Chapter 126

The name Ruan Xiaoyu was very unfamiliar to Su Yeting, and Eric continued to explain:
"Sir, I just got to know Ruan Xiaoyu, Miss Xia's classmate.

A few days ago, her credit card repayment date was approaching, and she had evil thoughts when she was short of money.

She even sold her good friend Miss Xia to the night banquet for [-] yuan. The day before yesterday, she transferred the video through an acquaintance. "

In only 10 minutes, Eric has investigated so many things.

Su Yeting's complexion was very bad, how heartbroken it must be to be betrayed by someone he trusted.

Since that Ruan Xiaoyu sold Xia Qianchu, it proved that she didn't think Xia Qianchu was a real friend in her heart.

Then it must be bad for Xia Qianchu that she transferred the video now, and Su Yeting quickly realized it.

"This matter is not easy, you go and investigate this Ruan Xiaoyu carefully, and give me the answer tomorrow."

"Yes, sir." Eric understands Su Yeting's vigorous and decisive style, and he must know what he wants to know.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yeting's face was still sour, and he closed the magazine in his hand.

He intuited that the video that Xia Qianchu watched was probably something that happened today. Once this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely not be a good thing.

At this juncture, what is she planning to do by switching the video?Why is the video in Xia Qianchu's hands again?

Combined with today's signing, Su Yeting has already thought of some things.

It is very likely that the woman put this video on the interview today.

No wonder he felt that Xia Qianchu was very tired today. This kind of exhaustion was not physical but mental.

Su Yeting's heart ached when she thought of the way she didn't say a word about these things and tried to smile.

At this time, he suddenly wanted to see that seemingly heartless but strong little woman.

Pushing open the door, Xia Qianchu was not in the room, she was sitting alone on the deck chair on the balcony.

The night had become pitch black, and the lights were not turned on on the balcony. Xia Qianchu curled up with her legs hugged like a child.

The lights in the corridor could only blur her back, and Su Yeting saw a small figure melting into the night.

She was wearing a set of SpongeBob pajamas, and her hair was still dripping with water.

It looked like he had just taken a shower and ran out without even blowing his head.

Seeing this scene, Su Yeting turned around and turned back. When he came out, he already had a big towel in his hand.

Xia Qianchu put her head on her knees, and she had already warned herself not to think about it.

But no matter how big her heart is, it's hard to really not care about anything.

Thinking of Ruan Xiaoyu doing such a thing to deal with her, Xia Qianchu felt like being cut all over by a knife.

If that person didn't have the slightest conscience to do this, how did he offend her?

Just as she was engrossed in her thoughts, a piece of cloth fell from the sky, just covering her small body, and her vision instantly became dark.

She removed the towel with her hand, turned around and saw Su Yeting standing beside her.

Su Yeting felt chest tightness earlier, so he pulled his tie and undid three more buttons.

Compared with the meticulous and cold image during the day, it has changed, and there is a touch of sexiness in the cold.

His eyes were still a little cold, and so was his tone of voice, "Wipe dry."

The commanding words came, but Xia Qianchu was stunned on the spot. Is this man caring about her?
 After reading the book reviews, some people don't like the male lead, and some don't like the female lead.I know it's hard to say, so here's an explanation for you guys:
  This article is not a pure white article, the tone is relatively relaxed in the early stage, and I also enjoy the feeling of being spoiled by the heroine.Babies who have read the articles before wine will know that most of the articles about wine are very brain-intensive.The plot of this book is also the same. Although the novel is a novel, it cannot be completely on the sunny side. This is true for both the hero and the heroine... I have changed my style and added a lot of relaxed elements, but the plot will continue.If there is no progress like this, no matter how delicious the dishes are, they will get tired of eating.I don't expect everyone to understand, I just hope that no matter whether you don't like the hero or the heroine or the plot.This book is not pure love or a fairy tale, it is impossible without some ups and downs, the heroines of the wine are all strong women, and this is the same!If you think it looks good, just read it, if you don't like it, go to the bookstore and choose the article you like.Finally, thanks to every treasure who supports wine!

(End of this chapter)

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