Chapter 556
Mo Qianrui and his party left Yu County early in the morning.

The journey was smooth, without any surprises.But even so, it was already after noon when they arrived at the gate of Wanhua County.

However, they did not go directly to the shops in the outer city, but first found a restaurant to have a slightly late lunch.

After lunch, the young couple helped the Mo family settle down.

Everyone in the Mo family is no stranger to the shop in the outer city of Wanhua County.After all, they have all lived for a while in the past few years.But the problem is that it has been a long time since the interval, not to mention other things, there are no daily necessities.Unexpectedly, because when everyone in the Mo family left Mingyue Town, they were in an unusual hurry, not to mention other things, they didn't even bring much underwear.

Fortunately, the backyard of the shop has been cleaned all the time, and the weather is not too cold. In addition, Wanhua County is warmer than the surrounding towns. After simply buying some necessities, everyone moved in. .

After everything was settled, it was not too early.

The young couple, the tigers, the grandma of the Mo family, and Huiniang hurried to the inner city.

The gates of the inner city are usually closed after sunset in the evening.

In summer, it will be slightly delayed, but now it is late autumn, and the gates of the city are closed almost shortly after the young couple and others entered the inner city.

And even though shopkeeper Li Da sent people to Wanhua County to look for Tang Yanxiu at the first moment of the accident.But when the people he sent rushed to Wanhua County in a hurry, they were able to enter Wanhua County after the outer city gate was closed, but they couldn't notify Tang Yanxiu immediately.

The young couple knew about it until the next day.

"Yan Xiu, take me with you!"

Upon hearing the news, Mo Qianrui became anxious.She wasn't very worried about Ling Niang, because in her opinion, A Lin should not be capable of killing people.In other words, Lingniang's life is not in danger.

What made her particularly worried was Liniang's newborn little daughter.

Don't look at Mo Qianrui's carefree appearance, but in fact, after giving birth to the cubs, she really finally realized what it's like to be a mother.

Not to mention my own children, I also have more patience and care for other people's children.

In particular, Liniang had a very good relationship with her in the first place, not to mention that a completely innocent child was involved here.

What a child!

"But what about the cubs?" Tang Yanxiu understood what Mo Qianrui was thinking without needing to say much.But compared to Liniang's newborn daughter, Tang Yanxiu cared more about the cubs.

"Don't worry, isn't my grandma here? Otherwise, I wouldn't be so at ease. By the way, let's let my grandma come here too. Originally, I thought that Ah Lin would seek revenge from the second master of the Qiao family." , but now... I'll go tell my father that they must enter the inner city and take care of the tigers by the way. The outer city is not as safe as the inner city."

"That's right, at this point, don't be too fussy. Let's do it like this!"

In fact, Tang Yanxiu is also well aware of the concerns of the father of the Mo family.But after all, each era has its own rules, and the father of the Mo family thinks that he should not drag his family to live with his son-in-law, so he can only choose to be considerate.

But now, it is a special situation, so I don't care about respecting the choice of the father of the Mo family.

The young couple quickly made a decision, but they didn't go around to the shop in the outer city. After all, the incident happened suddenly in Yu County, and they had to rush there as soon as possible.So, I just called a boy to inform, didn't say anything else, just said that something happened in Yu County, and used the name of the Mo family's grandma to intimidate me. Although the Mo family's father was very helpless, He also honestly brought his family into the inner city.

Not mentioning Wanhua County, but saying that the young couple hurried to Yuxian County just after noon.

Not caring about other things, the two rushed directly to Li's house.

At this time, almost two days had passed since Li Lingniang disappeared.

Lingniang, there is still no news.

Mo Qianrui turned a deaf ear to Lingniang's affairs, and went straight to the backyard to look for Liniang.

But as soon as she entered Liniang's room, Mo Qianrui felt that the atmosphere was very oppressive, and when she saw the little baby in the cradle next to Liniang's bed, she couldn't help crying.

At first, when he heard that Liniang had given birth prematurely, Mo Qianrui was glad that no matter what, Liniang was already eight months pregnant.

In Mo Qianrui's impression, an eight-month premature baby should be in good health.

But she forgot a crucial question.

In the previous life, although people often said that they were pregnant in October, in fact, according to the calculation method of the Gregorian calendar, they should give birth when they are nine months pregnant.Well, eight months premature is really not a big deal.Besides, isn't there an incubator?
And this life?
According to the calculation of the lunar calendar, it really takes ten months to be considered a full term.

Leaving aside a full two months in advance, Liniang's fetus was a little unstable before, because at the beginning of her pregnancy, she had been sailing with the eldest young master of the Qiao family.In fact, Liniang had just landed in Ning County a few days ago, and then took a carriage to the Li family's new house in Yu County.

It can be said that the birth of the child in Liniang's womb is already a blessing.

Because of this, the baby Mo Qianrui saw, even though it was a single birth, looked thinner and weaker than when the tigers were just born.

That little head is not even half the size of an adult's palm.

The small arms and legs are as thick as fingers.

That's not counting, after Li Niang cried and opened her mouth, Mo Qianrui realized that the child hadn't had a drop of water since it was born yesterday.

She couldn't swallow on her own.

Liniang was crying all the time, while Meiniang was sitting beside her, hugging her all the time, trying to comfort her.

But obviously, the effect is not good.

"Didn't you try to think of other ways? What about the doctor? Why don't you ask the doctor to come and see? By the way, Liniang, do you have milk?" Mo Qianrui gritted her teeth and forced back the tears. At this time, crying is the most useless thing Performance!
Unexpectedly, after listening to Mo Qianrui's words, Liniang cried even harder, unable to answer Mo Qianrui's words at all.

It was Meiniang who looked at Mo Qianrui apologetically, and when Aunt Hui Niang came over, she handed Li Niang over to the latter, while she dragged Mo Qianrui outside.

"Big girl, Liniang... My big baby hasn't been weaned yet. I squeezed some to feed the baby yesterday, but the baby couldn't swallow it at all. He won't even cry, and the meconium hasn't come down yet."

Although Mei Niang's complexion was not as pale as Liniang's, she still looked haggard.

Mo Qianrui didn't care about feeling sorry for her, and asked again: "What about the doctor? Didn't you ask a doctor to look at it?"

"I did, why didn't I invite you? But the doctor only said that Liniang's body was badly damaged, and that if she didn't take care of her, it would be very difficult for her to conceive in the future."

"Where's the child?" Mo Qianrui still cared more about that extremely fragile little life.

"Such a small child can neither take medicine nor acupuncture, and can't even feel the pulse. Besides, the child can't drink milk, and the meconium can't come out. What can the doctor do? Just let it be fate..."

Saying that, Meiniang couldn't help but shed tears.

For Liniang, but also for the doomed baby.

Meiniang only cared about crying, but Mo Qianrui felt unwilling.

Go to Grandma's fate!
A bunch of quacks!

Abandoning the tearful Meiniang, Mo Qianrui rushed to the front yard angrily, but there were only Tang Yanxiu and the second uncle of the Li family in the front yard.

Seeing that there was something wrong with Mo Qianrui's expression, Tang Yanxiu hurriedly went up to meet him, while the second uncle of the Li family looked at the young couple and hurried out the door.

"Xiaorui, what's wrong?"

"What about uncle and others? No one cares about that child?"

"My adoptive father went to look for Lingniang, and most of the other relatives of the Li family also ran out to look for her. I'm going back to the business later. Are you... plan to stay here with Liniang?"

"Why are you still looking for Lingniang, that damned girl?"

Mo Qianrui was really angry.

In this matter, that child is the most innocent. Although Liniang is also somewhat responsible, she is also a victim after all.

What about the poor girl?

In good conscience, after seeing the dying child, Mo Qianrui really hated Lingniang a little bit!

"Xiaorui?" Tang Yanxiu looked at Mo Qianrui with a worried face. He knew that what Mo Qianrui said was angry, but he didn't understand why Mo Qianrui was so angry. "Isn't Liniang?" Has she already given birth? You can't let a bunch of people surround her, can you? Meiniang and Aunt Huiniang are both here, and the second aunt of the Li family has also left her family shop and brought her two eldest daughters-in-law here to help. This manpower Isn't that enough?"

Tang Yanxiu didn't enter the backyard, so naturally she didn't see Liniang and her child, so when she said this, her face was very calm.

This is not because he is cold-hearted, but because he is really unfamiliar with Liniang.

Even if the person who gave birth today is Mei Niang, he will take care of it, but with Li Niang, he really doesn't know how to deal with her, and there is no need to do so.

"That child...Yan Xiu, you don't know how pitiful that child is..."

Mo Qianrui tried his best to calm down and briefly described Liniang's premature child, which shocked Tang Yanxiu.

Tang Yanxiu is not considered an ignorant person, aside from other things, when the tiger cubs were born, although they were full-term, the amount was not enough.

But even if the weight is not enough, the bones of the tigers are still very good.

Now, after hearing Mo Qianrui's description, he couldn't help feeling sour.

Children are the most innocent...

"Xiaorui, how about this, you sneak into the space to look at the system store, there should be milk powder for newborn babies. I still remember, there seems to be a kind of injection-type pacifier or a medicine feeding device? I can't remember clearly. At that time, I I took a few glances. Go inside and have a look, buy everything you can use, and just push everything on me later.”

(End of this chapter)

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