Chapter 132 Building a Yard

The number of people buying bean curd will decrease, but tofu is made of bean curd, so more bean curd should be made. After it is made, some of it will be sold directly, and the other part will be pressed into tofu. In this way, tofu can be made at noon. Wenxianglou People from Piaoxiangju don't have to rush back to the town at night, and people from Meng and Gu's family don't have to push carts to sell in the next village overnight.

Things like tofu will be sold in the morning, and the tofu maker usually wakes up at three o'clock at night, which is very hard work. Now Gu Miao doesn't work so hard. She wakes up late, and naturally it will be late when the tofu is ready.

"In the final analysis, there are still not enough people and not enough space." Yunmo sat on the porch having lunch, pointing to the dry firewood in the yard, "Some folks are reluctant to exchange beans, and some don't have so many beans at home. Everyone uses dry firewood, and there will be more and more dry firewood, why don't you enclose the open space next to it and build a yard."

"Huh? Building a yard?" Gu Miao was startled when she heard this, and looked over.

The village in this time and space is different from the villages in the later generations. The streets of the villages in the later generations are neat and tidy, with each household next to each other in an orderly manner.

But in this time and space, in the area designated by the imperial court, everyone can live wherever they want, and as long as they have money in their hands, they can build houses wherever they want.

Yunmo loves quietness, so when choosing the site, he deliberately chose a place in the back, with open spaces on both sides and no neighbors.

At the moment there is too much dry firewood to fit in the yard of the Yun family, and Yun Mo is not used to the fact that there are so many people in the yard every day, so it is urgent to build another yard in the open space next to it.

After listening to Yun Mo's words, Gu Miao turned her head to look at Meng Xizhou. Of course Meng Xizhou supported Yun Mo, "The weather is warm these days and the land has not yet frozen, so let's build it quickly."

In the future, the weather will get colder and colder. If the ground freezes, it will be impossible to start construction.

"Then build a yard." Gu Miao nodded.

It's just that the money I just got is going to be spent again... She's not warm in her hands yet!
After the meal, Meng Xizhou took out a pen and paper and began to draw a floor plan. Since the yard was going to be built, he should design it well. Even if the recipe was given to the Meng brothers, the Meng brothers would not be able to occupy the vast market, so his tofu Business will continue, so the yard must be built comfortably.

Gu Miao and Yun Mo sat beside him, giving advice from time to time, and soon the floor plan was drawn up, ten houses were built, five were used as warehouses to store beans, five were used as kitchens to make tofu, and the other in the yard Large sheds were also built to store dry firewood.

"How much money does this cost..." Gu Miao looked at the floor plan and asked.

"Use adobe bricks instead of blue bricks, plus beams and other objects, at least 30 taels of silver." Yunmo said.

Gu Miao, "...this can catch up with our green brick and tile house."

"The main reason is that the room is big and a lot of bricks are used." The room used to store beans in the warehouse must be spacious, not like Meng Xizhou's thatched cottage before.

"It's okay, I still have some savings, and I can afford to build this yard." Yunmo said.

"No, no, Uncle Yun, let's bear it together!" Gu Miao hurriedly said, "We agreed, it must be like this."

30 taels of silver!
Yunmo is a country doctor, so he probably has most of his savings, so he can't afford it all by himself.

"Anyway, it will be left to the two of you in the future." Yun Mo's pretty face showed a look of helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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