Chapter 440

The people in Qiongzhou didn't know exactly what happened, but they saw many adults surrounded the magistrate's mansion with bodyguards, saying that Master Song intended to rebel and sent his wife and children away after his deeds were revealed. They were doing harm for the people.

The common people really don't understand these factional disputes, but they admit it to death. Master Song has done so many good things for the people since he came to work in Qiongzhou. How can such a parent official rebel?On the contrary, the former officials in Qiongzhou only knew how to make money for themselves, regardless of their life or death.

They must not see such a good official as Mr. Song, deliberately framed him!The people were angry, and they came out one after another with hoes, axes and kitchen knives, and confronted them, preventing them from attacking Zhizhou's mansion.

The deeds were suddenly revealed, and the rebels thought Song Ziheng was the only one who found out that they only needed to kill him to keep the secrets from leaking out. However, the Zhizhou capital was as airtight as Tietong, and there were police guards day and night, even the backyard of the Zhizhou government Those guards are all men with a few brushes. It is obviously unrealistic to quietly assassinate Chief Yizhou while the other party is fully on guard.

Now they just want to blame Song Ziheng, take the opportunity to kill him, and then report to the court. They don't want to rebel so quickly. After all, the time is not yet ripe, so the people are so uncooperative. This group of people has nothing to do except coax Law.

The common people were not willing to give in, they only said they believed what Mr. Song said, as long as he came out and said it.

Don't say that Song Ziheng didn't do such a thing, even if he did, it is absolutely impossible for him to stand up and admit it.The rebels are not so naive, they are only trying to convince the people of their falsehoods.

This stalemate went straight from day to night. The troops did not leave, and the people refused to go back, starving together.

Know the state.

"Master." Daniel knocked on the door, pushed the door in after hearing the sound, and said, "The rebel army is afraid that they are impatient, and they are threatening the people to go back. If the people don't move, I'm afraid they will be violent soon."

Song Ziheng put down the book and looked out the window: "What time is it?"

"It's time already."

Song Ziheng stood up: "It's not easy from noon to Xu time, go and meet them."

Daniel said with a worried face: "But master..."

Song Ziheng interrupted him, and said softly: "They can't afford to delay, even if I don't go out, they will force their way in soon."

Zhang Ran said, "My lord, I will accompany you out."

All the uniformed arresters clenched their swords tightly and said in unison: "My lord, this subordinate will accompany you out!"

"Today has dragged you down."

Catcher Wang shook his head, and said bitterly: "If the adults hadn't discovered it early, when they really became popular, the people in the whole Qiongzhou would not be able to escape by then!" This matter, what will happen in the future, naturally hates the rebels deeply.

"You really don't want to leave?" Li Xiaolin finally became impatient, and said loudly, "If you obstruct the court's work, you should be imprisoned according to the law. The sword here has no eyes. If there is any death or injury, it is not my responsibility."

"Bah, dog officer, we are not afraid of threats!" During the confrontation, the common people were already excited.

A flash of anger flashed in Li Xiaolin's eyes, and he winked at the guard, who walked towards the man who spoke with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, the gate of the government office suddenly opened, and Song Ziheng, surrounded by all the arresters, walked slowly to the steps, looked down at the dark crowd below, and smiled: "Lord Li can gather so many people in a short while." Guard, this really opened my eyes."

"Master Song is finally willing to come out." Li Xiaolin no longer had the usual flattering smile, straightened his back, and said with a sneer, "To eliminate harm for the people, naturally we must bring more people."

"Nonsense, you recruit so many guards, I'm afraid you want to rebel!" Someone in the crowd scolded.

Li Xiaolin twitched the corners of his mouth, looked in the direction of the speech, and said quietly: "Although I don't want to hurt innocent people, if you are bewitched by the evil words of rebels, then I won't be able to protect you."

"Master Li." Song Ziheng yelled leisurely, while the others confronted each other nervously, he asked gently in a chatty tone, "Does Master Li know the identity of the person behind you?"

Li Xiaolin's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't know what Mr. Song is talking about. If Mr. Song doesn't want to..."

Song Ziheng interrupted him, and continued naturally: "Master Li, I don't know if you have heard of the Liu family of the previous dynasty? It is the royal family of the previous dynasty. The descendants of the Liu family lived among the people and came to Qiongzhou to settle down..."

Several officials beside Li Xiaolin looked at Li Xiaolin in surprise, Li Xiaolin's expression changed, and he said loudly: "Lord Song, don't confuse people with your bullshit words. If you just let it go, you will be arrested. I will beg for your whole body." With a gesture, he was ready to call the men behind him to attack.

The people raised their tools one after another: "Officer Dog, don't hurt Master Song!"

The atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, Song Ziheng looked away from a distance, waved his hands and said, "Master Li, why don't you just listen to me, this dynasty's affiliation is a serious crime against the nine clans, but if you don't know it in advance, you will be taken advantage of by others, and you will get lost if you know it." Come back, it’s not impossible to make a great contribution and atone for the crime.”

Li Xiaolin just stared at Song Ziheng without saying a word. An official next to him opened his mouth to say something, but Li Xiaolin suddenly thought of it again, and sneered, "I wonder why Master Song talks so much nonsense to me. I'm afraid he is just delaying time?"

Song Ziheng smiled and said: "I'm sorry for letting you find out, but I sincerely advise everyone to stop here and find a chance."

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!" Li Xiaolin sneered, and shouted loudly, "I was ordered to arrest the traitor, so I won't do anything!"

It is equal to Hengyuan or the third prince Xiao Zhen, when he arrived at Zhizhou Mansion with a large army, there was already a chaotic fighting scene inside. The government and the people are united, and they can only protect themselves. Song Ziheng, who has always read only sages and sages, and adheres to the gentleman's words but not hands, is scumbag in combat, the kind that drags his feet, but he is the target of everyone's attack, and it is inevitable that he is protected by others. Injuried.

So Xiao Zhen arrived in time, as if falling from the sky, the fighting Qiongzhou people couldn't help crying with joy.

"The prince was ordered by the sage to bring a large army to Qiongzhou to arrest the remnants of the previous dynasty. You and the rebellious people will be arrested without putting their hands up, so that they can be sentenced lightly!"

The rebels, who were still fighting, were all discouraged when they heard Xiao Zhen's words, especially Li Xiaolin and other officials who took the lead, knowing that the situation was over, they simply did not resist, and were kidnapped obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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