Chapter 748 Salted Egg Yolk

Eggs, duck eggs, and a small amount of goose eggs. Among these three types of eggs, in addition to the usual way of eating, the new way she has come up with is to use eggs to make some salted egg yolks, which are used to make egg yolk crisps and egg yolk mooncakes.

Duck eggs are made into preserved eggs and salted duck eggs.

Goose eggs are the traditional way of eating them. Gu Miao couldn't think of any novel ideas for a while, but anyway, there are not many goose eggs, and the traditional way of eating is enough to eliminate them.

So while Jiang Xiu was busy sewing new clothes for Gu Tian, ​​Gu Miao was busy improving chicken cakes and homemade salted egg yolk preserved eggs.

Homemade salted egg yolk, this is very easy to make, take a few eggs, separate the egg yolk from the egg white, put the egg yolk directly into the mixture of starch and salt, and then marinate for two days.

The resulting salted egg yolks are not too salty and can be used in desserts.

However, this method is still relatively new at present, so Gu Miao deliberately found an excuse, "Salted eggs are to bury the whole egg in salt, but for salted eggs, I only like to eat egg yolks, not egg whites. Can you just put the egg yolk in salt for a while?"

Meng Xizhou "..."

This idea is very good. It seems that Gu Miao is going to make a new food again. As her relatives and husbands who have a good heart, they must cooperate!

"You can try it." His handsome face was full of encouragement.

So Gu Miao really tried it.

She first pickled it with salt. The salted egg yolk made by this method is too salty, so it can only be used for stir-frying and stewing soup, not suitable for dessert.

So she improved the formula and added some starch to the salt to reduce the saltiness.

Using this method, she successfully made salted egg yolks that can be used in desserts.

"How is it? Mr. Xianggong, am I very good?" Holding the small bowl containing salted egg yolk in front of Meng Xizhou, Gu Miao's fair face was full of complacency.

"This..." Meng Xizhou tasted the salted egg yolk in front of him. It's not salty enough, but it's also salty. It's not very tasty, but it's not bad. In conclusion, it's just too bland to impress people. impression.

Gu Miao deliberately found an excuse, but in the end the finished product was just like this?

Not so much.

Thinking of her development of the pasta machine, he frowned slightly, "It's plain, this thing is not amazing."

So, if you have any last move, hurry up and use it, he has already given the transition to the step!

Gu Miao "!"

It really is a tacit understanding!
She was thinking about finding another excuse to use salted egg yolks to make egg yolk crisps and mooncakes, but Meng Xizhou pointed out the problem of salted egg yolks first. Since that was the case, she could naturally study egg yolk crisps and mooncakes!
"Hmph! Let me think about what I can make with salted egg yolk!"

She wrinkled her nose as she spoke, turned around and headed for the kitchen.

Seeing this, Meng Xizhou raised his long eyebrows and said, "I'll praise you after you make something amazing with salted egg yolk."

Gu Miao paused when she heard this, and turned to look at him, "Just a compliment?"

"There are rewards."

"What reward?" Gu Miao's eyes sparkled.

"Allow you to kiss me." Meng Xizhou pointed to the half of his handsome face that was not covered by the black cloth.

Gu Miao "!"

She rolled her eyes, "Narcissistic!"

She found that this boy was getting thicker and thicker in front of her!

Rolling her eyes at him again, she went into the kitchen.

Looking at her back, Meng Xizhou curled his lips, turned around and was about to enter the room, when Yun Mo's voice sounded from the main room, "Xiaozhou, come in."

(End of this chapter)

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