Chapter 744 Ding's Dessert Shop

The shop next to it was originally a restaurant. After Ding Yun bought it, he spent two days on a simple renovation, and did not open up with the Ding's grocery store next to it.

Two days later, Ding's dessert shop opened.

Ding's Dessert Shop currently only sells two desserts, one is egg cake and the other is milk egg custard.

Moreover, Ding Yun directly built the pot and stove in the store, and blocked it with a partition. In this way, the entire operation room not only occupies one-third of the area of ​​the store, but also faces the street. The chicken cakes and milk in the operation room After the egg custard was steamed, a sweet smell wafted out from the operation room facing the street, continuously piercing the noses of passers-by.

As Ding Yun thought, this smell is the best advertisement. When the new store opened, he didn't set off firecrackers at all. Only relying on this smell to keep the footsteps of passers-by.

"Shopkeeper, why does it smell so fragrant?!"

Soon someone entered the store and asked what it was selling.

Ding Yun smiled and said, "Currently we only sell two kinds of desserts, one is egg cake and the other is milk egg custard."

"The chicken cake is like this, everyone can taste it first."

He pointed to the chicken cake cut into small pieces and let the guests taste it for free.

As for the milk and egg custard, this is a custard, and it is not good for people to taste it for free, so shopkeeper Wu just put it out for the guests to see what it looks like.

Egg cake, this kind of fresh dessert is amazing even if it is placed in the busiest capital city. It didn’t taste like this before in this time and space. This egg cake is the only one, and it’s so sweet. After these guests tasted it, Asked about the price.

"The ones without milk cost six fen a piece. The ones with milk cost nine fen a piece."

"As for this milk and egg custard, it costs fifteen cents a bowl."

Ding Yun made the quotation with a smile.

Chicken cakes were sold for three pennies each in Huaishu Village, so they would naturally cost twice as much when they came to the capital. Prices and living costs in the capital were much more expensive than those in Huaishu Village.

Moreover, Ding Yun did not intend to do business for the poor.

In Dafeng, many farmers worked hard for a year just to maintain food and clothing. They could not eat meat a few times throughout the year, and they could not taste much sweetness. Naturally, these people were not customers of dessert shops.

The raw materials needed for chicken cakes and milk egg custard are all good things. The cost of eggs, flour, and sucrose is here. Even if the price is lowered, in order to make a profit, the price will not be too low.

For the poor, it is simply unaffordable.

The customers of the dessert shop are the nobles and ordinary people with extra money. As long as the egg cake and egg custard are delicious enough, these people don't care about the price.

Moreover, this pricing was also suggested by Gu Miao.

In later generations, many desserts will cost more than a dozen soft sister coins for just a small piece. After seeing the prices of later generations, Gu Miao set the current price without any hesitation. This price is definitely for the people of Beijing who are used to the big world. acceptable.

Gu Miao had guessed well, not to mention the nobles in the capital, the ordinary people in the capital have also seen all kinds of extravagance, and a piece of chicken cake is priced at six yuan, which is nothing at all.

Eating if you can afford it, and not eating if you can’t afford it, this kind of thing is completely normal in the capital.

Therefore, after Ding Yun's words fell through, those who could afford it quickly paid for it, and those who couldn't afford it had to go out.

Scent is the best advertisement, and the store was soon full of people. Even though Ding Yun made preparations a day in advance and asked people to make a lot of chicken cakes, it still couldn't satisfy the needs of customers.

(End of this chapter)

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