Chapter 607 The rest of the children also live here

It’s good that Gu Miao didn’t mention it, but Jiang Xiu immediately glared at her when she mentioned it, “Wonderful idea! You are not allowed to buy cows! Now shopkeeper Wu often sends some milk over, enough for you to drink!”

"Just as I said, keep earning 400 taels a month for more than three years and then consider buying cows!"

"Also, instead of thinking about buying dairy cows, it's better to buy farming cattle. It's not long before we harvest wheat!"

Little ancestor, buy some practical things before thinking about eating and drinking!
After hearing this, Gu Miao curled her lips and fell silent.

Well, Jiang Xiu couldn't get Jiang Xiu to agree to use the eiderdown quilt, so she was wasting all her time.

After Jiang Xiu left, she immediately fell down on the kang with all her strength, "My cow!"

Her aura-filled milk!
Seeing her sighing, Meng Xizhou raised her hand and pinched her face, "Is that why you want to buy cows?"


"Then why don't the remaining ten children come over and make jelly?"

"So fast?"

"I see that these children have a good heart."

Gu Miao hesitated for a while, then said, "But there's not enough room here for them to live..."

"Then free up the room for storing beans. Now that there is less tofu to be made, the beans can be put in the livestock yard."

"Well... let's do it."

After hesitating for a while, Gu Miao finally agreed.

With the increase in the production of mung bean vermicelli and jelly, more and more vendors came to buy these two items, and these vendors also asked to increase the quantity. The output was not high before, so Gu Miao limited it, but now the output has increased so much. Wouldn't it be better to limit purchases?

It was not easy for them to come to Huaishu Village after all their hard work. Gu Miaoduo sold them some goods to save them a trip!

For these requirements, Gu Miao can give more jelly, but mung bean fans still have purchase restrictions.

The mung bean vermicelli sold in Huaishu Village can only earn a few cents per catty, but if they go to the capital, they can earn more than a dozen pennies per catty. Now that Gu Miao is in a hurry to spend money, he naturally wants to send the mung bean vermicelli to the capital.

However, now that the eiderdown quilt has really come out, I can relax properly.

If the vendors can bring these animal hairs to buy, then she can increase the number of mung bean fans sold to each other.

Collect these animal hairs a lot, and wait until the winter to make a small fortune!

After finalizing their plans for the future, Meng Xizhou and Gu Miao went to the livestock yard again. The news of their husband and wife was a surprise to the remaining ten children. They could also make jelly and mung bean fans?
They must work hard and never be lazy or leak secrets!
So Meng Xizhou called a few helpers to transport the beans piled up in the nearby yard to the livestock yard to make room for the remaining ten children.

At the same time, when another vendor came to buy jelly and mung bean vermicelli, Gu Miao made her request. If the other party came to buy mung bean vermicelli with animal hair, one catty of animal hair equals fifty catties of mung bean vermicelli. In other words, if the other party brought a catty of animal hair, they could buy an extra fifty catties of mung bean vermicelli, and if they brought two catties of animal hair, they could buy an extra one hundred catties of mung bean vermicelli.

This movement is a bit big. Didn't Gu Miao say that when collecting animal fur, he would only collect it for one month and not wait for it to expire?

Why do you suddenly want to buy again?

Lan Yi is responsible for writing Gu Miao's observation diary. Gu Miao suddenly changed his decision. Lan Yi must ask why.

(End of this chapter)

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