Chapter 501 Housekeeping Company
The reason why Qiu Li contacted this housekeeping company was thanks to Mama Zhang. Mama Zhang mentioned before that a friend of hers opened this company here, and the people inside are very skilled, so he was so relieved to let those people come here.

Yang Nuannuan also knew that Mama Zhang would not harm Qiu Li, it must be that there was something wrong with the housekeeping company.

Today is Monday, the first day of the working day, but it is already ten o'clock in the morning and the door has not yet opened.

The housekeeping company is located in a small alley in the commercial street. There is their billboard at the entrance of the alley. You can see it after walking about 50 meters. wait.

It's just that a company with such a large scale and complicated positions delayed its opening on Monday, which is a bit unreasonable.

Soon a group of people gathered at the entrance of the alley. Upon inquiry, the youngest among them were 25 or 60 years old, and the oldest were between [-] and [-] years old. Most of them came from the countryside to work in the city. can do these.

One of the girls named Chun Mian told them that she informed them in the group last night that the opening of the door would be delayed this morning, but it is already past ten o'clock and the person in charge still hasn't arrived. They came here for confinement training. .

The salary of Yuesao in the city is much higher than that of nanny, but the training fee is also very expensive, ranging from [-] to [-] yuan. Once they pass the exam, they can be selected by customers through the company.

At that time, the salary was more than [-] or [-], so many people were still willing to train in advance, but recently, classes were often suspended, saying that the missing courses would be calculated on a daily basis and the training fee would be refunded to them.

Because they were afraid that the company would run away, many people came here in advance and waited, for fear that the money would not come back.

Brother Lu also found this housekeeping company, which is large in scale and has a good reputation, and there are no escapees.

I just don’t know what’s the reason. Recently, they had a large-scale layoff of confinement maids and housekeeping staff who have passed the exam. New employees came in, so many old customers couldn’t stand the newcomers and gave them bad reviews on the website. Hope They replaced the old man who had been laid off.

"In this case, unless the boss is changed, or the senior leaders are replaced, otherwise such a big fight will be detrimental to the company." Xiang Xijin looked at the small advertisements on the wall, there were house sellers, car sellers...

Then all this makes sense, it seems that the company was indeed bought out by someone, and there are quite a few high-ranking people in this city, and anyone who wants to buy this housekeeping company can buy it casually.

If you insist on relying on Qiu Yao's side, it may be difficult, after all, there is no evidence, everything is for nothing.

"Their family is recruiting staff recently." Xiang Xijin found the original housekeeping company's advertisement on the wall that looked like dog skin and plaster, but after one night, it had already been posted beyond recognition.

Yang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and sneered: "While laying off staff and recruiting people at the same time, I suspect that the new person in charge of this company is a jerk and likes to abuse himself."

She looked at the advertisement and wondered how the meeting at Qiu Li was going.

If it is to collect evidence, today is probably too late.

Brother Lu seemed to see what she was thinking, and quickly said: "Young Master Qiu's meeting is over, because the old lady had a headache and couldn't come to the meeting in time, so it was delayed for a week."


(End of this chapter)

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