Chapter 370 Meng Xizhou's Cooperation
"Of course I don't dislike it." Looking directly into Gu Miao's watery eyes, Meng Xizhou answered honestly, "It's not your ability to make money that I'm interested in. I don't have any hobbies that cost money. More money and less money is to me. It doesn't matter, I can eat simple tea and light food, I can wear linen clothes, what I like is your temperament, it is you who treat me to protect my sincerity."

He was very indifferent to money. At the beginning, he treated Gu Miao well, not because he wanted to return Gu Miao, but because he felt that Gu Miao was more pitiful than him.

Later, he fell in love with Gu Miao, and it was Gu Miao who treated him well. This kindness was so tempting and attached to him that he couldn't refuse it at all.

He has told Gu Miao about this reason several times, but since Gu Miao doubts it now, he will repeat it again.

Money was never mixed in his feelings for her.

Listening to the young man's explanation, Gu Miao felt a lot more at ease. This young man really doesn't have any hobbies that cost money. To be precise, he doesn't have any hobbies.

Oh no, he still has hobbies: likes to kiss her!
However, apart from this, she really didn't find that the boy had a desire for money.

Even without her, the boy will inherit Yunmo's family fortune in the future and live a prosperous life in the countryside.

So, she believed these words.

However, the shelf life of these words should only be now, hmph, if she dares to dislike her in the future, she will make him look good!

With a tight face, she said, "I reluctantly accept your words."

"However, as far as this thing is concerned, the solution I can come up with is this. I can't think of a better idea."

Meng Xizhou looked at her expression and saw that her eyes were also stained with trouble, and he was relieved. This time, he was distracted. If she hadn't shown her flaws just now, then he would definitely think her words were true.

Since she was "troubled", as her man, he had to cooperate with her and solve her problems.

Pretending to be thinking, he said, "The thing you came up with is only useful in the last step. When my mother makes noodles, I still have to roll the dough into dough."

"I think you should think about the step of rolling the noodles. Can you omit this step and directly turn the dough into noodles?"

Not sure what exactly Gu Miao took out, he paused, and then said, "Of course, a bolder idea is to skip the step of kneading the noodles."

Gu Miao "..."

Young man, you have great ideas!

Even the step of kneading the noodles is omitted, it is a fully automatic noodle machine, she can't make such a thing.

"You don't even have to knead the dough. Your idea is too fantastic. I definitely won't be able to finish it. I'd better think about the step of rolling the dough."

Meng Xizhou's right eye has been observing Gu Miao seriously, seeing Gu Miao's expression in his eyes, he nodded and said, "Yes."

It seems that she really can't save the step of kneading the noodles, but if she can omit the process of rolling the noodles, it can save a lot of effort, as rolling the noodles is indeed too strenuous.

Just as the couple were talking, Wang Tiancai's voice sounded outside, "Hey, are you all at home?"

"Second Aunt, why are you here?" Gu Tangzheng and Zhao Xiaoyue turned over the flower rope, saw Wang Tiancai carrying a basket, got up and walked over.

"I just went to the wheat field to look at the wheat. I dug up some wild vegetables and sent them over."

Wild vegetables?

Hearing these two words, Gu Miao became excited, can wild vegetables be eaten? !
 The male protagonist is fair and qualified!It fits well with the heroine's career~
(End of this chapter)

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