Chapter 314 Operation Process
Everything really went well, spending three pennies not only helped Meng Wu's family settle the loss, but also got Zhao Xiaoyue, the maid.

"Did everything go well?!" Gu Miao was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Well, the county magistrate is very helpful." Meng Xizhou said and jumped off the shaft.

Today, he went to the county government office and went directly to the county magistrate, saying that because Zhao Quansheng stole money from Meng Wu's family and was unable to repay it, he wanted to sell Zhao Xiaoyue to pay off the debt.

Stealing is indeed a crime, but now they have negotiated in private and reached an agreement, so the county magistrate will not go out of his way to pursue Zhao Quansheng for the crime of theft.

However, even if Zhao Xiaoyue is willing to sell herself, it must be approved by Zhao Dacheng. Zhao Dacheng is Zhao Xiaoyue's biological father, and Zhao Dacheng must nod to buy and sell Zhao Xiaoyue.

So Meng Xizhou went to the casino to find Zhao Dacheng.

Zhao Dacheng was lucky, he took the consistent money and the silver hairpin to repay the previous debts, and then continued to gamble with the remaining dozens of Wen, and after gambling for half a night, the money in his hand changed from dozens of Wen to hundreds of Wen. So in the second half of the night, he opened a room in the casino to sleep, and prepared to continue gambling after waking up.

When Meng Xizhou came to find him, he was soundly asleep. Meng Xizhou kicked him awake without being polite to him, and then forced him to get dressed and go to the county office.

When dealing with vicious gamblers, the attitude must not be soft, otherwise the opponent will make an inch. Meng Xizhou put on a debt-collecting appearance, and dragged Zhao Dacheng to the county government. During Zhao Dacheng's struggle, he even punched Zhao Dacheng a few times. With a ruthless hand, Zhao Dacheng inhaled in pain.

After being beaten, Zhao Dacheng became honest, and he didn't dare to be a monster when he arrived at the county government. Zhao Dacheng had to return the copper coins stolen by Zhao Quansheng. If Zhao Dacheng didn't pay back, then Meng Wu would beat the drums and report to the officials to ask the magistrate to come out.

If the magistrate of the county came forward, the matter would be serious. Zhao Dacheng had to be beaten and imprisoned for Zhao Quansheng before he could pay the money.

This is not a scare, this is the normal process stipulated in the "Dafeng Law". When he heard that he would be beaten and imprisoned, Zhao Dacheng pushed Zhao Xiaoyue out without even thinking about it, and he used Zhao Xiaoyue to pay off the debt!
So Meng Wu began to report the loss of his own family, how much money was lost and how much the items were damaged. In short, after some bargaining, Meng Xizhou gave Zhao Dacheng three pennies of money, and Zhao Dacheng took out two pennies to compensate Meng Wu, and then the county magistrate sold them. I got Zhao Xiaoyue's household registration in Zhaojia Village, and wrote a deed of selling herself.

The deed of sale was in duplicate, one was kept by the county government, and one was kept by Meng Xizhou, which had the fingerprints of Meng Xizhou, Zhao Xiaoyue and Zhao Dacheng on it. So far, the process has been completed. From then on, Zhao Xiaoyue is no longer a commoner of Dafeng, but a servant of Meng Xizhou.

Zhao Dacheng took the money and left cursing. Zhao Quansheng hugged Zhao Xiaoyue and cried all the way. At this moment, the eyes of the brother and sister were all swollen until there was only a gap left.

"Let's eat first! The rice is left and it's heating up in the pot!" Gu Miao heard Meng Xizhou tell the story, and then called everyone to get off the carriage.

Wang Tiancai was also there at the moment. Wang Tiancai's family had been busy all day today, and finally moved their family back to the village.

Wang Tiancai was worried about Meng Wu and Meng Defu, so he didn't leave after dinner, and helped Jiang Xiu clean up the thatched cottage. From now on, Zhao Xiaoyue will live in the thatched cottage.

After hearing Gu Miao's arrangement, Zhao Quansheng hesitated to speak. Gu Miao knew what was on his mind and said, "You can live here too."

It's really inappropriate for Zhao Xiaoyue, an eight-year-old girl, to live alone in the thatched cottage.

(End of this chapter)

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