Chapter 877 The temperament of several princes
"Okay." Gu Miao nodded with a smile, "Then when will you send it to the second prince?"

Two thousand elite soldiers surrounded Huaishu Village. These soldiers were stationed outside the village, where they lived and boarded. However, the nobles like Nan Jing, Nan Hao, and Nan Zi still lived in the town, and they basically came to Huaishu Village every day. Go around, talk to Yun Mo, Gu Miao and Meng Xizhou, and then go back after touching their noses.

"If you don't go to the town, the second prince will definitely come today. When he comes, you can make him a portion." Lan said together.

"By the way, you can make another small cake."

Now Wentianlou has sold cakes, but the taste made by Wentianlou's chef is quite different from that made by Gu Miao. Lan Yi wanted to remind Nanjing of the value of Gu Miao.

The more valuable Gu Miao is, the more Nan Zheng will attach importance to her. If something happens to her, Nan Zheng will never be happy.

As Nan Zhengze's personal bodyguard, Lan Yi has been with Nan Zhengze for many years, and he still understands the dispositions of the princes.

Nan Yun is in poor health, so let's not talk about it. The fifth prince is still too young to participate in the fight for the heir apparent. Therefore, Nan Jing, Nan Hao, and Nan Sui are mainly fighting for the throne.

These three people have their own priorities.

Nan Jue's focus is to bury his head in doing practical things, hoping to show his ability through one government affairs after another, for example, this time he came to Yong'an Town with the people from the Imperial College.

Nan Jing Nan Hao came to Yong'an Town in person in order to win over Gu Miao, but Nan Jue only sent his cronies over, and he himself stayed in the capital to study and handle political affairs.

In his opinion, it is important to recruit available people, but these are external factors after all. As long as he is good enough, Nan Zhengze will definitely consider him.

Nan Hao's focus is to be well-behaved in front of Nan Zhengze, and strive to be Nan Zhengze's closest and caring son, but he grew up with Concubine Shu in Zhou's family for a long time since he was a child, so he was spoiled and not good at Hiding emotions, and a little domineering.

For example, on the day Ding's grocery store opened, he and Peng Qiaoxuan made things difficult for Yun Ding.

And this time, as soon as my temper came up, I didn't care about it, I just wanted to follow my own heart.

Nan Jing's focus is to satisfy Nan Zhengze. Before doing anything, he will first think about Nan Zhengze's attitude and try to satisfy Nan Zhengze. For example, this time, doesn't he want to know the truth?

Of course I did.

But considering Nan Zheng's reaction, he finally suppressed his curiosity, and he didn't want to make Nan Zheng angry.

Moreover, he also specially comforted the people in Huaishu Village, because he knew that Nan Zhengze would definitely like this kind of behavior.

It is precisely because Nan Jing has this style of behavior, so at this time, Lan Yi is going to seize this point and let Nan Jing save Gu Miao.

Soon, Nan Jing arrived at Yun's house on horseback as he did a few days ago.

Gu Miao started immediately, first made a cold preserved egg, and then made the preserved egg and lean meat porridge while making the cake, letting Nan Jing have a taste of her cooking skills.

"This stuff is good." Preserved eggs are something that some people like to eat and some don't, but fortunately, Nan Jing can accept the taste, and he is quite satisfied.

He was even more satisfied when he tasted the taste of preserved egg and lean meat porridge. This porridge is good, he likes it!
Gu Miao is indeed a cash cow!
He must save Gu Miao!

Nan Hao and Nan Zi have not stopped in the past few days, and they sent messages to the capital one by one. The two of them have suffered a lot, and they don't know what will happen.

However, Lan Yi was the first to deliver the letter, and it was another eight hundred miles to rush, so Nan Zhengze should have received the letter by this time.

(End of this chapter)

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