Chapter 410 It's Really a God Cook Miao

Gu Miao didn't make much mung bean starch, if he didn't succeed this time, there wouldn't be enough jelly for everyone to share.

It is very troublesome to make starch once. If everyone can't taste the jelly this time and feel at ease, it will have to wait for a few days. Judging from the current mentality of these people, they definitely can't wait for a few days.

The second mung bean jelly was a success, the snow-white color looked delightful, so Gu Miao quickly made a cold bean jelly, and then served it out for everyone to taste.

Compared with tofu, jelly has a more delicate taste and is more elastic. Coupled with Gu Miao's outstanding craftsmanship and spiritual water, it constantly arouses the exclamation of everyone.

"Is this made with mung beans?"

"Can mung beans make something like this?"

"It's so delicious! This is better than tofu!"

Everyone ate their own small portion of jelly, and said everything in their mouths, but the worry on their faces disappeared little by little.

With this taste, it will definitely sell out!

And the sales will definitely not be worse than tofu!
Shopkeeper Wu held a small bowl and narrowed his eyes with a smile as he savored it carefully. Oh, he made the right trip today, and Gu Miao actually made a new dish, hahaha!
Ha ha ha ha!He finally has food to compete with Piaoxiangju again!

"Miss Gu, don't say anything else, just say how much you can make of this thing every day, and what's the price?" he asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I've also imagined this approach in my mind before. I don't know whether it will be successful. I just saw that everyone was very sad, so I took the courage to try it. I think it really worked.”

Gu Miao said this to shopkeeper Wu, and also to everyone in the yard.

In the past four months or so, she has brought out so many new things, so she has to find a plausible reason, lest everyone suspect that she is a demon and not the original owner.

People in this time and space are not stupid, Meng Xiaoliu has accused her like this before.

Everyone eats the meals made by Gu Miao on weekdays and knows how good Gu Miao's cooking skills are. They all recognize the title of "God Chef Miao".

"Miss Gu, how much talent you have wasted in the past few years!" Shopkeeper Wu was very emotional when he heard this.

"It was Qian Dahua who was stupid and let go of a master chef for nothing." Wang Tiancai couldn't help but said.

The despair on her face was gone, and there was even a smile on her face when she said this, just Qian Dahua, that shrew, did not deserve to have a granddaughter of a chef like Gu Miao!

However, when it comes to big money, big money will come.

It was already noon now, and all the people who went to work in the fields had returned. When Gu Miao received the news from Shopkeeper Wu, he told everyone in the yard to stop making tofu and stop selling tofu to the villagers.

So the villagers who came to buy tofu knew what had happened.

The villagers were also desperate, feeling like a big stone was pressing on their heads. When they got home and told their families the news, everyone in the village was shocked.

Such an important source of income is gone? !

When Gu Miao was making jelly just now, many people came to Gu Miao to inquire about it. Gu Miao didn't succeed in making jelly, and didn't dare to speak too harshly, so they let everyone go back first.

Everyone got the exact facts from Gu Miao, and everyone was worried, and panic spread to the whole village.

When Qian Dahua came back from the field and found out about this, he immediately ran over.

God heard her voice, and it really made Gu Miao's tofu go wrong, that's great!

(End of this chapter)

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