The last Onmyoji

Chapter 257 Trust Your Own Judgment

Chapter 257 Trust Your Own Judgment

We all believed what the second uncle said, that is, after he called out these words, I realized that this familiar bug was not something we saw in the fields of our hometown when we were young, but a nightmare of ours. In the deep mountains of the famous mountain, if it weren’t for the arrival of Aza and the others, we would all be eaten by this bug. Thinking of Aza, I was filled with guilt. I said, I want to bring their people out. Nothing has been done.

I'm too busy?Or am I too afraid to face the pressure of bringing a bunch of savages into real life?

At this time, I can't allow me to think about it, and when I look back, I can see that there are all insects behind, breaking through the cat corpse and rushing out. I almost have an instinctive aversion to this kind of insects. Unexpectedly, the insects bred in the depths of the famous mountain , After arriving here, it turned out to be cultivated in a cat corpse. We followed in the footsteps of the second uncle. The Japanese didn't know that the second uncle was our own. After a moment, they also realized the danger and immediately followed us We didn’t have time to talk, so we could only run along with Uncle Er until a barbed wire fence appeared in front of our eyes. Uncle Er didn’t stop and found a fault in the wire fence. , we got in, and the place was originally dark, but it was brightly lit for a moment, and I saw that there were many people inside, but they all looked very embarrassed.

A figure rushed towards me quickly, fell in front of me, hugged my legs, trembling all over, coupled with non-stop sobbing, I knew this person without taking off his robe Who is it? There is only one person in the whole world who would act like this to me, and that is Shi Nu. In her eyes, I, who was only a little effort to untie her chains at that time, is the god in her eyes.

I helped her up, looked at her wrinkled face covered with tears, and was more kind than ever. I touched her head and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Hey, I thought who was the person outside the canyon. It turned out to be our big counselor, Mr. Lin Xiaofan. What's the matter? Losing to me last time was not enough, and this time he came to die? This also combined with the Japanese Have you become a traitor?" Song Zhai's young master looked at me and said with a playful smile.

I saw that her body was also full of scars, and there were two blood grooves on her face, which was shocking, and I retorted helplessly: "What happened to Song Zhai's young master? She became such a big lost dog?"

"Don't say a few words, you won't die!" After the second uncle brought us back, he seemed very tired and fell on the ground, or he was not tired at all, and we quarreled as soon as we met Get up, stare at me, just this one, let us both shut up honestly.

This made me curious. There is a reason why I am in awe of my second uncle. The question is, when was this young master of Song Zhai subdued by the second uncle's power?The gathering of the three groups of us seemed very embarrassing, and we were divided into three teams almost naturally. We want to stay away from Song Zhai, let alone be regarded as traitors, and stay away from these Japanese. When people see that we Chinese actually know each other, they are naturally so far away from us.

Compared to Song Zhai and his group, we are still complete. They didn't know what happened to them, and they were quite embarrassed. I sat on the ground and rested for a while, then ran to the second uncle to make friends, and asked: " Uncle, what's going on?"

"We were looking for something and found it, but I seem to have done something wrong. That thing is more powerful than I thought." The second uncle said to me with his eyes closed.

"Is that what you found in the coffin?" I said to my second uncle.

"Yes, that's the one." The second uncle nodded, patted my head, and said, "I said, I want to find a way to treat you." His words made me not know how to open my mouth. That trace of resentment was shattered in this instant. ——When I knew the existence of this curse, I did have resentment towards my second uncle, and even took the killer Lin Sanshui talked about as my second uncle.Because what I did on the wishing wall at that time, my second uncle didn't stop me, and he even encouraged me to make a wish. I thought he was going to kill me.

"Second Uncle." I called out.

He nodded and said: "Don't say anything, this is a must for you to become an onmyoji. You must experience this curse before you can truly melt into this curse. Cursed people, I believe you should have guessed that this may be the biggest scam in the world, there is no free lunch, when they are unable to resist the curse, they will all be summoned in this way and come to the coffin."

"Then, do you want to find the exception?" I looked at the second uncle and said, many things were guesses before, but what the second uncle said was equivalent to confirmation.

"Yes, I will save you if I find someone who can not die. In addition to what you have to go through last time, I also have to go to these few people in Song Zhai, that young master, who is no better than you. The white hair on her body , It has even spread to the whole body." The second uncle said.

I felt like laughing when I heard that, damn it is retribution, it’s like you lost money, it hurts, but you suddenly find that someone you don’t like has also lost money, and it’s even worse than you There are a lot of them, and I am so heartless that I actually burst out laughing in an instant. This is really the best news I have heard in such a long time.I finally knew why my second uncle was with these people. It turned out that Song Zhai's young master had also been tricked, so coming here with my second uncle and the others could be regarded as saving myself.

The two of us chatted about other things for a while, and after a while, the second uncle suddenly said to me: "Don't get too close to these Japanese, I have to say that the Japanese are farther than us on this road. There are too many of them, and cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers.”

I nodded, and I was powerless to refute the second uncle, let alone explain that the old lady in Yamaguchi might really be doing it for her man, but after a while the second uncle said: "But there is nothing wrong with it." It’s ok, seek skin with a tiger, obey the fate, and do your best.”

"What did the Japanese study?!" I heard my second uncle say, and I became curious again.

"Nanjing Massacre, why did you kill so many people?" The second uncle glanced at me and stopped talking.I squatted next to him, Fatty and the others were looking at me, which made me very embarrassed. This is like betraying our original camp when I saw my second uncle, but what can I say?Can I say that only with my second uncle can I have an absolute sense of security?
"The second uncle, what happened to the man you got in the coffin?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe this is still a very wonderful deception. Everyone thinks that if you can resist the curse, you can survive, and if you can't bear it, you will become a servant of the devil, but I feel that if you can't bear it They are all gone, and only those who hold it can become demons, and demons are very harsh." The second uncle said.

I continued to be confused, but as soon as the second uncle opened the chatterbox, it was like opening a mobile encyclopedia. All the questions in my mind wanted to be unfolded at once. I wanted to ask, but the second uncle waved his hand to stop it. I, said: "I know what you want to ask, first of all I want to tell you that I don't know everything, I just know how to use my brain, but you don't, you are very smart, but you are too unconfident and too lazy , I am used to relying on others, I will tell you a way, in conclusion, all of these seem to be chaotic, but in fact there are still connections. When you think of these connections and find common ground, you have found the answer. For example, the famous mountain Bugs, why are they the same as those here? ——Also, don’t think of everything in an unsolvable direction. In this matter, the human element actually accounts for too much.”

"Chi You?!" After hearing what my second uncle said, I asked him immediately before he closed his eyes.

He glanced at me, smiled, and said, "I told you, you're very smart."

"Second uncle, answer my words, you are closing your eyes, the best detoxification must be the person who made the poison, right?" I looked at him and asked.

He closed his eyes, did not praise me this time, but still nodded, saying: "Believe in your own judgment, you will do the best, this is your era."

The second uncle closes his eyes is the best signal, indicating that he will not talk anymore, and I, like him, close my eyes and sort out my thoughts. It's not that I haven't thought about anything for so long , Second Uncle knows me too well, I think about it, but I don’t decide to continue thinking about it when I am in a bottleneck, I will give up when I am tired, and I am not even confident enough to reject myself when I clearly think of a reasonable answer Lose.

The two questions I asked my second uncle were all my previous guesses, but before, I didn't believe in myself so much.

Bugs, Gu worms, this is a thing that makes people think of Miao Jiang when they see it, and I checked a lot of information before, even secretly, and finally, it has something to do with Miao Jiang, It can be related to Chi You, because it is recorded in myths and legends that Chi You is the ancestor of the Miao people. He led people to attack the two emperors Yan and Huang in the Yellow River Basin in order to lead the people out of the harsh living environment.

Why do I think of Chi You, because in everything, what we experience will involve a person, Tu Bo, the king of ghosts.

In terms of pros and cons, our real opposite is a big devil, a big devil.

I had to think of Chi You, and even thought that Tubo, the ancestor of Ghost Dao, was actually Chi You. ——Winner and loser, Chi You is just a warrior for his people.

"The best detoxification must be the person who made the poison." This is my suspicion and guess earlier in the morning. Why was such a powerful bug in Mingshan, without fear of anything, but could be given by the herbs brought by Aza? Easy to subdue, what kind of herbal medicine is that, the appearance of Aza at that time, and the wisdom of Aza later, seem unreasonable.

I found out now, if according to the second uncle's words, plus all my own speculations are correct.

Aza's tribe is actually the operator who secretly manipulates everything, just like the chessboard Aza said, these bugs, the bugs guarding this mysterious space, are actually controlled by them.

They are branches of the Miao Jiang lineage and descendants of Chi You.

I remembered the words Meng Chang said: "We follow Tubo's last wish and wait for a certain day to come."

They are guardians.

(End of this chapter)

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