Chapter 413

Although the gate of the backyard is not as solemn and solemn as the mansion, it is always lively, and people go through this gate. In recent days, Song Ziheng is the most popular in Qiongzhou. People come and go in front of the gate. Su Wan avoided many gatherings because she was pregnant, and there were not a few people who went to and from the door to give gifts and post.

It's just lively, it's the first time I've seen the scene of Song Ziheng's family of three and a group of servants standing at the door.

The residents next door did not dare to speak loudly, but they all watched unblinkingly from their own homes, their hearts were already in a turmoil, and everyone was guessing who it was that made the adults and his wife wait outside the door so solemnly.

Not long after, he saw an unpretentious carriage approaching from a distance, the carriage stopped in front of the crowd, the curtain was lifted, Mr. Song and his wife also moved, they rushed forward one after another, their faces could not be seen from a distance However, one could see the young master climbed into the carriage very swiftly, and then was carried down by a dark man. The man walked up to Mr. Song, and faintly heard him calling Mr. Song "Third Brother".

Everyone suddenly realized that they were Lord Song's family members, no wonder the Lord welcomed them so wholeheartedly!They couldn't help but look at the car again, feeling in their hearts that Mr. Song's family members are just like Mr. Song, thrifty and simple, and they are not in line with those dog officials who can earn money as soon as they become officials and don't care about the lives of the people.

In fact, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

Song Yougen was still hugging Song Liangchen who didn't recognize his birth, with a hearty smile on his face, he greeted Song Ziheng and Su Wan, and then went back to the carriage to lift the curtain to ask Father Su to come down, but Song Ziheng was one step ahead of him. He lifted the curtain of the car himself, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, please don't compete with my younger brother for showing courtesy to father-in-law." As he said that, he cupped his hands at Father-in-law, "Father-in-law has had a hard journey, please."

Father Su glanced at Song Ziheng with a smile on his face, and the satisfaction in his heart was almost beyond words. The son-in-law of the fifth-rank official lifted the car curtain for him and helped him get out of the car with his own hands. No ordinary person can have such a blessing!

Then he got off the car with Song Ziheng in a high spirits, nodded reservedly and said: "It's not easy for Ziheng to work in Qiongzhou, an unfamiliar place."

"Thanks to my father-in-law, I'm getting better now."

Song Yougen smiled and said, "You have only been in Qiongzhou for a few months, and you are the third brother who has the ability."

The men exchanged pleasantries for a while, but Father Su couldn't restrain his eyes from turning to Su Wan. He looked up and down a lot, and finally couldn't help saying: "Wanwan looks pretty good, unlike the girl who was pregnant with Liangchen back then. time." At that time, Mrs. Su often heard whispers in her ear, and Father Su was also deeply impressed by her daughter's natural appearance when she was pregnant with her first child.

Looking at it now, it's okay. Father Su let go of what he had been worrying about since he received the letter.

Song Liangchen couldn't wait to pass from Song Yougen's arms to Father Su's arms, and shouted sweetly: "Grandpa, Liangchen misses you so much."

Father Su's eyes were already small, but he narrowed his eyes even more when he heard his grandson's sweet words, and hugged the little guy over with distress: "Hey, grandpa misses you too!"

Su Wan couldn't help laughing: "Father, why don't you ask him when he misses you the most."

Seeing the little guy's eyes twinkle, Father Su nodded amusedly, and asked, "When does Liang Chen miss grandpa the most?"

"When I was punished by my parents not to eat!" Song Liangchen didn't see Su Wan's guilty conscience at all, and complained confidently.

"Your parents don't allow you to eat?" Father Su and Song Yougen said at the same time. Song Yougen looked at Song Ziheng with rare reproach in his eyes, "It's just nonsense. Liang Chen is growing up, how can he be hungry."

"Brother doesn't know something. Liangchen's body is too round. The doctor said that eating less will help him grow."

Father Su was not happy, "Liangchen is so heavy, how come he has a round body."

"What the doctor said, we naturally have to obey." It was Su Wan who spoke, she glanced at Father Su, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for half a year, but I have gained a lot of weight."

Father Su glared at her: "What do you know, your father is rich."

During the conversation, Daniu had already paid the driver, and the driver drove away. Song Ziheng couldn't help being curious: "Did father-in-law and elder brother come here without luggage?"

"I'm taking it with me. Anyway, this small carriage can't fit in it, so I gave the money and asked the postman on the ship to bring it over."

Su Wan asked: "Can't fit it? What kind of things do you want to bring here?"

"It was all set up by your mother and your sister-in-law, how do I know." Song Xiaofen and Song Xiaomei are both living in the capital at this time, and Su Wan knows it.

Song Yougen smiled and added: "Mother and grandma also prepared a lot of family specialties, and the clothes made for Liang Chen may be able to wear him when he goes home next year. Later, when he arrived in Guangzhou, he received a letter from his third brother telling him that his younger brother and sister were pregnant. According to the news, my uncle said that he was afraid that his younger siblings would be offended, so he wanted to eat some strange things, and he was afraid that Qiongzhou would not find them, so he stayed in Guangzhou for a few days, collected a lot of food and brought them back with him."

Song Ziheng hurriedly said: "What's the matter here, Qiongzhou is not far from Guangzhou, and there are boats coming and going every month. If the lady wants to eat something, she can ask someone to bring it. It really bothers my father-in-law."

"This is my real father." Su Wan was grateful for Father Su's love for daughters, stepped forward to hold Father Su's arm, and said with a smile.

But Papa Su knocked her on the head without hesitation: "Say nonsense, it's not your real dad, but it's fake."

Song Liangchen clapped his hands aside and applauded: "Mother is so ignorant, grandpa taught me well!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Liangchen was also knocked on the head. It was Song Ziheng standing behind them who did it. Facing his son's accusing gaze, Song Ziheng calmly pursed his lips and said to the group: "It is inconvenient to say more outside the courtyard. Let's go to the house first."

Song Liangchen has reached the age of learning the tongue very early, adults have something serious to say, and because Song Ziheng's status is not as good as before, everyone in Qiongzhou is watching his every move, who knows if there will be some eyes and ears in the house, after all, strong A dragon does not overwhelm a snake.

Therefore, no one dared to let Song Liangchen listen, because he was afraid that he would be ignorant, and would take some important matters outside to learn, and it wouldn't be bad if people listened to him.

(End of this chapter)

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