Chapter 600 Hot Milk

Niu Shun went back to Wenxiang Building, and told shopkeeper Wu that Gu Miao wanted to buy milk. After hearing this, shopkeeper Wu immediately said, "If you have any in the future, then send it to Miss Gu."

Wenxianglou usually uses milk to make some snacks, and the other ones are useless. Now Wenxianglou has a string of business to do, so it can do without making those snacks.

Speaking of which, he heard that the two cooks in Xianglou's Yun's house said that Gu Miao had often asked them for advice on how to make various dim sum during this time. Could it be that Gu Miao wanted to make dim sum?
Next time you meet Gu Miao, ask her!
The next day, it happened that a big family in the county had surplus milk for sale, and the shopkeeper in charge of Wenxianglou bought it, so shopkeeper Wu asked Niu Shun to bring it to Gu Miao.

There are also some walnuts, which Gu Miao asked Niu Shun to buy yesterday.

Gu Miao was very happy to get more than 20 catties of milk by accident. Hearing Niu Shun tell shopkeeper Wu's plan, he felt grateful, "Then I will trouble the shopkeeper. As long as there is this milk, I will take it."

"Okay!" Seeing that Gu Miao was so happy, Niu Shun also smiled.

After Niu Shun left, Gu Miao started to boil milk. There was too little milk, and considering her current cooking skills, she didn't dare to make any tricks, so let's just boil it today.

Add some sugar to the boiled milk, it is sweet and tastes very good. Gu Miao first divided a bowl for the children, including the ten boys and girls, and distributed the rest equally to the adults in the yard.

These people are basically drinking milk like this for the first time. The milk has a strong fragrance and is sweet. The big guys hold the bowls and drink to their hearts content.

This milk is really delicious!

Gu Miao also hadn't tasted milk for more than half a year, and now she was holding a bowl of hot milk, drinking it with a face full of satisfaction. Although soy milk was good, it couldn't replace milk, and she didn't drink it for more than half a year, feeling strange in her heart.

"Would you like to ask the old man to buy some cows?" Sitting aside, Meng Xizhou saw a circle of white stains on her lips when she drank. It was a little funny, but she also knew that she really liked drinking, so she said so.

"Forget it? My mother definitely disagrees."

Gu Miao hesitated for a moment, but shook her head.

Now she still owes the Ding family several hundred taels of silver, and she is planning to dig a pond, and she is planning to buy a few more cattle recently. After all, the wheat harvest is coming soon, and many places will need cattle.

In this situation, one cow costs tens of taels, and two cows cost hundreds of taels. Even if Jiang Xiu loves her and wants her to take care of her body, she is not allowed to squander like this.

Gu Miao reluctantly refused, but Meng Xizhou said, "Anyway, we will earn this money sooner or later, buy it early and enjoy it early, let mother nagging let her nagging."

Yesterday he said to let her eat whatever she wanted, but today she regretted it, this is not good.

After hearing Meng Xizhou's words, Gu Miao couldn't help but feel moved, buy early and enjoy early?
This is right, anyway, sooner or later she wants to buy it, if she feeds the cow with spiritual water, the quality of the milk produced by the cow will definitely be better than what she drinks now, and it will be more beneficial to the human body.

So what method should be used to persuade Jiang Xiu?
In the past two days, Jiang Xiu was worried that Shopkeeper Wang had figured out a recipe for jelly noodles and mung bean vermicelli, and was frantically making two things. Although these two things are very popular, they can only earn a few cents per catty, and they can only earn a few cents a day. A few taels of silver, but ended up spending hundreds of taels for a few cows, Jiang Xiu definitely disagreed.

Hmmm... want to fiddle with the duvet?

(End of this chapter)

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