Chapter 731 Nan Zhengzheng's Father's Heart

"Yun'er, try it on quickly. The style of this dress is a little special. I thought it was weird at first glance, but after looking at it for a long time, it looks pretty good. It's also warm enough. I started sweating after wearing it for a while. It is also light enough to wear on the body than those furs."

There was obvious joy in Nan Zheng's tone. He pointed to the three down jackets and asked Nan Yun to pick one he likes and try it on.

"There are such clothes?" Nan Yun stretched out his thin and pale hand to touch the down jacket lightly, feeling its softness, and there was a trace of anticipation on his pale cheeks, "Son, try it now."

As soon as Nan Yun finished speaking, two court ladies immediately came forward to help him put on his down jacket. The weather was still hot, so he was wearing a long robe. There was no need to take off the robe, the down jacket could just be put on the robe.

After putting it on, Nan Yun lowered his head to feel the beauty of this dress carefully, and then turned around in front of Nan Zhengze, "It's really light, even if you wear two clothes, it doesn't matter."

"Father, what do you think?"

"One piece is fine! Liuyun Palace has a heated kang with fire walls, even if it's snowing heavily outside, you can wear this down jacket." Nan Zheng didn't like that Nan Yun was tired. He saw that the down jacket was quite thick and matched with the fire wall The heated kang is enough to survive the winter.

"I'll send an order to Gu Miao to ask her to make a few more cloaks, just like eiderdown quilts. If you go out, you can put on a poncho made of down, which is lighter than leather."

When Nan Yun heard this, the smile on his pale cheeks widened, "Thank you, Father."

"You child, why are you being polite to me!" Nan Zhengze gave him a look, but there was no real anger in his expression or tone.

Nan Yun smiled, slowly took off the down jacket on his body, and asked, "Father, have you brothers seen this kind of clothes?"

"I haven't had time to let them see it yet," Nan Zheng said.

As soon as he got the down jacket, the first thing he thought of was Nan Yun. As for the other princes, they all had to lean back in front of Nan Yun.

Nan Yun is the child of the woman he loves the most in his life. Moreover, he has been weak since he was a child, and he can't leave his body with medicine, so he obviously prefers Nan Yun.

However, they were all his sons, and he really loved the other princes, so after hearing Nan Yun's words, he ordered someone to send the three down jackets to the other princes to see if they liked it or not.

If you like it, report it to him, and he will send an order to Gu Miao, asking Gu Miao to customize several sets for these princes.

Of course, he will not let Gu Miao suffer, he must give the money that should be given.

"Father." Sitting down on the large beauty couch, Nan Yun looked at Nan Zhengze who was facing him, and tapped on the armrest of the couch with his pale fingers, showing hesitation on his face.

"What's the matter? Tell me what you have to say." Seeing him like this, Nan Zhengze was curious and then encouraged, "Is there anything you can't say to Weifu?"

"Hmm..." Nan Yun sighed softly after hearing this, with firmness showing on his weak face, "Father, if there are any new things in the future, you... I know you prefer me, but I hope If you have any new items, let a few younger brothers see them first."

"My brothers and I are not too young, but I am a useless person..."

"Nonsense!" Nan Zhengze's expression turned serious, and he interrupted Nan Yun's self-deprecating words, "You are my son, Nan Zhengze, how can you be a useless person? You are just a little weaker, other than that, what are you doing?" Everything is better than your younger brothers!"

(End of this chapter)

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