416 - The Leftovers

These days, the emphasis is on having more children and more blessings. If those families are too poor to let go, they may still worry about the problem of having too many children.

Fortunately, Tang Yanxiu is so poor that all he has left is money.

Each of the four sons is assigned a nanny, two nuns, four personal maids, and an extremely sturdy grandma of the Mo family as the general manager.Needless to say, in this way, the young couple are completely free.

Mo Qianrui was fine, after all, she was still in confinement.No matter how good her body was before, she had to give birth to four children at once, so she definitely needed to take care of her.

And Tang Yanxiu...

"Who, when I was just pregnant, patted my chest and promised that I would help the child wash diapers and breastfeed?" Mo Qianrui stared at Tang Yanxiu intensely, and Mo Qianrui expressed her displeasure.

Although the four sons are now taken care of by Mo Qianrui, she still suffered a lot during the nine and a half months of pregnancy before giving birth.

But Tang Yanxiu?

What did he do?
I thought that after the child was born, I must take good care of him.Even if you don't use force, at least you can let Tang Yanxiu circle around the child.Jobs like washing diapers must be prepared for Tang Yanxiu!

It's not as good as people's calculations, and the Mo family's grandma is here.

This is great, Tang Yanxiu doesn't have to do anything, at least it is impossible for Mo Qianrui to ask Tang Yanxiu to wash the child's diapers in front of Mo's grandma.

But why?

He hasn't even washed a diaper, what kind of father is he?

Unknowingly, Mo Qianrui complained about this.You know, after Goudan'er was born, the father of the Mo family also helped with many things.Anyway, there is no shortage of work at home.How can it be as relaxed as Tang Yanxiu is now, not to mention washing diapers, he didn't even hug the child!
Faced with Mo Qianrui's accusation, Tang Yanxiu wanted to cry but had no tears.

Washing diapers...

It's not too difficult, just waste some saponins and water.If there was no grandmother from the Mo family, Tang Yanxiu would wash a few diapers even if it was to make Mo Qianrui feel better.But the problem was that Mo Qianrui didn't dare to provoke the Mo family's grandma, and neither did he!
As for holding the child, do you think he doesn't want to?

"Xiaorui, why don't you ask politely when your grandma will go back. Otherwise, I won't even be able to touch my son!"

I really can't blame him for this. After two lifetimes, he finally became a father. Although the number of sons is a bit unexpected, he still loves them from the bottom of his heart, and wished he could get tired of being with them every day.

However, the grandma of the Mo family said that he is still a child himself, how can he rest assured that he can hold the child?
Not to mention hugging, they are not even allowed to touch, and even to visit, they can only take a few steps away from such a distance.

"No, you have to ask yourself, I don't want to ask for a smoke."

Regarding Tang Yanxiu's request, Mo Qianrui chose to directly refuse.She's not stupid, if she really asks this question, maybe the grandma of the Mo family will slap her into a meat paste.Would you like to be more tactful?It's too tactful. The grandma of the Mo family can't understand at all. Isn't it the same as not saying anything?

"Then... that's fine, Xiaorui, sacrifice yourself and chat with your grandma for a while, and I will secretly go and pick up the sons, okay? It won't take too long, just a little while." Speaking of this, Tang Yanxiu paused, and then quickly added, "It doesn't matter if you ask me to wash diapers every day after your grandma leaves."

After thinking for a long time, Mo Qianrui reluctantly agreed.

Watching Tang Yanxiu leave, Tang Yanxiu fooled the grandma of the Mo family over. When she saw Mo Qianrui, she stared again: "What's wrong? You damn girl can't rest well, what are you doing?"

"Uh, grandma, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you want to have a good chat with you? Anyway, there is a nanny over there with the child, so it doesn't matter if you leave for a while."

Squinting at Mo Qianrui, the grandma of the Mo family slammed her mouth: "Yes, there is a nanny here. What's the use of you, a dead girl?"

Just saying it wasn't enough, the grandma of the Mo family actually pinched Mo Qianrui's chest: "A mother can't even feed the child, so she grows so much flesh for nothing."

Did she get hit in the chest?
He lowered his head to look at his chest in disbelief, then raised his head and glared at Grandma Mo's.

But at this time, the grandmother of the Mo family had already dragged a round stool from the side, and after sitting down, she said, "Say, what's the matter, do you miss your mother and Erya? By the way, why not?" There are dog eggs and dog leftovers."

Recovering from the shock of being hit in the chest, Mo Qianrui realized in time that he couldn't beat Mo's grandma, so he had no choice but to swallow his breath.


Who is the leftover dog?
There was nothing dangerous about this question, so naturally, Mo Qianrui asked it casually.

As a result, she was once again despised by the grandma of the Mo family.

"The dog leftover is your second brother, who is only a few months older than your baby."

Hearing what Mo's grandma said, Mo Qianrui understood.Gou Sheng'er was the baby born to Aunt Mo's family after she left Wanhua County.It's just that this name...it really has the style of the Mo family, and it's so down-to-earth.

"Fortunately, it's the younger brother and not the younger sister. Otherwise, the girl named Gou Shenger wouldn't have to live."

With her mouth pursed, Mo Qianrui couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Just this sound was still heard by Mo's grandmother, she was not annoyed, but continued to despise Mo Qianrui: "You are really stupid if you say you are stupid, if you are a girl, you can call him a dog leftover Is it? That must be Sanyatou! You fool!"

The grandma of the Mo family meant that boys are of the dog-like generation, and girls should be big girls, second girls, third girls, etc.

This saves effort.

Mo Qianrui, who was despised one after another, swallowed the bad breath, but his heart began to pierce the villain.The target is not Mo's grandma but Tang Yanxiu. If Tang Yanxiu hadn't wanted to hug her sons on a whim, would she have ended up being despised thousands of times by Mo's grandma?

"By the way, that beautiful lady of the Li family, isn't she? That's the one who is very close to you. She also gave birth to a son, but the weight is not very enough, about five catties. The leftovers of the family are very powerful. Eight catties!"

Meiniang also gave birth to a son?
That's good news.

Mo Qianrui has a very good relationship with Meiniang, and she really feels sorry for what happened to Meiniang in the first two years.Now that Meiniang is married and has a son, her future life should be very happy, right?As for the child's weight, more than five catties is not too small.

Eight catties of dog leftovers, that is definitely huge.

Thinking of this, Mo Qianrui asked suddenly: "What about my sons? Grandma, even if I don't have enough milk, you can't stop me from seeing my sons? It's too much!"

"Look at your size! Who told you to give birth to so many cubs? Can't you lay them down one by one?" The grandma of the Mo family stared at the copper bell and said, "You haven't seen how pitiful those children are. Didn’t you say it was born at full term? It’s thin and small, and looks more pitiful than Goudaner, who was born prematurely at that time. I reckon, it’s probably a little more than four catties.”

Mo Qianrui first lowered his head and silently calculated.

If it's more than four catties, it shouldn't be too bad.At least it was much better than the one or two catty twins she had seen in her previous life.

Having said that, if a child weighing only one or two catties is really born, it is unknown whether the child can grow up healthy with the medical technology of this era.

"Okay, you can watch it if you want to. Is it uncomfortable to look pitiful?"

Misled by Mo Qianrui's look of bowing his head and calculating, the grandmother of the Mo family thought that Mo Qianrui was sad, so she immediately let go.Before Mo Qianrui could react, she got up and walked out of the room, apparently to get someone to pick up the child.

When Mo Qianrui, who was belatedly aware of it, raised her head, the grandma of the Mo family had already left the room.

Silently lighting a row of wax for Tang Yanxiu, Mo Qianrui patiently waited to see his sons.

After a while, the grandma of the Mo family came back, followed by a string of nurses. Naturally, each nurse held a small baby in her arms.Behind this group of people was Tang Yanxiu with his head down.


Finally seeing the long-awaited sons, Mo Qianrui was extremely excited.

Not caring about laughing at Tang Yanxiu, she craned her neck to look at the baby in the nanny's arms.

The grandma of the Mo family asked the nannies to come forward one by one, and introduced: "Hey, this is the eldest, the heaviest one, weighing almost five catties."

The eldest of the quadruplets was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, not knowing that this was the first time he met his mother.And Mo Qianrui thought that four or five catties was not considered light, but when he actually saw it, he realized that it was indeed too small.

"This is the second child. He is the lightest one. He weighs a little over four catties. He doesn't eat much and loves to cry."

Mo Qianrui just thought that the eldest child looked too small, but when he turned to look at the second child, his eyes suddenly turned red.

This child, in terms of appearance, is exactly the same as the eldest brother just now, but it is completely smaller, and at this moment he is not asleep, but crying softly with half-opened eyes.

"Okay, okay, let the second child go back to rest first, he can't hear too loud movement."

Seeing that the second child and his nanny were sent away by the grandmother of the Mo family, Mo Qianrui felt even more uncomfortable, even though she also knew that she was not at fault in this matter.After all, being pregnant is beyond her control.But seeing the appearance of the second child, I still couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Let's watch it together, the third and the fourth. They have about the same weight, about four and a half catties. They can eat, drink and sleep. They are completely piggies."

"Grandma, you..."

The feeling of guilt that just popped up was completely dissipated under the merciless blow of Mo's grandma.

What does it mean to be like two piggies?

That's your great-grandson!

Mo Qianrui rubbed his chest to smooth the air, but Tang Yanxiu, who was on the side, saw the situation, hurried over to help Shun Qi, and took the opportunity to eat tofu.

Out of temper by a group of cowards, Mo Qianrui waved his hand weakly and asked the nanny to take the sons down first.

I don't want to, at this moment, Mo's grandma spoke again: "Big girl, what are the names of the four cubs? Or, let me help you get them."

(End of this chapter)

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