Chapter 447 The Child Name Problem
Fenglin has always been at ease when Yueyun is doing things.So she didn't ask any more questions.Just thinking about going to see him after breakfast for a while.Feng Lin doesn't know how hard it is to have a child, so she can only love him more.

After they had breakfast together, Lu Yinfeng went to court.Only a few people in Fenglin remained.Suddenly Yueyun asked: "My lord, what should the child be named?"

Originally, the name should have been thought up long before the child was born.But because Feng Lin was busy fighting at that time, he had no time to distract himself from thinking about these things, so he dragged on until now.

Hearing Yue Yun's mention, Feng Lin realized that it was time for her to choose a name for the child.It can't just go on like this, no.

However, regarding the question of what name to choose, Feng Lin didn't have any good ideas at the moment.

Feng Lin looked up at the few people in front of him, and asked, "What do you think?"

Yue Yun thought about it for a while, and according to Feng Lin and the others' seniority, they should be of the "Liu" generation.Besides, Fenglin's children are related to the entire Beiyue Dynasty, so they can't be taken lightly.

Therefore, Yueyun reminded: "My lord, the little girl should belong to the "Liu" generation."

Feng Lin didn't care much about this so-called seniority. After all, as a modern person, how could she be entangled by these ancient regulations?
Feng Lin shook his head, and said: "It's okay. It just so happens that I want to name the child today, why not take the child in Zisu's stomach as well."

Zisu's stomach is only four months old, and it's only slightly bulging.However, it is not a bad thing to be able to think of the baby's name quickly.

Zi Su touched her belly with her hands, but she still couldn't feel the baby's fetal movement.But he thought that after a while, the child in his belly would slowly become active.

This child has gone through too much, and almost died in Yan Moxuan's hands.Regarding the name of the child in her womb, Zisu has long been concerned about it.He glanced at Feng Lin, and said calmly but firmly: "The child in my belly should be called Feng Yuyu."

Yan Yu, Yan Yu, Feng Lin silently recited these two words.It is indeed a suitable name for boys and girls.

Once Mubai asked Feng Lin if he liked boys or girls, Feng Lin said she liked boys.And the reason why she wanted them to have a son was because of her status.If she gave birth to a daughter, she would inevitably be involved in chaos.But if they gave birth to a son, they would be able to live a peaceful life.

Fenglin didn't want her child to live in conspiracy and schemes like her.If possible, she wanted them to live a normal life.

Apparently, she wasn't alone in thinking this way.Feng Lin was thinking, if she hadn't traveled to this dynasty, and Prince Lin was still her, she would have lived a more prosperous life than herself.She will become the overlord of the world, and no one dares to compete with her.

As for himself, he lacked that bit of ambition.Compared with Jiang Shan, she prefers to lead these husbands and servants to spend her life in a normal way.

However, she is well aware of her responsibilities.Before everything is settled.All she has to do is remove all obstacles that stand in her way.

Compared with the previous Dongling and Xijin, it is obvious that this time she will face a bigger storm.It is very likely that even she will not be able to weather this storm so easily.

Feng Lin suppressed all the wild thoughts in her heart, and she smiled without any gloom.He looked back at Zisu and praised: "This name is very good. When Zisu gives birth to a child, I will call it this name."

Zisu had already thought about the name of the child in Zisu's belly, but the one in front of him still hadn't got anything settled yet?Feng Lin felt that this girl was extremely wrong with her, that she was sent by heaven to torture her.

However, this is her and Mu Bai's daughter.Feng Lin groaned for a while, and uttered a name. "Feng Yansheng." Feng Lin looked at the child Yue Yun was holding, and repeated again: "How about calling this child Feng Yansheng?"

None of the other three had any objections, so the name was finalized.

Afterwards, Feng Lin hugged the child from Yue Yun's hands, still wrinkled, not to mention ugly.But Feng Lin felt her heart softened.

She said to several people: "I'll go and tell Mu Bai the name of the child."

The sun outside the house was very strong, but it gradually lost the heat of summer.Feng Lin thought that the child would not be able to bask in the sun, so she covered her with her sleeve, and hurried to Mu Bai's residence.

Feng Lin may not know how miraculous her expression looks to the guards in the dark.Because in their eyes, Feng Lin is serious and rigorous.Instead of being full of smiles like now.

When Feng Lin came to Mu Bai's residence, he didn't sleep, he just half leaned on the bed, thinking about something.

Feng Lin waved the attendants back, and walked over with light steps.The constant vigilance made Mu Bai turn around.Then, he saw Feng Lin walking over with the child in his arms.

I am used to seeing Feng Lin's all-powerful appearance, but seeing her clumsily holding the child at this moment, Mu Bai felt really uncomfortable.He couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing Mu Bai's laughter, Feng Lin quickened his pace and stuffed the child into Mu Bai's arms.Sitting next to Mu Bai for a while, she looked back at Mu Bai.Compared with yesterday's pale complexion, his complexion is much better today.There is a touch of red in the snow-white skin, which looks very beautiful.

Feng Lin's eyes made Mu Bai a little embarrassed, he lowered his head and pretended to look at the child, and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that you have worked hard." Feng Lin shook his head, and raised his hand to stroke his snowy white hair.Mubai's hair is very beautiful, soft and soft in his hand, very comfortable to touch.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Bai was not used to Feng Lin like this.How could he find it hard to bear a child for her?Mu Bai hugged the child in his arms tightly, with such a happy expression on his face.

Until now, Feng Lin didn't think of the reason why she came to Mubai's place.She tapped the child's face with her fingertips, and whispered in Mubai's ear, "I just discussed with Chuyun Zisu and decided to name the child Feng Yusheng. What do you think?"

Mu Bai looked down at the child, and whispered these two words in his mouth. "Yan Sheng."

Mu Bai's voice was as clear as a spring, and when he read these two words, his tone contained deep love.After a while, he raised his head and said to Feng Lin, "Well, the child will be called Yan Sheng from now on."

Feng Lin smiled lightly, but Mu Bai didn't see the little bit of sadness hidden in that smile.

Mu Bai has given birth to a child, and the news is likely to reach the Queen's ears soon.This also means that she will not stay in the Western Jin Dynasty for too long.Only this, she didn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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