Chapter 537 I miss you in my life (31)

The expressions of the middle-aged men who had just been laughing in a humorous manner changed immediately.

They couldn't help standing up, their faces were filled with the anger of being offended!
Lin Yi couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said:

"I didn't name them, did I? Why did everyone stand up?"

"... sharp teeth!"

Those middle-aged men immediately looked at Wang Dazhi's mother.

"Dazhi's mother, this is Dazhi's girlfriend? What happened!"

They found that Lin Yi was not easy to mess with, and immediately vented their anger on other people.

Wang Dazhi's mother quickly apologized and put down the washed fruit.

"This is not a girlfriend, but a friend I brought!"

"You keep talking, I'll go talk to them right now!"

As soon as Wang Dazhi's mother turned her head, her expression darkened immediately.

She was also a little apprehensive towards Lin Yi, and said directly to Gan Lin in a strange way:
"I asked you to come here, not to ask you to bring any strange outsiders to make trouble!"

"It's fine if you lose your face, but where will I put my old face! Now the whole village knows that my mother-in-law is not strict!"

Gan Lin was extremely calm and said:
"I didn't hear you clearly, please repeat what you just said."

Wang Dazhi's mother said angrily: "Let me tell you, as a daughter-in-law, do you know what filial piety is..."

Gan Lin frowned, and raised his voice slightly, "Could you please say it again?"

Wang Dazhi's mother was almost overwhelmed by this attitude.

"Can't understand people's words?"

A question mark appeared on Gan Lin's face.

"Does this speak human words?"

It seemed that she was too young and did not live long enough.

Sure enough, all previous knowledge about human beings was too shallow!
Only when she tried her best to pretend to be a human being and get in touch with different human beings, did she know...

The human mind is so complex and profound.

Wang Dazhi's mother's face was gloomy, as if she was about to get angry, she sighed suddenly, and tried to grab Gan Lin's hand.

Gan Lin smiled and moved his hand away.

Wang Dazhi's mother was able to bend and stretch, and continued:

"You're such a grown-up, and you want to be a mother in the future, how can you stay so childish and petty?"

"Dazhi is devoted to you. Now that he is injured, you are flying away alone, and you are still thinking about going to school. How can this not make me angry?"

"I also know that I shouldn't spread my grievances on you, but since so many relatives have come, everyone is watching, so don't do irrational things again."

"Let's be sensible and behave!"

Wang Dazhi's mother had a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of expectation.

Trying to use this kind of emotion to move people with reason.

Gan Lin was speechless.

The same is true for Lin Yi.

Wang Dazhi's mother became even more excited when she saw the two fell into a bewildered silence.

"We are all women, so we can understand each other's difficulties the most, right?"

"Okay, I will understand when I should understand, don't waste time, help sweep the floor!"

Wang Dazhi's mother immediately picked up the broom from the corner to hand over this sacred and difficult task to the two.

Gan Lin couldn't help but sighed and looked at Lin Yi.

She was wrong.


She shouldn't feel that she can watch the fun by coming here.

When you get along with normal people, there will indeed be many lively things.

However, with people who cannot communicate with normal language...

Really have nothing to say!

In addition to speechless, or speechless, there are no other words to describe it.

(End of this chapter)

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