Chapter 57 A Whirlwind

Bai Xuening suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering the kind of canopy bed in the student dormitory in the 21st century. She explained the general design to Bai Shunzi, hoping that he would make one to save space.

Unexpectedly, this Bai Shunzi researched it for a day, and finally came up with it, but the interval between the upper and lower bunks is too small, and the children who live in the lower bunk cannot stand on the bed, but this is already very good!

Put two beds in a room, at least there is room for walking, and a small table can also be placed. If there are three beds, there is no room for walking. It's really suffocating.

Even if it wasn't perfect, Bai Xuening still praised Bai Shunzi and said, "Not bad, good boy, he has a bright future!"

Bai Shunzi patted his head and smiled smirkly, "Well, I have to thank the boss for giving me a new idea, so the bed can be made like this!" His words came from the bottom of his heart.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, follow me, I'm sure you'll eat well and drink spicy food!" Bai Xuening praised herself unequivocally.

After the bed was built, Bai Xuening's mother and son moved into a new room. They lived in a new bed that had just been made, and the mattress and quilt were brand new. How could it feel so sour?
The life of the three of them, mother and son, is that they have food, money, land, and even servants. If there is another man, it will be called complete happiness!
man?Thinking of this question, Bai Xuening couldn't help fantasizing, "What kind of man can be worthy of her, a woman of the new era in the 21st century? Well, first of all, you must be attentive and not flirtatious, and secondly, you must be tall, rich and handsome, hahaha, as for others Yes, I'll think about it later!"

In a few days, the busy autumn harvest is over, and gradually some people are free, and they start digging vegetables again, but there are very few vegetables on the mountain at this time, and they can't make much money. .

Someone went to Bai Xuening's house to exchange land vegetables. Naturally, the fact that her family had a carriage couldn't be kept secret. The news about the carriage was just as Bai Xuening predicted before, causing a whirlwind in Baijiazhuang!
This whirlwind even blew to the surrounding villages, of course including Mojiazhuang, which is across the river from Baijiazhuang, where Bai Xuening's mother-in-law's family lived.

At this time, in a small courtyard in Mojiazhuang, Mo Shixian asked, "Mother, doesn't that poisonous woman Bai Xuening have no money? How can she still have money to buy a carriage? Even if she knows some medicinal materials, it is impossible to buy them." Picking up the carriage, do you think she will have any private house?"

Aunt Mo was also very puzzled, "Didn't we all see her desolate look back then? If she was really rich back then, she wouldn't have been kicked out of the house and came to us to beg for mercy!"

Mo Yu also expressed incomprehension, "But she is indeed rich now, and she spends a lot of money to harvest wild vegetables and build a house, and now she can even afford such expensive things as a carriage!"

The corner of Mo Shi's mouth curled into a calculating smile, "Mother, as long as you are her mother-in-law, she should be filial to you. If you use the carriage, she dare not refuse it!"

Mo Yu disagreed, "Brother, even if she really hides her private house, the money is still hers. Our Mo family has no money in the first place, so it's not good to usurp their carriage!"

Mo Shi gave Mo Yu a hard look, "Go, what does a little girl know about movies? Did the elder brother die in vain?"

"But didn't she still give us a yard before?" Mo Yu couldn't help muttering.

(End of this chapter)

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