Chapter 793 Changes in the nuclear power

Although he had guessed Gu Miao's secret a long time ago, guessing it was not the same as seeing it with his own eyes. He was still in a state of excitement after witnessing the magic of the water ability.

In addition to this, it is to consummate the house with her.

The little daughter-in-law in his arms finally became his real wife.

From body to heart, they were all contaminated with each other's breath.

After being alone for so long, there is finally someone close to him...

This fact was enough to make him so excited that he couldn't sleep.

There are also worries about the future.

He always speculates others with the greatest malice, and he is just a small shrimp. His life and death depend on the thoughts of Nan Zhengze and the eldest prince, and he is also in the hands of the thieves who assassinate the prince behind his back.

This worry made him unable to sleep.

There are too many reasons, his brain is extremely excited, how can he fall asleep.

He just wants to look at her now, seriously.

This is his little daughter-in-law, this is his wife... she looks so beautiful, the most beautiful in the world!

Such a beautiful face, I really can't get enough of it, I can't get enough of it...

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he couldn't help closing his Danfeng pupils, quietly feeling the taste of embracing her.

Holding her, the whole world fell silent, including the various thoughts in his brain.

Those thoughts that were as messy as wool slowly turned into a fact: this pretty girl is his wife.

This fact pleased him, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

However, all the thoughts in the brain were unified, and the emotion of excitement and agitation gradually subsided, and gradually, fatigue hit, and he hugged her even harder with his long arms, and then followed his instinct, and his consciousness sank into sleep.

Not long after he fell asleep, the candles in the house burned out.

The last ray of light disappeared, and the whole room fell into darkness.

However, a moment later, a bright light suddenly appeared from Gu Miao's head. The light disappeared in a flash, and the room was instantly plunged into darkness. The two people who fell asleep did not notice this little strangeness.

At this time, a change occurred in the supernatural core located on Gu Miao's head. The foggy thing in the supernatural nucleus disappeared, and the entire supernatural nucleus revealed the original appearance that Gu Miao was familiar with in the last days.

But at this moment, Gu Miao fell into a dream. By the time she realized this change, it was already noon.

The fatigue of last night made her sleep until noon, and when she regained consciousness in her mind, she slowly opened her eyes.

What caught her eyes was Meng Xizhou's handsome and familiar face, he was watching her, his clear Danfeng eyes were full of tenderness and joy.

"Morning, my husband!" Opening his eyes, the sun and relatives and relatives were all there, and Gu Miao was in a good mood immediately.

Like before, she stretched out her hands to hold the boy's cheeks, and gave a lingering good morning kiss.

After the kiss was over, her consciousness finally returned completely.

She remembered everything about last night.

Seeing the smile on the young man's handsome face, a rare shyness appeared in her heart, "Sir?"

"Huh?" Meng Xizhou lay beside her, and his answer was full of tenderness.

"Uh... last night... Did we consummate the room?"

"Otherwise?" Meng Xizhou asked back, his big hand patted the upturned part of her body lightly.

Gu Miao "..."


The house is indeed consummated!
A smile bloomed from her face all of a sudden, she threw herself into the boy's arms, writhed in his arms, "Sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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