Chapter 159 Picking Grapefruit

"Huh?" Shen Fei asked suspiciously, "Has it been finalized yet? I heard that the book of "Manzhu" has been sold out a long time ago, and after the sale, invitation notices have been sent to many actors. The start is because the heroine has not been finalized for a long time, is it because my news is too closed?"

Zhang Yufu: "I also heard that it has not been finalized."

"The pomelo land has arrived"

Lin Jing didn't intend to continue discussing this topic with them, so he changed the topic to the pomelo field that was already in front of him.

There are more than a dozen grapefruit trees planted in this area, each of which is covered with heavy grapefruits, and some branches are bent, but these grapefruit trees are all pulled up so high that they can't be touched even by pointing their toes.

There was only a huge grapefruit hanging on a thin branch of a tree, which was almost crushed, and was picked by Zhang Yufu.

Just when Su Tao was considering whether to climb the tree, Sun Shi brought a ladder from nowhere and put it under the tree, which was very safe.

Having never experienced picking grapefruits before, Su Tao rolled up her sleeves eager to try, she wanted to give it a try.

"Go, I'll help you up"

Lin Jing knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression, so he could play as much as he wanted, anyway, he was protecting her below.

The smile on Su Tao's face has never stopped since she heard that she was going to pick grapefruits. This time, she will definitely pick the biggest grapefruit. As soon as one foot was put on it, Zhang Yufu said.

"Taozi, let me come, don't break it",
Zhang Yufu cared falsely, Su Tao knew that she was starting again, if she went down and replaced her, the netizens should say that they are not afraid of her falling if they are afraid of falling.

If someone else said this, she wouldn't think about it, but the other party was Zhang Yufu, so she couldn't allow her to think about it.

Looking at the ground, the ground is soft, even if it is standing on the ladder and falls from a height of more than one meter, it may be difficult to break it.

"With me here, I can't fall." Lin Jing still maintained the action just now, looking at Su Tao encouragingly.

Zhang Yufu's face was extremely ugly, she was really kind to treat her like a donkey, what kind of ecstasy soup did she pour into Lin Jing to make him protect her like this, just by looking at her charming face, she knew she was hooking up with someone.

One hour of cold is not enough, I still miss Lin Jing.

Zhang Yufu smiled with concern on the surface, but she was contemptuous in her heart. She was frustrated by her one after another, and her face was almost out of control.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't be reconciled.

"Pick the one on top, yes, it's the one on your head"

Su Tao had already stood on the ladder on the highest floor, and Shen Fei directed her to pick the biggest one on top of her head. Su Tao had already reached the bottom of the grapefruit with one hand. Almost missed it.

Handing the grapefruit to Shen Fei who was waiting next to her, Su Tao continued to pick one, and there was a big one on the upper right of her, Sun Shi and Wang Ling didn't mix with the small ones, not far from the owner of the grapefruit field chat.

Zhang Yufu bounced around below, trying to pick the grapefruit closest to her.

In a few seconds, Su Tao picked off the grapefruit and wanted to hand it to Shen Fei, but saw him squatting on the ground peeling the grapefruit.


Su Tao had no choice but to hand the grapefruit to Lin Jing.

Lin Jing took the pomelo and wanted to put it on the ground, while still supporting the ladder with the other hand, Su Tao wanted to get down and replace it with Shen Fei, because she couldn't reach the one above it, so she poked her head down, tentatively stretched Put one foot down the stairs.

Suddenly, with a scream, the ladder was violently shaken by someone and was about to fall forward.

(End of this chapter)

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