Chapter 642 Mai received the ending
However, only by suffering through hardships can one become a master, and young people should endure more hardships so that they can sharpen themselves.

Thinking this way in my heart, I wish the old man can continue to enjoy the food with peace of mind. If these two children want to eat, wait until they come back from the capital!

Lan Yi was also amazed by Gu Miao's cooking skills. How could there be so many new ideas in Gu Miao's little head?

He is not a person who pays attention to appetite, but this time, he was really impressed by Gu Miao's craftsmanship.

The spicy duck neck that Gu Miaolu made is really good. In the evening, sitting in the courtyard with a bit of cool evening breeze, tasting the duck neck while drinking a small wine, how can I enjoy it!
He didn't come to this ravine to suffer, he came to enjoy the blessing!

When he had just received Nan Zhengze's order before, Lan Erlan, Liu Lanjiu and others said that he had been dispatched by Nan Zhengze, and asked him if he had angered Nan Zhengze, and asked him to plead with Nan Zhengze to change an errand.

Facts have proved that these brothers were wrong. He was not assigned, but he was a rare job in several years.

Well, let's buy a few cans and send them back, so that his brothers can experience Gu Miao's cooking skills.

As for the various recipes of these chickens and ducks, he thought they were all very good. He suggested that Gu Miao write down all the recipes for Nan Zhengzheng to choose and test, and Nan Zhengze would not treat her badly.

Lan Yi suggested this, and Gu Miao followed suit, and she even made a sample of these methods in the form of canned food, so that Nan Zhengzheng could taste it.

All these things have been sent out, and the wheat harvest is coming to an end. The weather is beautiful. It has not rained during this period, and the sun has been shining. Now every household in the village is drying wheat. After the wheat is dried, it can be put into the warehouse and paid taxes. .

Gu Miao's family has a lot of fields, but also a lot of people, so all the wheat in her family has been harvested.

The wheat from Wang Tiancai's house was dried at Wang Tiancai's house, while the wheat from Yun Mo and Meng Xizhou was dried at the big tile-roofed house.

The decoration over there has been completed, but there are no residents yet, and the yard is empty, which is just used for drying wheat.

The newly harvested wheat is full of fragrance, and it is ground into flour with a stone mill, and then made into noodles and pancakes. It tastes great.

The wheat of later generations has no wheat fragrance. The flour sold in supermarkets is very high-grade and nutritious, but no matter whether it is steamed buns or noodle pancakes, you can’t find the most original wheat fragrance.

Now traveling through time, Gu Miao was very happy to smell the smell hidden in the corner of memory again. She ate pasta in different ways for several days in a row.

If Gu Miao ate white noodles alone, Jiang Xiu would not say anything, but Gu Miao made the whole family eat white noodles, including the twenty boys and girls.

The so-called half-child eats the poor, plus other people in the family, it consumes nearly a hundred catties of white flour a day!
How can this big family eat white noodles every meal!As far as this year's harvest is concerned, she can't stand this way of eating, because she still has to pay taxes, and she has to pay three times the taxes.

After the wheat is harvested, the next step is to pay taxes. Small officials have already entered the village to check the approximate harvest. After checking, the yamen servants will go to the village to collect taxes.

Jiang Xiu feels distressed that she has to pay three times the tax, the price of freedom!
However, Gu Miao has already earned it for her, so she has to enjoy it and not have to face the Gu family. It's really refreshing!

(End of this chapter)

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