Chapter 592 Picking people in advance
These boys and girls didn't come back from the fields until dark, and they made dinner after they came back. After dinner, they had time for personal hygiene and cleaning. Gu Miao repeatedly emphasized that they should be hygienic, at least change clothes and take a bath once every seven days. At night, they have to brush their teeth, wash their face and feet, etc. They are exhausted, but they also strictly follow the requirements of taking care of the seedlings.

They are still in the probationary period, if they are disobedient, they will be sent back to Wang Mima!

In Wang's hands, she can only eat one cornbread per meal, wear clothes that can only cover her body, and then wait for someone to come to buy them while doing odd jobs. Whip them!

That kind of life is really terrible. Now they have to do farm work here every day. They are very tired, but they can eat enough!

Except for fine grains like wheat, other grains can be eaten with an open belly!They steam steamed buns, pancakes, cook porridge, and seasonal fresh vegetables. They use whatever condiments in the kitchen, and you can see oil in every dish!

Gu Miao, Meng Xizhou will never whip them just because they eat too much!
And they have new clothes and shoes to wear!There are still two sets, which can be worn in turn!

They even have their own tub!
There are also necessities such as straw paper coarse salt bath barrel oil lamp!
In the past, all of their families were poor, and they were sold to Wang Mima, and even became goods. How could they be used for these things!
Everything now was out of reach for them before. Once they had it, they didn't want to lose it, so they were very obedient. Gu Miao explained that they had to brush their teeth, wash their face and feet every day, no matter how tired they were when they came back at night, They will stick to these things.

When Gu Miao and Meng Xizhou came to this courtyard, seeing these boys and girls busy in their own way, they felt a little time-traveled for a moment. The scene in front of them was more like a school for later generations.

Feeling slightly moved, Gu Miao clapped her hands, motioning everyone to stop what they were doing, "Come here and stand in a row."

As soon as she spoke, everyone rushed over, men and women quickly stood in a row according to their age.

There were a lot of them. The last time Jiang Xiu came to see them, she couldn't remember their names, so Meng Xizhou asked them to line up in a row according to their age so that they could be matched.

As a supernatural being, Gu Miao has a pretty good memory. After reading it once, she matched the names with the faces. At this time, she asked them to stand in a row, just for the convenience of selection.

On the way here just now, she discussed with Meng Xizhou, and time was tight, so this time, she picked ten people out first, and if there was a squeeze, ten people would be able to stay.

"As for me, I have something important to tell you." Gu Miao opened her mouth, her eyes slowly swept across the faces of these people, and she was satisfied when she saw that everyone looked serious.

"The reason why I bought you at the beginning was because the mung bean vermicelli business was so hot that our family couldn't handle it. Now, the mung bean vermicelli business is even hotter, so I don't wait any longer. Now I will pick a few from you who are more stable and reliable. Let’s go to Yun’s to make jelly and mung bean vermicelli.”

As soon as Gu Miao finished speaking, the eyes of the twenty boys and girls in front of her eyes lit up, so that's it!

Gu Miao's original intention of buying them was to make jelly and mung bean vermicelli!

Before coming to Huaishu Village, Mr. Ding let them taste tofu and jelly, which are very delicious!
(End of this chapter)

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