Chapter 150 Farewell
After harvesting the potatoes, it's time to prepare to go to Beijing to donate food.

Her Royal Highness the Princess has already indicated the candidates for entering Beijing.Jiang Lin was going, and Her Royal Highness would assign him ten people to lead a team to take care of Xue Lang's safety.

The servants brought Changjian, Hexiang and Xiuniang.Xiu Niang was going to cook potatoes for His Majesty Li Yuan, but Xue Lang couldn't serve it himself, it was too inappropriate.Her Royal Highness the Princess has issued a warrant to the people in her Jingzhong Princess Mansion. Whatever Xue Lang needs, he can go to the Jingzhong Mansion to get it. Jingzhong has people to assist him.

When she heard that she was going to Beijing to cook for the sage, Xiuniang was very uneasy: "Da... Dalang, with the skills of a servant, you can still cook for the sage? Really... really going?"

The tone of speech is trembling.Xue Lang smiled and said: "Don't worry, you are only in charge of cooking. You probably won't be able to see saints, but at most you will see the female officer of Shangshi Bureau. Don't worry, the female official is not as high as your boss. I will be there at that time." Teach you etiquette, you only need to be responsible for cooking, do more and talk less, be cautious in your words and deeds, understand?"


Hearing that her grade was not as high as Xue Lang's, Xiuniang felt a little relieved, but her face was still full of worry.Xue Lang said again: "We came to Beijing to offer auspiciousness, and the dishes you cook have never been seen before. Don't worry, no one dares to make trouble at this time."

After thinking about it, Xiu Niang felt the same way, and then she felt relieved, but she was still a little nervous.This is a normal emotional reaction, if she was full of excitement, Xue Lang might not dare to take her to Beijing.Timid people tend to stick to their duties.

He Xiang is well-trained, as soon as she heard that she was going to Beijing with Xue Lang, she immediately started to prepare her luggage.Xue Lang's current hair has just grown into shawl hair, and it is impossible to tie it up. Ma Yuanliang's wife sent a lot of raw silk dyed black. He Xiang braided these raw silk with Xue Lang's hair and made him a With a strong wig, you don’t have to worry about wearing a hat such as Jinxian Crown will fall off. At most, it will be more troublesome when washing your hair.

It is naturally not the master Xue Lang's turn to prepare the luggage, he is in charge of enjoying it, so naturally a servant will prepare it for him if he orders it.He is busy learning etiquette and rules from Rugui, and getting to know people and things in Beijing by the way.

Xue Lang has a good memory, he remembers these things once he said them, and he remembers all the evidence of history, so he remembers them more deeply and in detail.

After busying around for almost five days, the central government sent someone to send an urgent saint's decree, ordering Xue Lang to set off as soon as possible and enter Beijing to offer auspicious auspiciousness.

The day before departure, Princess Pingyang sent someone to call Xue Lang and asked him: "Is Youyang ready for the trip?"

Xue Lang said: "Going back to Your Highness, it was basically prepared by He Xiang, I just packed up some things that I might use on the road, and they are all in order, and I am waiting for the road."

Princess Pingyang nodded, and glanced at Chuxue, Chuxue immediately turned back to the room, took out a wooden box after a while, and opened it to find a box of brand new clothes, from head to toe, including clothes, shoes and socks.

Princess Pingyang said: "These are the clothes made in a hurry by the sewing room. The first and second layers of clothes in the box are for you to wear on the road, and the bottom layer is the official robes you wear when meeting saints."

Xue Lang said gratefully: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Princess Pingyang waved her hand and said: "Youyang is going, will you come to Weize Pass again?"

Xue Lang said seriously: "It's natural. I am the counselor of His Highness's mansion. Wherever His Highness is, the subordinates will be there."

Princess Pingyang shook her head, but stopped talking.Xue Lang said: "Don't worry, Your Highness."

Princess Pingyang said: "I know very well that Youyang is a human being, so I am relieved about this matter. However, if the saint insists on keeping you, don't refuse too much, so as not to offend the saint and attract blame."

"Here, the subordinates can save themselves."

Princess Pingyang nodded, took out two tea bowls, took out a consistent tea, said: "After Youyang went to Beijing, there will be no one who will drink tea with me, today Youyang will drink tea with me again."


Xue Lang took the initiative to get the hot water from the small stove, and began to make tea, one bowl for each person, sitting opposite each other.Amidst the smog, Xue Lang felt more and more unable to understand Princess Pingyang's expression, which seemed to be calm and not at the same time.

Xue Lang asked: "Your Highness, can I come back to Weize Pass in a month?"

Princess Pingyang said: "Probably not. It is very important to offer auspiciousness. The saint should stay in Youyang for a longer time. Youyang can stay in Chang'an with peace of mind."

Xue Lang said bluntly: "I can't be at ease! The sweet potatoes and potatoes are finished, cabbage, peanuts, pumpkins, and cotton are waiting to be harvested. There are also farm affairs, and my subordinates are worried."

A faint smile appeared on Princess Pingyang's calm face, and she said, "Didn't you already explain these things?"

Xue Lang sighed: "It's not that I'm watching from the side, I'm always worried."

Princess Pingyang glanced at Xue Lang, nodded, and said, "Don't worry, Youyang, I will let people strictly act according to your instructions."

Xue Lang had an expression of "Your Highness, I'm at ease in handling affairs", but he didn't say any more, which caused Princess Pingyang to chuckle, and said: "Youyang acts prudently, but has a broad mind, as if no mundane things linger in his mind. "

Xue Lang said: "Your Highness has misunderstood your subordinates. It's not that your subordinates are unrestrained. It's just that I can't help you. It's useless for me to worry. What should be explained has already been explained. I have achieved the part that I can control. I don't mind the other parts that I can't control." Useless."

Princess Pingyang smiled and nodded: "This mentality is quite good, I should learn from Youyang."

Xue Lang smiled and cupped his hands: "Your Highness is polite."

Princess Pingyang said: "It's not to be polite, but to express my feelings. If I have Youyang's mentality, maybe... Forget it, I won't mention the past, Youyang cherishes the journey."

Xue Lang hurriedly said: "Thank you, Your Highness, take care of yourself, and cook something delicious for you when your subordinates come back."

Princess Pingyang smiled and nodded.Xue Lang suddenly remembered something, and reminded him: "Your Highness, the pumpkin is ready to eat, and the cabbage can also be cut into large pieces. Why don't you cut it into a cart and send it to the saint in Beijing to show your daughter's filial piety. How are you?"

Princess Pingyang gave Xue Lang a weird look, and said with a sigh: "Xue Lang, your EQ is really pitiful, can't you improve?"

What the hell!

I tried to persuade you to show your filial piety, but you were attacked for your lack of EQ!Xue Lang felt that he had a little understanding of what Wang felt.Speechlessly looking at Her Royal Highness, "Why did Your Highness personally attack your subordinates?"

"Personal attacks?!"

Princess Pingyang understood the meaning of this sentence after a little thought, she laughed, and said: "I'm just talking about the facts, I hope Youyang will make more progress. This is to persuade Youyang to make progress, how can it be regarded as an attack?"

Now Xue Lang is really speechless!Xin said, Your Highness, you are so black-bellied, does your father Li Yuan know?
After drinking a bowl of tea with Her Highness the Princess and being beaten by her, Xue Lang was kicked out by Her Highness the Princess, saying that he would set off on the road tomorrow and let him have a good rest.

Although Her Royal Highness attacked Xue Lang's EQ, she still listened to Xue Lang's advice, causing people to cut down a cart of pumpkins and a cart of cabbages before dawn——

Of course, it is a small car, not a big four-wheeled car.Let Xue Lang escort them to Beijing together.

(End of this chapter)

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