Chapter 333 You Have Bad Luck

Celebrities depend on popularity to make money, and ancient temples also rely on popularity if they want to earn more incense money.Therefore, some people who see business opportunities always brag about how many years their ancient temple has existed, how long its history is, and how effective it is. In fact, these are all boasting.

However, as he approached the ancient temple, Wang Xiao felt a sense of tranquility, as if he had found the sustenance of his soul, and suddenly felt very tranquil.Wang Xiao didn't know why he felt this way, maybe it was a psychological effect.

Walking to the front and back of the gate, I saw a stone tablet erected three meters away from the gate of the ancient temple, and countless densely packed characters were carved on the stone tablet.These fonts appear to be vigorous and powerful, and the carvings are very standardized. It can be seen that they are from the hands of celebrities.

The three of them were a little curious, so they walked slowly towards the stele, stood under the stele, and looked up at the writing on it.Although it was night at this time, because there were street lights outside the ancient temple, Wang Xiao and the three of them could still see the words on it clearly.

After glancing at the content above, Wang Xiao got a general idea of ​​the content.The content is roughly that this ancient temple was established in the early Tang Dynasty.This has to start with the thirteen stick monks who made great contributions in rescuing him during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. At that time, there were thirteen masters in Shaolin Temple who were very powerful. Killed countless rebels.

Later, Tang Taizong rewarded these Shaolin masters with countless gold, silver and jewels, as well as high officials and generous salaries.But these people refused, left without saying goodbye, and all returned to Shaolin Temple, and none of them was greedy for glory and wealth.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was very moved and ordered the overhaul of temples across the country to encourage the development of Shaolin Temple.This ancient temple was built at that time.At the beginning, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty made great efforts to build Shaolin Temple in the whole country. At the same time, he also listed Songshan Shaolin Temple as the first Shaolin Temple in the country and the birthplace of martial arts.

After seeing these contents, Wang Xiao just smiled slightly.The story is indeed true, but it is unknown whether the ancient temple was built at that time.

Lin Dan seemed a little joyful and said: "Look, I said before that this ancient temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, it really is true."

Wang Xiao didn't express his own thoughts, since he is sincere, he should not question these issues since he and Lin Dan are here.And for Shaolin Temple, Wang Xiao has a good feeling in his heart.For example, Master Jing Kong, if Master Jing Kong hadn't acted at the beginning, Wang Xiao and others might have died long ago.

"Let's go in and have a look." Lin Dan walked towards the ancient temple excitedly, while Wang Xiao and others followed behind.After entering the inner ancient temple, it is a courtyard with rooms in four directions, front, back, left, and right, and a large courtyard in the middle.

There is a pond in the compound, and there is a big turtle carved in stone in the pond.A monk was on the watch in the middle of the night, and he didn't know what to salvage in the pond.I saw three large characters written on a stone wall outside the pond, 'Wishing Pool. '

As the name suggests, this is the place where wishes are made.Several young people were standing outside the pond holding coins and throwing them into the water.Right in front of the compound is the main hall, where Buddha statues are placed, while the rooms in the other three directions are small shops.

Lin Dan and Wang Xiao walked around, and saw jade wares for sale in some side houses.The prices of these jade articles are not very expensive, ranging from tens of yuan to several hundred yuan, and the cheapest ones cost tens of yuan.

However, the items such as jade articles sold here are all under the banner of having been opened to deceive some consumers.Wang Xiao shook her head helplessly, Ma De, who knows if they really had consecration.Perhaps these people brought back those cheap goods directly from the stalls, and then said that they had been opened.

These are not important, the most important thing is that there are two or three yuan things on the street stalls outside, but here it costs two or thirty yuan, which is really stupid.

Of course, Wang Xiao and Lin Dan didn't like these cheap goods, so they just glanced at them casually, then left quickly and walked towards the main hall.When passing by the pond, Wang Xiao looked at the pond curiously, and saw that the monk was fishing for money.

On a stone in the pond it is written 'No littering of wood and stones is strictly prohibited. 'The meaning of this is obvious, that is, just throwing money, and other things can't be thrown casually.It turned out that many people thought that if they threw a coin into the pond and hit the turtle in the pond, their wishes would come true, so everyone threw coins into it one after another.

Over time, countless coins will accumulate in the wide pond.The monk who was salvaging coins actually used baskets to store the coins he salvaged.

Wang Xiao secretly thought, what a cornucopia, no wonder many people want to become monks now.After entering the hall, there were only a few scattered people in the entire hall.

In the center of the main hall, there is a stone statue enshrined, which is the statue of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.The Buddha statue of Puxian Bodhisattva is actually more than three meters tall, as if it is plated with a layer of gold, and it looks very shining and dazzling.

There are also several Buddha statues enshrined beside Puxian Bodhisattva, but Wang Xiao can't tell who the remaining Buddha statues are.

Although the golden Buddha statue is very dazzling, it is a bit less solemn.In the entire hall, apart from these Buddha statues, there are some counters and a merit box.Incense is sold at the counter, and the merit box is where money is stored.

After the three of Wang Xiao went to the counter to go to the counter, they looked at the incenses inside, all of which were clearly priced.But after looking at all these incense sticks, Wang Xiao felt a little speechless.

I saw that some incense sticks are very expensive. For example, incense for disaster relief and refuge costs more than 300 sticks.Made, a stick of incense is as thick as a thumb.Sure enough, it is a very expensive incense, and the thickness is different.

There is also incense for money, which costs 888 yuan a stick.His uncle's, a stick of incense is as big as a bowl.As expected of an incense for making money, it actually costs 888 per stick. This price sounds not only smooth, but also very auspicious. Fafafa.

Wang Xiao sighed a little. This kind of quiet place of Buddhism has now become a tool for making money.The world has changed now, so everything has changed with it.Lin Dan couldn't help frowning, it could be seen that Lin Dan was also a little unhappy.

Because according to those expensive incense, it seems that if you burn these ordinary incense, it will not work.After Lin Dan randomly took a handful of ordinary incense, he directly threw a hundred yuan into the merit box.

When Wang Xiao saw the monk who was chanting scriptures, when Lin Dan put the money into the merit box, he opened one eye and closed the other eye, and looked at Lin Dan quietly.It seems that he wants to check whether Lin Dan has put money in it.

It's really funny that the monk recited the scriptures with his mouth and heart, but he was also forced by life, so Wang Xiao didn't care.And now the quality of people in many countries really needs to be improved.For example, on those coin-operated buses, some passengers always tear the one-yuan bill in half and use it as two-yuan bills when the driver is not paying attention.

This is still conscientious, and many people even invested fake money.Counterfeit money is nothing, and some people even engage in ghost money.When the drivers counted the money after get off work, they were both angry and funny.

In fact, this ordinary incense stick is only worth a few yuan at most, but Lin Dan doesn't care about this little money, so he directly puts in a hundred yuan.After taking the incense, Lin Dan gave Wang Xiao a stick of incense.

"Thank you." Wang Xiao thanked, and then took Lin Dan's incense. Although he didn't believe in the legends of these ghosts and gods, sincerity made it better.And since you are here, just burn incense and worship Buddha casually, just for peace of mind.

Lin Dan gave a stick of incense to Xiaochun, Xiaochun smiled slightly, Wang Xiao waved his hand and said, "Boss Lin, I don't believe in this, I just believe in myself."

Lin Dan didn't say anything, just took the incense back.After lighting the incense, Lin Dan knelt down on the ground very red, then closed his eyes and made a wish. After seeing Lin Dan's actions, Wang Xiao also followed Lin Dan's example and knelt on the ground and made a wish.

After the two opened their eyes, Lin Dan looked at Wang Xiao and smiled slightly, and then began to burn incense.Wang Xiao also started to burn incense. He was a little curious about what Lin Dan's wish was, and whether he wanted to be with him.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiao was a little excited, and only hoped that she was not just being sentimental.

"Let's go." Lin Dan turned and walked outside. The wish had been fulfilled, so she didn't want to stay here any longer.

The monk suddenly stood up and clasped his hands together. "Amitabha, this female benefactor, the poor monk is looking at your face, your seal is dark, and the dark air is lingering in the courtyard. I am afraid that you may be in danger tonight. Why don't the poor monk give you a divination and calculate your fate?"

Lin Dan looked at the other party in surprise, because she was a little worried about what the monk said.Perhaps it was because Lin Dan had often encountered killers these days, so after hearing what the other party said, she seemed a little uneasy.

Turning around and looking at Wang Xiao, Lin Dan looked at Wang Xiao, as if he wanted to ask Wang Xiao to make a decision for himself.Although Xiaochun is her bodyguard now, Wang Xiao is the patron saint in her heart.

Wang Xiao shook his head casually, expressing that there was no need to worry.The monk saw Lin Dan's beauty and temperament, Xiaochun was just a follower, and he was a man.So this monk knew that he would only be willing to pay if he said that Lin Dan was in trouble.

Glancing at the other party, Wang Xiao said with a serious expression: "Monk, I see that your complexion is yellow and your eyes are dull. Your luck is not very good recently, so you have to be careful."


The monk just put his palms together and kept chanting 'Amitabha. '

Lin Dan gave Wang Xiao an angry look, and then quickly walked out of the hall.Wang Xiao didn't know why she was angry, so Yu Xiaochun followed her and walked outside quickly.After walking outside the main hall, Lin Dan said to Wang Xiao angrily, "Even if you don't believe him, you don't have to hurt him like this."

"I didn't hurt him. In fact, I also know fortune-telling." Wang Xiao smiled slightly.


Of course, Lin Dan didn't believe Wang Xiao's words, she dismissed them, and then slowly walked out of the ancient temple.

After walking outside the ancient temple, it was dark all around, and the shadowy trees, illuminated by the street lights in the night sky, gave people a feeling of depression.Wang Xiao thought about what the monk said before, maybe the other party didn't just talk about it, but it was true.

Could Lin Dan really be in danger tonight? Wang Xiao decided to be more cautious.Although he didn't believe the monk's words, it was always good to be careful.But after thinking of himself and Xiaochun by Lin Dan's side, Wang Xiao felt relieved a lot.

With two mysterious masters protecting him, nothing will happen to Lin Dan.And after so many ups and downs, Lin Dan is not only fine, but also can develop the company better and better, so it is not so easy for those people to deal with Lin Dan.

(End of this chapter)

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