Chapter 251 Special Departments
With that effort, she might as well practice some medicine at home, and she has no intention of exposing herself to the eyes of others.

Qiao Yizheng also knew that it would be embarrassing to ask Ai Jiujiu to help, but he really had no choice. In order to reduce more casualties, they must bring a good team doctor on this trip.

"Don't rush to refuse. Listen to me to explain how the situation is. If you still refuse after listening, then I will not force it. After all, it is more dangerous to bring a doctor who has a grudge in his heart than not to bring a doctor."

Ai Jiujiu glanced at Qiao Yizheng suspiciously. Seeing that the other party had no negative emotions and didn't blame her for refusing, she eased her attitude. Although she didn't think she would change her mind, she seemed to be so sincere to the Lord. For the sake of it, she was defenseless even if she heard it.

Seeing that Ai Jiujiu finally nodded, Qiao Yizheng frowned and breathed a sigh of relief.

"On the premise of explaining the mission situation to you, I think I need to help you popularize your knowledge."

Ai Jiujiu raised his brows, his eyes became more puzzled, "Uh...? What do you mean?"

Qiao Yizheng glanced at Ai Jiujiu, as if he was organizing words, he didn't answer Ai Jiujiu's question, but asked again.

"I don't know how much you know about this world? For example, abilities, such as Xuanmen, such as warriors, those that are beyond ordinary people's cognition?"

The amount of information was a bit large, and Ai Jiujiu was secretly surprised by Qiao Yizheng's drawing skills, as if a whole new world suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Intersecting and rubbing, after pondering for a moment, he said, "There must be supernatural powers and warriors, I know it myself, but what is Xuanmen?"

"I know that you will definitely not know. This is the knowledge I want to spread to you. The world is not as simple as you see. In order to prevent you from asking questions in the future and getting into danger in this special event, I still Let me tell you clearly now so that you can know how to deal with it when the time comes."

"The so-called supernatural powers refer to people who have special abilities that ordinary people do not possess, and that transcend natural existence. According to the theory of supernatural beings, supernatural powers are divided into material supernatural powers and spiritual supernatural powers. Material supernatural powers: these Supernatural powers are called "physical supernatural powers", and they often happen to people who have adventures. Their minds are still ordinary people, but their bodies change differently from ordinary people, such as people who can manipulate energy or substances such as flames, lightning, and ions. , In the past, people with this kind of abilities are often a group with huge lethality, but some of them cannot freely control their own abilities."

"Spiritual powers: also known as soul powers or mind powers. It is an unknown superpower of spiritual thinking that is generally accepted by human beings. It is the group that is most likely to be realized but more difficult than physical powers. Among them, the most well-known : "Mind shifting", "fetching objects from space" and the unknown "mind manipulation", "energy manipulation (also known as resonance manipulation)" and "precognition", and people with supernatural powers rarely walk outside alone , They usually gather together. The most famous of this type of organization is the international Ability Freedom Alliance, and then there are the Ability Teams of the special departments of various countries. This is only on the surface, and there are many small organizations scattered secretly. All over the world, they are generally engaged in more dangerous jobs, such as agents, killers, spies... etc., because of the relationship between supernatural powers, which allow them to complete tasks beyond normal human beings. Of course, some people choose to be anonymous lone rangers, which is unacceptable The fact that I have supernatural powers, I long for the life of ordinary people, but in the end very few people can achieve their wishes."

"Furthermore, in ancient martial arts, the more primitive a person is, the closer he is to the 'heaven'. That is to pursue the limit of his own physical fitness and temper himself with vitality, just like the speed of a leopard. When it is more civilized, it is replaced by industrialization. , own physical fitness. That is the golden age of gods. At that time, people all pursued their own strength as the ultimate pursuit. Now it is the iron age, and tools are the main focus. Martial arts have been evolving for thousands of years, but in the past hundred years, The development of martial arts is the same as that of science. The kung fu of each school has been proved by practice. It can stand analysis. From human body dynamics. Improve in all aspects."

"Since the decline of ancient martial arts, there have been fewer and fewer martial arts practitioners, but their status has not decreased but increased, just because this is the only way for ordinary people to have power without specific conditions. Warriors can be divided into heaven, earth, and mysterious. In the four stages of Huang and Huang, Huang is the lowest, Heaven is the highest, and Xiantian is the existence in legends. Ancient warriors are mostly in the East, and there are many hermit families in China, with the four major families being the most, and there are special departments."

"Xuanmen is mostly an important part of Taoist culture, such as Maoshan, Longhushan, etc. Some things that cannot be determined by common sense, such as the soul, divination, such as Fengshui, etc... are just the current mainstream culture in society and are absolutely denied Metaphysics and other arts are even arbitrarily categorized as feudal superstition, pseudoscience, and bluffing. The technique is ignorant, and there are so many top hats, which directly lead to the practical application and promotion of this knowledge. The few remaining oriental Chinese medicine is also a kind of Taoism, which belongs to the lower class, and the only remaining branch of Taoism. Knowledge has also attracted a lot of doubts. In order to harmonize with the mainstream culture of this society, people who have achieved some achievements in Taoist arts are also very low-key and quietly apply this knowledge, so as not to be lost forever and forgotten by mankind forever. Compared with For ancient warriors with supernatural powers, the small group of people in metaphysics are obviously particularly weak, but in fact they have more potential to reach the top than supernatural powers and ancient warriors."

"There is also a class of people who exist in legends, that is, cultivators, who use falsehood to cultivate truth. In Taoism, learning the Tao and practicing, seeking the true self, removing the false and keeping the true is called 'cultivation'. The name of cultivating the truth has existed since ancient times. , Commonly known as cultivating the Tao. It includes the whole process of practice of moving to transform essence, refining essence to transform Qi, refining Qi to transform spirit, refining spirit to return emptiness, returning emptiness to the way, and proving the true immortal. What is truth? The career position, the real is the real fairy, not self-proclaimed, but actually sealed by the upper realm of space. The real person is the highest state of the Taoist, and the practitioners should have great ambitions, foresight, hard work throughout their lives, hard work, and progress in virtue and merit. In order to achieve the superior state of real people and real immortals, it is called "cultivation of truth."

"Cultivators have existed since ancient times, but now they are rare, but they do exist. In Shennongjia, the boundary to the east is the boundary of the Cultivators. The Cultivators have their own hidden ability to form a world of their own, so that ordinary people can't see it." See, they are the most mysterious group of people, who rarely appear in the secular world, and they are more focused on practicing to achieve longevity. Of course, there are exceptions, but such people are very few, and most of them come out to find breakthrough methods. Exhausted cultivators, or those who are heretics, are mostly evil cultivators, and the emergence of such people represents danger, and they are the focus of special departments."

"Let me tell you this. In fact, it has something to do with the tasks we are carrying out. Our enemies are not necessarily what they appear on the surface. They are probably people with these special abilities. They are all a group of lunatics. Thirsting for strength, but not working hard on themselves, always wanting to get something for nothing, those medical geeks and scientists, under the banner of working for the welfare of ordinary people, carry out various human experiments and genetic modification. After a long time, they really made a name for themselves , It’s just that there are few successes and many failures. For the sake of strength, even the country can’t stand the temptation. In order to achieve the results of gene fusion and transformation in the human body, after decades of experiments, I don’t know how many people and materials were sacrificed. In the end, only one team survived, and there were less than ten people. They are called humanoid weapons. !"

"They are slightly different from ordinary people. They are more beastly. They can change shape. They are very powerful. They can tear apart high-level fighters easily. They are not afraid of simple hot weapons such as bullets. However, their lives are very short, and the longest is less than 40 years old. Later, with the development of society, this experiment was considered a wrong behavior, it was terminated, the file was sealed, and it was not mentioned again, but there were always some people who could not stand the temptation to study secretly, not only conducting human experiments, but also genetic transformation Wait, there are also biochemical weapons such as new viruses, and they have extended their hands to casual practitioners of supernatural powers, wanting ordinary people to have supernatural powers. This kind of experiment is very cruel. No matter whether it is a test subject or a subject, it is impossible to escape death. .”

"The eleventh branch of the special department is the place to deal with this kind of incident. The team members are all composed of humanoid weapons and the most elite personnel in the army. They are led by the best soldier king. They are the best combat department and the sharpest weapons. , belongs to the action department. If the eleventh department is the department's sword, then the special department of my department is the department's brain, which is slightly different from other departments. Integrate with technology, have top-level players in various fields, and have a cooperative relationship with Division 24. This time, the base suffered heavy losses due to the traitor, which also caused the information of Division [-] to be leaked, making the teams of Division [-] The mission was blocked, and the seventh team even lost contact during the mission. This incident was originally caused by us. Of course, we should finish it. We will start within [-] hours. It's just that after the traitor incident, the obvious personnel The shortage, especially the lack of famous doctors, is not fully sure, I am afraid that we will not be able to save people and counterattack, as evidenced by the new virus in the hands of the traitors."

"I can't experiment with the lives of the whole team, I have to be responsible for them. In this case, I can only think of you, and only your medical skills can convince me. I also know that this situation is not appropriate, and It's very dangerous, but I can't think of anyone else except you. How about being our team doctor? If I had any hesitation about inviting you, after seeing your spatial ability, I know you have the right After I was able to protect myself, I dispelled all my worries, and the leader of the team that needs rescue is Ye Jia Ye Xun, I remember that he helped you at Grand Hyatt, I believe Xiao Jiu must not want him to have an accident!"

(End of this chapter)

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