Chapter 25

"I can also testify that I helped them move!" said a limping young man.

 A man with an unshaven face joked, "I said Er Guaizi, if you help such a vicious woman, you probably fell in love with her, right?"

The man who was called the second kidnapper said with a dark face, "Go, go, what are you talking about? I feel sorry for the two children!"

Everyone talked about Bai Xuening for a long time, some were envious, some cursed, some were jealous, and a few people wanted to go up the mountain with Bai Xuening to pick medicinal materials.

If it wasn't for lack of food, they wouldn't have moved their minds to deal with a poisonous woman like Bai Xuening, but sometimes the backbone is far less important than filling their stomachs, and these days are really hard!

They don't ask much, Bai Xuening eats meat, they can just drink soup, seeing that she can pick so many herbs in exchange for so many things, they only ask for a few catties of stick noodles to help them tide over the difficulties until the autumn harvest. !

On the other side, the mother and son returned home, poured a lot of cold water, and rested for a while before starting to organize the things they bought!

Their division of labor is that Yuqing burns the fire, Bai Xuening cooks, and Yuhe goes out to pull weeds to feed the rabbit. The hare was a little limp when it first came, but now it is alive and kicking, thanks to the two children.

There are still three pancakes baked in the morning, plus the two leftover steamed buns brought back from the market, this dinner only needs to be fried!
She first fried the three catties of fat meat she bought, and a large bowl was filled with oil. The ancient bowls were very large, unlike modern bowls which are small and delicate, so this large bowl of oil is enough for them to eat It's been half a month.

After draining the oil, she sprinkled a little salt on the oil residue in the pot, took it out, and put it on a plate.

In the 21st century, Bai Xuening would definitely not eat these oil residues, but in ancient times, these things were still very precious. The two children usually don't see oil stars, and she plans to leave them for them to satisfy their hunger.

And there is another advantage of this oil residue, that is, the fat meat has all the oil out, and the dry one is the same as the crispy rice, which can be stored for a long time!

The oil pan should not be wasted, so she took out six more eggs and fried them in the pan, sprinkled them with salt, and a plate of delicious scrambled eggs came out of the oven. Originally, she wanted to add a little pepper and green onion, but she forgot to buy them .

After scrambling the eggs, this Yuhe just came back from digging weeds, and as soon as he entered the door, he shouted, "Mother, what did you do? It smells so good!"

"There are oil residues and eggs just out of the pan!"

Yuhe happily ran to "Mom, I want to eat oil residue, rolled in pancakes, and some pickles, it's delicious!"

While cleaning the bones and preparing to make soup, Bai Xue pointed to the eggs on the table, "There, if you want to eat, just eat it!"

The little girl happily ran to the table, grabbed a piece and put it in her mouth before she could wash her hands, "Mother, this oil residue is so delicious, the oil residue you made is simply the most delicious thing in the world!"

"I just know how to say nice things to make my mother happy!" She shook her head and smiled, this child's mouth is really sweet.

Yuqing said from the side, "Who made her greedy, it's as if she's desperate for meat!"

After the pork bones were put into the pot, Bai Xuening said to Yuqing, "You go eat too, and I'll light the fire!"

"I'll light the fire, you and your sister can eat!" Xiaoyu Qing humbly said.

Bai Xuening pretended to be displeased and said, "If I let you eat, you can eat it, you don't need to argue with your mother!"

"Okay!" Yuqing nodded helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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