Chapter 156
Xue Lang came to Beijing to offer auspicious auspiciousness, and the imperial court naturally treated him more warmly and thoughtfully than the usual officials who came to Beijing. It was already sunset when he arrived at the pier, and he disembarked the official ship in the sunset, and there was already a waiting horse-drawn carriage by the pier.

Li Gang came to say hello to Xue Lang: "Youyang, the old man will be separated from Youyang when we get here."

Li Gang wants to return to Chang'an City to report to the sage Li Yuan, while Xue Lang needs to go to the post house to rest and wait for the sage to call.Xue Lang bowed to Li Gang and said, "Thanks to Mr. Li for taking care of me along the way, and I will definitely come to the door to thank you when the business at hand is over."

Li Gang teased him with a smile and said: "The old man will wait for the banquet. At that time, Xue Zhiyi will be a thing of the past. I think there will be a new official title called Youyang."

Xue Lang said: "But Xue Youyang is still Xue Youyang, there will be no difference."

Li Gang laughed loudly: "Okay, then the old man will wait for Youyang to come to the door, let's go!"

"Send Li Gong, Li Gong go slowly."

Parting ways with Li Gang, the sweet potatoes on the boat had already been moved to the carriage, Qian Jiulong said: "Xue Zhiyi, please get on the carriage, the sage has ordered someone to prepare a place, and a certain escort Xue Zhiyi there, take a rest, and see you tomorrow saint."

"There are generals who work hard."

"Don't dare, please get on the carriage, Xue Jianyi."

Li Gang has the order of the sage Li Yuan, so he can enter the city overnight.Xue Lang came to offer auspiciousness, he needs to stay in the post house outside the city now, and he can enter the city tomorrow.Officials from other places come to Beijing to wait for His Majesty the Saint to summon them. Before they are summoned, they can only stay in post houses.

There were many post houses in the Tang Dynasty.The post station industry in the Tang Dynasty was also very developed. According to statistics, the number of people engaged in this industry reached hundreds of thousands.It can be said that wherever the territory of the Tang Dynasty went, the post station opened there.

There must be a posthouse a few miles along the official road for passing officials, postmen, etc. to rest and change horses.In ancient times, when officials went to work in other places or were demoted, the imperial court clearly stipulated that they had to pass several posts a day.It was once recorded that officials who were demoted had to drive ten stations a day.

Xue Lang Jin Xianxiangrui was not required to go to several post stations a day, the main reason was that he was afraid of going too fast and damaging the sweet potatoes. When he came, the advice of Princess Pingyang and Li Gang was to let Xue Lang take care of it, and the loss in the transportation of sweet potatoes must be reduced. .Because of this, it was decided to transport by water instead of land.

I don't know if Princess Pingyang sympathizes with Xue Lang because he is not used to riding in a carriage.I don't know what happened to Her Royal Highness at Weize Pass!Calculated according to the day, Liu Heita should be attacking counties and counties in Shandong. After capturing the counties and counties in Shandong, he will move to Henan and Hebei.Weize Pass should be safe at this time.

I hope that everything goes well for him tomorrow, and I also hope that everything goes well for Princess Pingyang.

Xue Lang silently wished in his heart.With the ability of Princess Pingyang, everything should go well. The one who should pay more attention is Xue Lang himself. It is the first time in his life to participate in such a big scene... In fact, he is a little guilty and calm. A real man should be able to stand the test of a big scene .

"Xue Zhiyi, the posthouse has arrived, please get off the carriage."

Xue Lang's thoughts diverged for a while, and he arrived at the post house before he knew it. Qian Jiulong had already asked him to get off the carriage outside.Changjian opened the curtain outside and helped Xue Lang get out of the carriage.

The post house was under martial law, and there was no outsider in the whole post house except for the post office and the officials, who were the soldiers brought by Qian Jiulong.Xue Lang and Qian Jiulong stared at the people who moved the sweet potatoes into the warehouse of the post house——

"General Qian, please send someone to bring some torches. I want to check the condition of the sweet potatoes and see if there is any wear and tear on the way."

"Good. Come, fetch a torch!"


After a while, several soldiers came over with torches——

When loading the sweet potatoes into baskets, Xue Lang took into account the bumpy conditions on the way, and made people bump thick dry thatch, and often asked people to mow the grass and cover the sweet potatoes to shield them from the scorching sun when they were on their way.

Proper preparation has paid off excellently, the sweet potatoes in the basket are almost undamaged, at most just scratched a little skin, everything is in good condition!
"Xue Jianyi, is there something wrong?"

Qian Jiulong glanced at the sweet potatoes in the basket in awe, and asked quite seriously.Xue Lang shook his head and said, "No, the baskets were properly prepared when we came here, and nothing was broken."

"That's good."

Qian Jiulong was relieved now.

Checking on the sweet potato, he locked the warehouse door tightly, and handed the key directly to Xue Lang. In addition to sending people to stand guard, Qian Jiulong also sent several teams to patrol beside the warehouse and outside the post house, and the defense was tight.

Xue Lang nodded secretly.The matter of presenting auspiciousness has been carried out to the end. If it falls short at the last moment, then none of them will be able to get well. Be strict and serious, and be responsible to yourself and others.

After everything has been settled, Xue Lang has just arrived at his room under the leadership of Yi Cheng. The lotus incense in the room has already prepared everything. When soaking in the bathtub, Xue Lang still feels shaking——

This is the sequelae of taking too long a boat!You can tell from the fact that the steamed buns "crack" and lie down when they arrive in the room. Even a multi-day boat ride, not to mention people, even dogs can't bear it!

Even if he was so tired, Xue Lang couldn't get a chance to take a good rest, and was woken up by He Xiang just after Yinshi: "Da Lang, Da Lang, the officials from the Ministry of Rituals are here, please get Da Lang up."

So, Xue Lang could only get up with a yawn, and while washing, he ordered He Xiang to make him a cup of strong tea. After washing, he drank the cup of strong tea. His eyes were so bitter that he closed his eyes, but he felt a lot more awake.

After waking up and going out, there were two people waiting in the hall, one was dressed as a servant, and the other was wearing a green official robe.The servant is an acquaintance, the servant of Her Highness the Princess, and the old man in the green official robe was sent by the Ministry of Rites to tell Xue Lang the procedure of the ceremony in advance.

"Why is the servant here?"

Seeing Rugui, Xue Lang was kind and excited. Anyone who has experienced it knows the feeling when he suddenly sees someone he knows in a group of strangers.

Rugui saluted Xue Lang with a smile: "I have seen Xue Zhiyi, and the maidservant rushed to Beijing to prepare by His Royal Highness, and I am not in a hurry to talk about the past. Xue Jianyi invited Zhou Yuanwailang who had seen the Ministry of Rites. This is sent by the imperial court." Inform Xue of the etiquette rules."

Xue Lang nodded, bowed to the old man in green robe and said: "Trouble Zhou Yuanwailang, Xue Lang is a wanderer who returned from a foreign country, and he doesn't understand the rules and etiquette of our dynasty. Please give me some pointers."

Zhou Yuanwailang said politely: "Don't dare, Xue Zhiyi is polite. Is Xue Zhiyi ready? If you are ready, the next official will start to inform Xue Zhiyi of today's procedures?"

Xue Lang's face was solemn: "Please advise."

While Zhou Yuanwailang from the Ministry of Rites was instructing Xue Lang on the procedure, Rugui sat aside and watched quietly.Xue Lang felt stuck in his heart, knowing that Rugui was specially sent by Her Highness the Princess to stand on his platform.

After talking about the process for more than an hour, Wai Lang, a member of the etiquette department, took the trouble to check with Xue Lang three times. Seeing that Xue Lang hadn't made any mistakes, he was satisfied and left.

After Wai Lang, a member of the etiquette department, left, Ru Guicai said: "Xue Zhiyi can only eat steamed buns or pancakes for the morning meal today, and don't drink too much water, so as not to be inconvenient."

Xue Lang nodded.Rugui also pointed out many points that Xue Lang needs to pay attention to when meeting the saint, explaining everything in detail, until Xue Lang is familiar with it.

Finally, Rugui looked at the time and said, "Xue Jianyi, can you bring the clothes that His Highness asked you to bring when you came?"

Xue Lang nodded: "I brought it myself."

Rugui: "Since it's brought, it's almost time, please consult Xue to change clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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