Chapter 396
Gu Miao "..."

It doesn't even work well with tofu.

So annoying.

So annoying.

At this time, Meng Xizhou came back, and Meng Xizhou was also very busy. The two courtyards were being repaired at the same time. He had to run on both sides to monitor the progress and quality, so he was not on Yun's side.

Hearing Gu Fushun's words at this time, he smiled and asked Gu Fushun to help build the yard. Now there are two yards that need to be built. Gu Fushun wants to go wherever he wants. Going to build a house is also helping Gu Miao, and he doesn't have to stay at Yun's house. here.

Building the yard is indeed a job. After hearing this, Gu Fushun really went to help build the yard. Before leaving, he emphasized that Gu Miao must not give him wages. If he was paid, he would be anxious with Gu Miao. .

He came to make up for the three children, make up, make up for!
Gu Miao "..."

She rolled her eyes, but didn't say a word.

After Gu Fushun left, Jiang Xiu came out of the room. Just now she was sitting in the yard picking beans. After Gu Fushun came, she went back to the house.

Seeing Jiang Xiu, Gu Miao couldn't help but rolled her eyes again, trying to cover up!
The new sackcloth on Gu Fushun was made by Jiang Xiu!

If you are evasive like this, the gang will definitely suspect it!
He went back to his room irritably, and Meng Xizhou came in after a while.

"Don't be angry, blood is thicker than water, this connection is unbroken." Meng Xizhou looked at her puffy little face, sat down beside her, stretched out his long arms to hug her, and comforted her softly.

He knew that the daughter-in-law in his arms was not the original Gu Miao, but who made his wife hold Gu Miao's body? Gu Miao was Gu Fushun's daughter, and Gu Fushun hadn't done anything that would break Gu Miao's relationship, so at present His daughter-in-law could only bear it.

Upon hearing this, Gu Miao sighed heavily, then stretched out her arms to hug the boy's waist, rubbed her small face on the boy's generous chest, and said, "I know."

"But this salary must be paid, and more should be paid."

Gu Miao didn't want to accept Gu Fushun's affection, so as not to be wronged when he ransacked him in the future.

"Give him fifty copper coins a day, and others will never gossip." Knowing her thoughts, the boy said again.

Now people in the village sell tofu and can earn fifty copper coins in about four or five days. Now he and Gu Miao let Gu Fushun earn fifty copper coins a day. No one can talk about this kind of filial piety.

Gu Miao is a married woman, this is enough for her sake.

Gu Miao laughed when she heard the words, her eyes turned into crescent moons, she held the young boy's cheek, and kissed him loudly on his thin lips, "Sister! You are really a roundworm in my stomach!"

She also thought of the number fifty coins.

"We have a good heart, we are a perfect match." Looking at her fair and tender face so close to her, the young man was also in a good mood.

"Hey, your mouth is so sweet today, did you put honey on it?" Gu Miao was a little surprised when he heard this.

This young man seldom talked about love. On his birthday, he confessed that he and her were not a legal couple. She was very angry. During that time, he said a lot of straightforward love words to make her happy.

But as time went by, her anger slowly subsided, so his love words also gradually disappeared, and he returned to the duplicity at the beginning.

Gu Miao was naturally dissatisfied with this, but it was indeed not in line with his temperament to talk nasty love words all day long, so she didn't force it.

She didn't want to force him to make any changes. The most important thing when two people were together was to be comfortable and at ease. If she forced him to change his personality, he would definitely feel tired.

No need, no need at all.

She knew that he loved her deeply in his heart, and his actions showed his deep love, and that was enough.

So she let him go.

But now he suddenly said such a sentence, she was quite surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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