The last Onmyoji

Chapter 348 Ultimate Truth

Chapter 348 Ultimate Truth
I am reading here, and the old man continues to play the ugly erhu outside, and it doesn’t affect anyone. He will come in and chat with me occasionally. Will go out to ask a few words, his eyes are already blind, but he can guess the next sentence from the previous sentence, and then explain it to me.

Only by learning from the ancients can we understand the present. The first thing I do is to learn from the ancients.

History begins with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Pan Gu opened the world, and the world was as turbid as chicken eggs, and Pan Gu was born in it.At [-] years old, the heavens and the earth opened up, Yangqing became the sky, yin and turbidity became the earth, and Pangu was among them.Nine changes in a day, the gods are in the sky, the holiness is in the earth, the sky is ten feet higher every day, the earth is ten feet higher every day, and Pangu is ten feet longer every day. So eight thousand years old, the number of days is extremely high, the number of earth is extremely deep, and Pangu is extremely long.

These are myths.It’s about Pan Gu opening up the world. I’ve read these words before and knew about Pan Gu, but I still read it as a story.

But after experiencing so much and knowing so much, the change in my mentality made me even think that these are true.

Pan Gu really had his own people.

It is No.1.

I read books here without purpose. I am looking for answers, but I don’t read books for answers. I flip through and read casually. If I think the answer is relevant, I will read it more. If it is irrelevant, I will read it. I believe , the so-called truth is hidden in it.

After watching Pangu, watch Three Emperors.

Who are the three emperors?

Fuxi, Suiren, Shennong.

I found that the ancients were actually more suitable for Taoism, and the so-called emperors were all because they were beneficial to the people.

Suiren's family drilled wood to make fire, taught the people to cook food, cultivate people's health, avoid odor and expel poison.

Shennong taught the people how to do farming, transformed it into a god, and made it suitable for the people.

And Fuxi, looking up at the sky, looking down at the law, because of the couple, the five stars, began to determine the human way, draw the gossip to rule the subordinates, and lay down to transform them.

The reason why the three of them are called emperors is that they have all made great contributions to the development of mankind.

I didn't go into Suiren and Shennong in detail. I spent the most time on Fuxi's gossip, because I feel that all these seem to be related to the so-called truth, my truth.

Gossip is the oldest religion.

In this unknown ancient book I read, a sentence of gossip is explained as: with the virtue of understanding the gods, with the feeling of being like all things.

Many things require me to think, to connect what I have seen and obtained with what I knew before.

Fuxi is the ancient god.

And the murals I saw in Shennongjia are of the ancient ancestors with a tall building on it, and I also know that in ancient times, that machine and that golden elixir already existed.

God, what is the connection with that tall building?
These ancient sages, did they know that there is still a batch of technology under their existence?
I closed my eyes and tried to think about it.

If I entered the ancient times, I was in the high-rise building among the murals, and I was the group of people who had mastered the power of science and technology. I saw how these so-called Three Emperors and Five Emperors would feel.

They are in a certain field, in the field of technology, perhaps, they are just jokes.

However, they have mastered another kind of power.

——I suddenly had a feeling, it seemed that they were studying them, the people in the tall buildings, they were much ahead of the ancient ancestors in terms of technology, but at the same time, they were also studying this group of people, in another field Excellence, in the realm of "God".

Based on the principle of asking if you don’t understand, I took what I thought in my heart and asked the old man who played the erhu non-stop, but he didn’t get tired and didn’t see progress. I humbly asked for advice, and told me what I knew before, and now I guess.

He laughed and said: "Fuxi created gossip, which is about guessing God and Tao. Does his so-called God follow Tao refer to those people? Did the great sages fight for the peace of the world for 5000 years? "

"Why?" I asked.

"You are right. Maybe they are studying us, and we are studying them. The Three Emperors and Five Emperors are just the beginning, the end of the other, and the beginning of this one." The old man said.

I continued to read, not asking for a deep understanding.

This time, I stayed here for a month, watching, thinking, and asking with a peaceful mind.

The truth unfolds slowly like a curtain.

If it is really that sentence, only the ancients can understand the present.

After reading Fuxi, go to see the Five Emperors.

The emperor fought Chi You.

This is undoubtedly what I am also extremely curious about. I have always believed that the emperor is Chi You.And who is Chi You?It is the chief of Sanmiao, Sanmiao, the so-called Miao nationality now.

But when I was reading this, I found that Chi You was not the first patriarch of the Miao nationality, but Pangu was, and Pangu was the first ancient emperor of the Miao nationality.

The truth seems to be here.

In the end, in the discussion with the old man, and in my own thinking.

I want to understand a lot of things.

Whether it is the Three Emperors or the Five Emperors, they are all human beings.

And that machine can make golden pills. The raw materials they need are Chinese, and only Chinese can do it. It seems that the Japanese have verified this point.

That is what Liu Wangnan's old lady said, Huaxia's password.

That tall building is a research room, human beings are the "livestock" they raise. It's like people raise pigs for meat and foxes for their fur now.

They raise people just to fill the machine with people to make their golden elixir.

The source of Fuxi's gossip, guessing the meaning of the gods.This sentence expresses too much.

This group of gods in ancient times, they are people who have made great contributions to mankind.

They drilled wood to make fire, and they educated people about farming and mulberry so that people could survive.So people say they are gods.

But now when people raise pigs, they also develop various medicines and feeds suitable for pigs, so that they can survive and live better, but are people really doing it for the pigs?

There is an old saying that is very appropriate here.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

They do things for human beings to make human beings live better. Just like human pigs, they have a plan.Pigs grow better and get more meat.

Human beings survive better, and they can get more raw materials.

If humans were herds of livestock.

Those so-called ancient gods are actually a group of herdsmen.

After Fuxi gossips, he guesses the meaning of the gods.The meaning of this sentence can be interpreted infinitely.

Fuxi gossips and understands the truth about other gods.

Gossip allows human beings to have their own gods.

Gossip created Taoism.

Fight the god of nomadic humans with the god of humans.

This is the truth, the truth hidden in the long river of history.

There are no immortals in the world after Zhang Daoling.

This is also the truth.

In the end, I asked the old man for a pen and paper. The complexity and cumbersomeness of it made me have to sort it out, not to figure out the connection between all of these.

What he gave me was a brush and straw paper, and said that after finishing writing, I would read it to him.

He also told me that before me, there were three people who had been here, and they had different feelings.

He also said that there was a person following a black dog.

I try to use a brush to record these things and restore the truth of my thoughts.

The interweaving of technology and myth, plus some so-called assumptions.

There is such a group of people who are controlling civilization. They are gods, real gods.It can also be understood that they are "people" from the previous civilization, and they are trying to create gods. They may not be human, but another species that has mastered the power of high technology.

Generation after generation of stuff on the planet, they're all around.

The extinction of dinosaurs and the rise of humans.

They are just trying, looking for, a most suitable raw material.

Raw materials for making golden elixir.

Finally, they found an animal whose genes, the so-called Huaxia code in their blood, was the most suitable thing for making golden pills.

Therefore, that high-tech species began to support human beings.Treating human beings as livestock to raise and graze, they taught people how to make fire and how to farm and mulberry.

grow this group.

Suddenly, among the raw materials they thought, there was a very wise man named Fuxi, who created gossip and opened his mind.

He sees everything.

Then, he started his way to make human beings wise.

"Before Fuxi, human beings only knew their mothers, but not their fathers." This is very important, because with today's technology, such a situation does not mean that it is against the norms of ethics, but that it will be much earlier. Marriage of close relatives, what will happen to the marriage of close relatives?Mentally retarded, even disabled.

But after Fu Xi founded the Human Way.

This group of things that are shepherded by them gradually acquire wisdom, and they will become smarter.

Fuxi is undoubtedly a wise man, his way includes too much.

The things after that seem to be more experienceable.To think slowly.

This group of people has wisdom, strength, and their own way.

However, even if pigs are intelligent, can they counterattack humans?The answer is definitely not possible.

So there is Taoism after Fuxi's gossip.

Taoism seems to be worshiping gods.

In fact, they are carrying out a plan to slaughter the gods.

This will be a very long plan. They are strengthening themselves and finding ways to fight against these "gods". All of this began after ancient times.

Until Zhang Daoling.

Fuxi, the first generation of gods, created spiritual wisdom, he is the beginning.

The time of Zhang Daoling was an end.

After Zhang Daoling, there are no immortals in the world, because he came to a battle of gods.

That was the end of the entire world chessboard.

The immortal who started with the way of Fuxi's gossip.

and the God who shepherds mankind.

Among them, there is a battle of gods!
That was the end of the Fall of the Gods.

After that, Taoism declined.

——I once heard the fat man say something, and the second uncle also said, I also experienced it in Song Zhai.

The dragon veins of Kunlun never knew when, the ancestor dragons dispersed and entered the Qinling Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Divided into thousands of little dragons.

Thinking of this, I can even imagine what a genius Zhang Daoling was at that time.

He used all the strength at his disposal.

There is a fault in Chinese culture, and this fault is the battle of gods.

Before the fault, a hundred schools of thought contend, Yaochi, Kunlun, various mountains, various Taoist caves, including Zifu Mountain that Fatty has always called.

But after the fault, they all fell in one day.

All because of this battle of gods.

This is also the secret of Aza's so-called Tubo's disappearance.

It is not very clear who the seatless statue in Shennongjia refers to, but it gave me a clear understanding.

This is because someone is controlling the wars, so what is the matter.

That battle of gods did not end.

This life is the end.

My destiny is Zhang Daoling.

The last Onmyoji.

When I read all my conjectures to the old man, he finally added to me:
The sky is sunny.

The earth is cloudy.

The yin and yang that run through the heavens and the earth are the masters of onmyoji.

You are the last one because you will fight to the last.

My child, you are well-versed in the ancient and the present.

You can go into the mountains.

The old man put down the erhu.with a wave.

A picture scroll unfolded in front of him slowly.

There are mountains and rivers in the picture scroll.

"One dragon in Longhu Mountain has been given to you."

"There is still a tiger, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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