Chapter 736 Other princes are tools
It took a full quarter of an hour before Nan Yun came back to his senses and was moved. This emotion filled his body for a moment, and he looked at Nan Zheng, with tears in his eyes.

"Father, your love for your son will never be repaid in this life..." He choked up and said.

"You silly boy! What did we say between father and son that we don't reciprocate!" Hearing this, Nan Zhengze pretended to be angry, and reprimanded him pretendingly.

Looking at the kindness in his eyes, Nan Yun smiled, "Everything you did for your son will be remembered in his heart for the rest of his life, and he will share the same hatred with you to find out the thieves behind and avenge his brothers. "


As soon as the voice changed, the smile on his face faded, "Father, these younger brothers are also your sons, have you really not considered them?"

"You child!" Unexpectedly, Nan Yun would say these words at this time, and Nan Zheng felt helpless.

He raised his hand and patted Nan Yun's shoulder, and said very seriously, "I'll tell you the truth today, I never thought about your younger brothers, never."

"After I sent the three substitutes out of the palace, the war in Dafeng finally came to an end, and I was finally able to return to Beijing."

"After returning to Beijing, I was busy appeasing the courtiers and win over a few aristocratic families who were willing to turn to me. For this reason, I personally went to the Chen family, which is your second brother Jing'er's mother's house."

"I went to the Chen's house originally to show my sincerity and approachability, but who knows that the Chen's family had a crooked idea and asked me to drink a few more glasses during the banquet, and then sent Jing'er's mother to me. "

"This can be regarded as the sincerity of the Chen family."

"I was sober at the time. The most beloved woman in my life was your mother. I also swore that I would never touch other women in this life. However, before your mother died, she asked me to accept more women. , give birth to more sons, so as to share the attention of the thieves for you."

"I didn't take your mother's words to heart at first, but thinking of your situation, I logically met Jing'er's mother, Concubine Liang, in the Chen family, and then I brought Concubine Liang back to the palace."

"Then, I went to Zhou's house again."

"The Zhou family followed the example of the Chen family, so I just pushed the boat and brought Hao'er's mother, Concubine Shu, back to the palace."

"The next thing is your fourth brother, Jue'er. The Wu family sent Jue'er's concubine Rong to me in the same way, so I brought Concubine Rong back to the palace."

"Concubine Liang, Concubine Shu, Concubine Rong, these three people are also upbeat and have become pregnant one after another. I am afraid that they will be murdered again, so I allow them to go out of the palace and return to their natal family to raise babies."

"The Chen family, the Zhou family, and the Wu family attach great importance to them. Under the protection of these three families, all three gave birth to their sons safely and smoothly."

"So, the birthdays of your second brother Jing'er and your third brother Hao'er are only two months apart, and the birthdays of your third brother Hao'er and your fourth brother Huo'er are only two months apart. It's not a coincidence, it's me On purpose, I want the thieves to turn their attention to them."

"After they were born, I was afraid that they would not live long, so I let the three of them live in their mother's house most of the time."

"The Chen family, the Zhou family, and the Wu family covet the throne. The three of them are the expectations of these three families, so the whole family will work together to ensure the safety of the three of them."

"Facts have proved that my decision is not wrong, and they have all grown up safely."

"This is all arranged by me alone."

"The three of them are tools for you to share the attention of the thieves. How can I consider them?"

(End of this chapter)

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