Chapter 181

Mrs. Su then brought a cart full of things, food, cloth and jewelry, everything that one could expect, and everyone in the Song family had a share. This kind of arrogance made the Song family who had seen the Su family's pie before were still dumbfounded. In the Song family's yard, Mother Song, who was still stunned after being pulled, began to wipe her tears: "My mother-in-law don't say I'm stingy, I'm really happy, I'm afraid Wanwan is like me, and pregnancy is difficult, how can I be worthy of my in-laws like this? It's so easy to get the news of Wanwan's pregnancy, I can't wait to come over to have a look that day, my mother-in-law also knows, mothers are like this, if you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you feel at ease?"

"They're all from here, so I can naturally understand my mother-in-law's state of mind. When my eldest daughter was pregnant, I wished I could go over and have a look at her belly that night." Song's mother hurriedly said, "It's just that my in-laws came here, and I brought these things for cooking. What?" He said repeatedly leading Mrs. Su into the main room.

Mrs. Su said as she walked: "Being able to get married with such a kind family like my in-laws, we have accumulated virtue in our previous life. Sometimes I can't stand Wanwan's temper. I'm afraid my in-laws have tolerated a lot at ordinary times. I know that my in-laws look at her. For my father's sake, I won't argue with her, but I'm still grateful, thanks to the big guy's patience, my own daughter hasn't been taught well, so I don't have the face to come to see you, prepare some things, knowing that your home is not lacking, but I have a whole heart, if I don't accept it, I'm afraid I will have trouble sleeping and eating.

This room, Mrs. Su was chatting with Song's mother, and Su Wan, who was listening to Song Ziheng's reading aloud, wished to get sleepy, suddenly regained her spirits. Tairen, the mother of King Wen of Zhou, "did not see evil things with her eyes, listened to obscene voices, and could not speak obscene words, so she could use prenatal education." It means that when Tairen was pregnant, her eyes did not see evil things, her ears Don't listen to adulterous voices, don't speak arrogant words, this is the prenatal education of practice. "King Wen was born to be a sage, and Tairen taught one to know hundreds, and a gentleman calls Tairen to be able to prenatal education." King Wen was born very smart, "teaching one to know hundreds", this is the result of Tairen's prenatal education—— It seems that men have great enthusiasm for their first child, calm as Song Ziheng, and they can't help but look forward to their first child, full of expectations for it, hoping that their son will become a dragon and their daughter will become a phoenix. I saw the ancients in the book. Prenatal education is so important, immediately Pull Su Wan to implement it.

Song Ziheng has to read every day, usually silently, but now he is shaking his head and reading to Su Wan's stomach, he only hopes that their children will have a good talent for reading when they are born. Ask him, if he has a daughter, what is the use of hearing too much of this?Song Ziheng replied with a smile: "It's nothing, our daughter, I will teach her to read personally, and when she is well-versed in books, she will be able to sing in harmony like a lady and me in the future."

Su Wan didn't expect that the ancients had the concept of prenatal education so early on, let alone Song Ziheng's enthusiasm. She couldn't explain to Song Ziheng that the embryo in her stomach hadn't formed yet. Prenatal education might be a waste of time, but it's actually not very good. Wanting to stop Song Ziheng, she always felt that giving birth to a child is not a woman's business alone. Only when the husband and wife participate in it, and experience the process of the child from embryo to formation, and then to the birth, the relationship between parents and children can be brought into full play. Otherwise, like her own parents, they don't care about raising children, and they don't feel any distress when they let go.

(End of this chapter)

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