Chapter 887 Soap
When Nan Zheng rushed to Huaishu Village at a rapid march, the life of Huaishu Village remained the same.

Gu Miao made preserved eggs, and used preserved eggs to make a cold preserved egg, a preserved egg porridge with lean meat, which was very popular with Nan Jing, and Gu Miao also made soap.

This thing is even more amazing.

As a prince, Nan Jing still uses the same decontamination products as ordinary people for bathing and washing: saponins.

Before soap appeared, Nan Jing didn't think there was anything wrong with soap horn, but after seeing soap's decontamination ability, he immediately disliked soap horn.

Can soap wash clothes so clean? !
So much dirt can be rubbed off in the shower?
Emma, ​​I suddenly hate myself!

"This thing is actually made of lard?" Nan Jing grabbed a piece of warm yellow old-fashioned soap that looked like a cake, and looked it over and over, his face full of disbelief.

Lard, this kind of thing is hard to clean when it gets on your hands.

Soap made from lard can be used to clean oil stains, it is so easy to use!
It is clean after washing, and there is no oily feeling on the hands, which is super powerful!
"Yes, it's made from lard." Gu Miao said with a smile.

"Well...then you make a few more dollars, and I'll pay for it." Nan Jing said, he wanted to give Nan Zhengze, his mother and concubine and... no, everyone around him had to use this.

Thinking of those thin gray strips rubbed off from his body, he felt numb for a while.

He is not a clean freak, but after watching that scene he has a clean freak!

Those who follow him must use this soap to bathe and wash their clothes!
"What did the second prince say, you are now protecting the safety of me and Uncle Yun, this little soap is considered as a protection fee, and no money is charged." Gu Miao said with a smile.

Compared with Nan Hao, who is domineering and showing obvious murderous intent, Nan Jing can communicate. Nan Jing has indeed made a big effort to have a peaceful life now, and I can give him some soap rights as a thank you gift.

"Protection fee?" Nan Jing clicked his tongue after hearing this, "Then are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Gu Miao laughed dryly, "Second Prince, for things like business, let's wait until the emperor comes to confirm that I am innocent."

"As long as you cooperate with me, I can ensure your innocence."

"Thank you, Second Prince, for your attention, but now that the crisis is not over, I really don't have the heart to think about it." Gu Miao looked innocent.

"Let's do it." Seeing that Gu Miao was determined, Nan Jing was not in any trouble.

Gu Miao is not the little village girl she used to be. Meng Xizhou's red phoenix eyes are the same as Qing Feng's. As Meng Xizhou's wife, Gu Miao will follow Meng Xizhou to fly to the branch to become a phoenix. cooperate.

He mentioned these two sentences just in passing.


I don't know what kind of complicated story is behind it.

"Second prince, I feel very sorry for the villagers being hurt by me this time, so I want to make some preserved eggs and cakes for them. Can you help me buy some flour, white sugar and milk?"

Seeing that Nan Jing stopped talking, Gu Miao said what she wanted to say.

"Sure, they were indeed frightened." Nan Jing nodded.

Nan Jing came forward, and the flour, sugar and milk were quickly delivered. Gu Miao taught Gu Tangxueer and Jiang Xiu the techniques of making cakes, and asked them to work on it, while she was busy practicing.

At this time, improving her strength is the most important thing. She has spent most of her time practicing these days, and in another month, she will almost be able to level up.

(End of this chapter)

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