instructions from outside.Xue Lang himself was wearing clean clothes loosely, so he naturally let He Xiang in.

He Xiang held a tray in his hand, and on the tray was a pot of hot tea: "Da Lang, drink tea. This is ginseng and chrysanthemum tea from His Highness, Da Lang drink more to relieve fatigue."

"Yeah. Did you send it to Ah Lin?"

"Back to Dalang, this servant has sent a pot to Erlang earlier."

Xue Lang nodded, let Lamei tidy up his clothes first, and then sat on the wooden floor, drinking tea while letting Lamei brush his hair.

Lamei sighed while rubbing: "When Dalang left home, his hair was shoulder-length, and now it has grown by more than half a foot. When winter comes, Dalang's hair can be combed into a bun."

Xue Lang smiled and said, "Is everything alright in Weize Pass now?"

"Of course it's good. The imperial edict of His Royal Highness, Princess An Guo, Pingyang, and Dalang, Duke of Jin, has been passed to Weize Pass, and everyone is very happy."

Lamei is not a talkative person, almost Xue Lang asked a question, and she answered a question, the words were very vague, not a single sentence related to Princess Pingyang.

Xue Lang nodded secretly, Lamei was so principled that she did not forget her roots when treating her previous master, and if she wanted to treat her current master, it would be normal.

The arrival of Lamei was simply the most comfortable day for Xue Lang on his way home.Let Lamei arrange everything she likes and gets used to.

Maybe the hot bath makes people relax. This night, Xue Lang lived in the inn and slept pretty well.Waking up in the morning just feels refreshed.

Everyone set off before dawn, and Xue Lang sat in the carriage driven by Wanfu, and stopped riding his bicycle for fear of staining his clothes.Xu Shi hadn't been in the carriage driven by Wanfu for a long time, and he felt that there was no bumpy ride in the past.At the end of the trip, Xue Lang disliked the slowness of getting up in the carriage, perhaps because he was so eager to return home.

After walking for a long time, after noon, we finally arrived near Weize Pass.Sun Chang, who was exploring the way ahead, drove over and said, "Report to Xue Zhiyi, Her Royal Highness will lead the whole house to welcome Xue Zhiyi to return."

Xue Lang was leaning back in the carriage and squinting his eyes to doze off, but he still couldn't react when he heard this report——

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Sun Chang repeated the report again.

Even out ten miles!

This is Princess Pingyang's affirmation and commendation to Xue Lang!
At this moment, Xue Lang woke up from his doze, turned over in a jerk, and asked Lamei to help him tidy up his clothes without saying a word, and asked Sun Chang outside: "How far is our team from the welcoming crowd?"

Sun Chang said: "It's less than half a mile."

Xue Lang said he understood, straightened his clothes, jumped off the carriage, and walked.After turning a corner, I saw flags fluttering, the crowd was like weaving, and the ceremonial guards and flags representing Princess Pingyang were all erected. Princess Pingyang was dressed in a simple and elegant silk dress without armor, and the officials behind her were all wearing long gowns with long sleeves dress.

It was too far away to see the expression on the face of Her Highness the Princess, and looking at Princess Pingyang's clothes from a distance, Xue Lang's thoughts were very strange, and at this moment, he still had the thought to suddenly realize——

Princess Pingyang's attire in the past was mainly simple and elegant, black, white, or the silver and white silk clothes she is wearing today, there is no eye-catching clothes.The strength of the hair is also very simple, either as a men's dress, or wearing some silver, mutton jade, or white jade jewelry.

I thought that the princess dressed like this was because of her preference and low-key, or maybe it was because there were a lot of men in her hands, so she dressed in a low-key way.I never thought that it was because Her Royal Highness is a widow!

Xue Lang couldn't help thinking of a famous saying by Mrs. Xianglin——

I am so silly!real!

The mansion does not talk about His Royal Highness the princess being widowed, because the rules in the mansion are strict, there is no reason for the servants to criticize the master, and the subordinates will naturally not talk too much in order to show respect for their superiors.However, Her Royal Highness's attire already showed her status as a widow. Only he, an outsider, did not understand the customs and customs of the Tang Dynasty, so he knew nothing about it.So far, I only felt that a bomb was thrown when I found out about it in Chang'an!

If you go up and ask the princess——

Princess, where is your son-in-law Chai Shao?What about the two unfilial sons Chai Lingwu and Chai Zhewei?
"Xue Advisory?"

Seeing Xue Lang sitting on the shaft of the car foolishly and not moving, Sun Chang couldn't help calling him.Xue Lang responded quickly, calmed himself down, and said, "It's been a long time since I saw the princess and your colleagues, and I'm a little excited."

"Xue Jianyi, please take the lead."

Xue Lang nodded, and strode away to meet Princess Pingyang and her party.

(End of this chapter)

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