Chapter 394
When Qin Zhi'er yelled "Ouch", a thick layer of goose skin immediately appeared on her body.

Seeing him pursing his lips to be silly and cute, as if he had changed himself, Qin Zhi'er said anxiously: "Brother, please answer me carefully, how is your food different from usual?"

Seeing Qin Zhier's serious face, Qin Ziqin was a little scared, and said, "It's no different. Qin Yong sent some fish maw, ginseng, and snow clams to my mother. I asked the kitchen to make a medicinal meal and stew it. Both my mother and I ate it." Understand."

When Qin Zhi'er heard him say that Xie ate too, she stood up in shock, opened the door, and ran out. Thinking that she hadn't changed her clothes, she ran back again, and drove Qin Ziqin, whose butt seemed to be stuck to the bench, out of the room. Women's clothing, then go out.

As soon as he came out, Qin Ziqin was still standing under the corridor, weeping at a bird flying by in the sky, "Little bird, little bird, winter is coming, are you going to fly south? Why are you alone? Well, have you been abandoned by someone..."

Qin Zhi'er clenched her fist beside him, let go, and then clenched again... Finally, she held back and punched him, knocking off the desolation on his face.

Qin Zhier was about to go to Mrs. Xie's residence, when she saw Mrs. Xie holding the little girl's hand and coming over here Pingting.

Not seeing each other for a few days, Mrs. Xie became more and more slender and fair, the original wrinkles on her face disappeared completely, and her beautiful eyes were even more radiant.

Qin Zhi'er thought it was nothing at first, but now with Qin Ziqin as a lesson from the past, and looking at Xie Shi, she felt weird.

Xie and their brother and sister moved to live in Zhumen Lane, and got rid of the filthy family of Princess Chen Liuchang and Wang Qikai. Yes, she deserved to live a better life.

But now she is middle-aged and inevitably getting old, but these days, she is getting younger and younger, like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman?
Qin Zhi'er went up to meet her, and took Xie's hand, "Mother, are you here?"

As she got closer, she could see more clearly. Her skin was crystal clear, the pores on it were so thin that it was almost invisible, and the white hairs on her temples had also turned black.

If someone saw her and Mrs. Xie at this time, it would not be surprising to recognize them as two sisters.

Being abnormal is a demon, Qin Zhier became even more worried when she thought about Qin Ziqin's abnormality.

Mrs. Xie stretched out her hand, stroked her hair on her temples, and smiled, "Zhi'er, you child, the previous son came back from the palace, and he didn't come to see mother first. Mother still got your letter from your elder brother's mouth. Son."

The three major omens that happened in the palace were suppressed by the virtuous empress dowager and did not spread. To avoid Xie's worry, Qin Zhi'er didn't even mention it.

In fact, she still didn't regard the woman in front of her as her own mother in her heart. To her, her elder brother and mother were too weak.

They cannot fight alongside her.

She has nothing to discuss with them.

Therefore, she unknowingly forgot Mrs. Xie.

Qin Zhi'er felt guilty when she heard her complaining, "Mother, it's my fault, I will visit you often in the future."

Xie has a gentle personality and didn't blame her. Hearing this, he just smiled, stretched out his finger, and nodded on her forehead, "Silly boy, how could mother blame you?"

Qin Zhi'er only felt that when her finger stretched out and touched her forehead, it became extremely soft and smooth, which reminded her of the hand of a newborn baby.

Qin Zhi'er said quickly: "Mother, your complexion has improved a lot recently, what good food did you eat? Why don't you ask me to try it too?"

Mrs. Xie covered her mouth and smiled, "I haven't seen you all day long. What I wanted to bring to you was the snow clam from the Qin family. Mother made medicinal food with it. After eating for a few days, her body It's really good, Zhi'er, you should also eat more of these supplements, look at you, you have lost weight recently after traveling around, and the color of your face has changed a lot, Zhi'er, you are about to get married, you can't be full Married with a haggard face..."

After Xie's nagging, Qin Zhi'er let out a sigh of relief, thinking that Xie's temper and character have not changed at all, no better than Qin Ziqin.

Speaking of Qin Ziqin, Qin Ziqin leaned over, wrung his hands, and twisted his body to come to Mrs. Xie, "Mother, you only have a younger sister in your eyes, I won't do it..."

Qin Zhi'er was thinking about how to explain the suspicion in her heart to Xie Shi, so she unconsciously took the cup of tea on the table and poured it into her mouth. Being stimulated by Qin Ziqin, the tea rushed straight out of her throat, spraying so much that Xie It's all over.

Qin Zhi'er coughed and pointed at Qin Ziqin, "Brother, you, you..."

Qin Ziqin also splashed three or two drops of tea, so he twisted his body again, "Oh, sister, what did you do?"

Qin Zhi'er couldn't stand this monster anymore, rushed forward, grabbed Qin Ziqin's skirt, and said sharply, "Brother, tell me about the lack of something you ate recently!"

She clenched her fist, preparing for him to say "Ouch" to be disgusting, so she greeted him directly with her fist.

She was so provoked by Qin Ziqin that she even forgot that Mrs. Xie was on the side.

Mrs. Xie was not worried, but felt that the tall Qin Ziqin being grabbed by the short Qin Zhier was a bit of an eyesore.

She only thought that the two siblings were arguing, so she persuaded: "If you have something to say, talk it out, Zhi'er, you are a girl, how can you move your hands?"

After hearing what Xie said, Qin Zhi'er let go of him, but stared at Qin Ziqin without blinking.

Qin Ziqin flattened his lips aggrievedly, and said, "I told you, it's the same as usual, except that the herbal diet delivered by Li Niang is different."

Mrs. Xie hurriedly said: "Yes, Zhi'er, your brother likes sweets, and I like sweets too. I asked someone to make a medicinal meal, and I sent it to your brother several times..."

Qin Zhi'er went all the way in her heart, and said, "Mother, why don't you send some to me?"

Didn't they realize that they are not the original Zhi'er?

So get her out?

Qin Zhi'er didn't know what was going on, and suddenly became flustered.

Mrs. Xie laughed, "You child, you are going to be jealous of this? Don't you like sweets? This medicinal food has a bit of bitter taste, if it is made salty, it will be even more bitter. You must not like it .”

Qin Zhi'er breathed a sigh of relief, wondering if she was too nervous today, what happened in the village made her suspicious of everyone.

She thought for a while, and decided that it would be better to tell Mrs. Xie her doubts, and then said: "Mother, the herbal diet you ate is really good, but brother ate it, don't you think he has changed?"

Mrs. Xie raised her head, glanced at Qin Ziqin, nodded and said, "Hey, his skin is also a little more delicate."

After finishing speaking, she covered her mouth and smiled, "This medicinal diet really works."

Qin Zhi'er screamed in her heart, he is becoming more and more feminine, don't you think?
Mrs. Xie looked at Qin Zhi'er, and said: "Zhi'er, you are a girl, and there is nothing in front of your family, but if you go outside, you can't fight with your brother like this. Girls must be quiet and elegant. , can't be as rude as you."

Qin Zhi'er wanted to cry but had no tears.

She understood that with her role model here, Xie's gender was a little confused. Xie's eyes were all on her, so how could she notice Qin Ziqin's inappropriateness... Who told her that she had a manly personality?

But in her previous life, she was engaged in a job that did not allow men to work. Can she be blamed for this, can she be blamed?
Hey, let's check in the dark.

In order to avoid Xie's fuss, he took the opportunity to teach her a lesson.

To be honest, she was really a little afraid of Mrs. Xie's nagging.

After Xie Shi and Qin Ziqin left, Qin Zhi'er asked Xiao Hei to call Xiao Cheng, who was good at inquiring, and told them to check all the food that Xie Shi and Qin Ziqin had eaten these days, especially the medicinal diet.

Qin Zhi'er always felt that Qin Ziqin might have eaten something similar to the estrogen in his previous life that made him so emotional.

Xiaocheng's work efficiency is extremely high. At night, he made a list, listing the things Xie and Qin Ziqin had eaten in the past month in detail, and even brought the ingredients for the medicinal diet they ate to check one by one. .

Some of those materials were bought by Mrs. Xie herself, and some were given by others. The Qin family also sent a lot of good things, all of which were worth thousands of gold, filling up the entire warehouse. Qin Zhier first asked Xiaobai to send the Qin family over He went through everything, and then checked the materials Xie had used. He kept checking until midnight, but he couldn't find anything unusual.

Xiaobai looked at the recipe of Xie's Pharmaceutical Cuisine again, and after reading it, he applauded, saying that this recipe is so ingenious, it is a rare and good recipe.

Qin Zhier asked Xiaobai repeatedly, asking her what side effects this prescription had, and what would happen if a man took it?
Xiaobai shook his head again and again, saying that this prescription has no side effects, and the dosage of medicinal materials is calculated accurately, which is excellent for beauty and health.

Qin Zhi'er didn't believe it, so she asked her what would happen if the man ate it.

Xiaobai looked blank, and asked Qin Zhi'er, what exactly did she want to ask?
Qin Zhi'er would never tell her that she suspected that Qin Ziqin's mood changes in recent days were the reason for eating these things.

After searching for so long, seeing that one day passed, but found nothing, Qin Zhi'er felt helpless for the first time.

When she saw the sun rising outside the window, she suddenly woke up. There was only one day before the emperor's deadline, but she wasted one day because of this sudden incident.

It was as if someone was doing everything in their power to hinder her, first distracting her with the things she cared about the most, leading her to the Zhuangzi, and letting her discover the woman hidden in the Zhuangzi.

Then, he used Qin Ziqin to divert her attention, delaying the time.

Her brother had developed such a disease inexplicably, so she had to investigate.

Use the things and people she cares about the most to distract her, so she has to spend energy to investigate.

The people behind the scenes are well-planned and step-by-step.

She suddenly remembered that the Empress Dowager Xiande also had an inexplicable illness. Could there be any connection between the two?
(End of this chapter)

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